Better Ways to Build Friendship



Friendship is a meaningful and valuable relationship between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding, trust, and support. Friendships often develop when people share the same interests. Friends provide emotional support, companionships, and a sense of belonging.

Finding friendship has been an important aspect of life to divert individuals for centuries now. As we grow older, we realize the importance of surrounding ourselves with genuine and supportive friends who positively contribute to our growth.

If given the opportunity, there are few valuable advice I would offer my 20-year-old self, or anyone at that age, regarding friendships.

First of all I would advise my younger self to chose quality over quantity, yes you heard me "QUALITY OVER QUANTITY" when it comes to friendships. At the age of 20, individuals often fall into the trap of seeking evidence and fame by accumulating a large number of knowledge. However, is important to keep a few close and trust worthy friends rather than a multitude of individuals who contribute nothing in your life.

Genuine friendships require time, effort, and emotional investment. It is important to recognize that true friendships are built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding.

Instead of seeking popularity, it is of importance to focus on nurturing relationships with individuals who share common values and goals. Surrounding yourself with quality friendships promotes personal growth, emotional support, and overall well-being.

I would would advise my younger self to embrace differences within friendships. While it is natural to gravitate towards people who are similar to us in terms of background, interests, or personalities, it is equally important to be open-minded and embrace differences. By surrounding ourselves with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, we are exposed to certain ideas, and ways of thinking. This exposure helps us grow as individuals.

Manifold friendships also serve as a impetus for personal development, as we learn to appreciate and respect the unique strengths and differences that each person brings to the table

I would urge my younger self, or anyone else, to actively seek out friendships with individuals from different backgrounds, thereby enabling personal growth and an enriched perspective on life.

I would also remind my younger self that friendships,unlike relationship between the opposite sex, require constant effort and communication. A genuine friendship is not built overnight, and it certainly cannot thrive without regular and meaningful interaction. It is important to invest time and energy in building these relationships by being present, available, and supportive. Just as we expect our friends to be there for us during times of need, it is important to do the same.

So far communication has been the cornerstone of any successful friendship today. I have personally lose friends due to lack of communication.

I remember collecting an online loan about 4months back to the extend I was unable to payback, I summoned courage somehow to relate the issue to my friend because Fairmoney was already after my life to pay them back their money. Surprisingly my friend was there to help me out, even when I told him "Guy I go pay you back" he insisted and told me what are brothers for. Now you see friendship actually grew into siblings.

It is crucial to remember that true friendships withstand the test of time, distance, and life ups and downs when the foundation is builth with love, care, and constant communication.

In conclusion, if I were able to travel back in time and offer advice to my 20-year-old self, or any individual at that age, regarding friendships, I would emphasize the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity, embracing differences, and investing time and effort into communication.

These few principles of friendship formation would help guide me and anyone coming up towards building a healthy and long lasting friendship, promoting personal growth, emotional support, by using the above principles individuals can build a long lasting friendship.

While friendships can sometimes face challenges or conflicts, open and honest communication can help resolve issues and strengthen the bond. It is essential to be supportive, understanding, and forgiving in a friendship, as no one is perfect.

Overall, friendships is an important aspect of life, enriching our experiences and providing emotional support and companionship. Investing time and effort in building and maintaining friendships can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

N.B: The image used is mine.

Thanks For Reading


I really agree how forgiveness is really important in friendship because nobody is really perfect and we all have our flaws.
But then sometimes some actions of friends are even to tell you to just let go of that friendship


You're indeed right.
If by chance you tend to add value to my life I will cherish you so much.I will even go as far as apologizing even when you are at fault but if you're not adding anything to my life I will detach myself from you.
There's no two ways about it.


Quality over quantity, communication and effort is really important factors to consider when choosing friends.
We can have friends but if they are not chosen on certain criteria, we might end up not being impacted positively by them.


I completely agree! It's important to prioritize effective communication and make an effort to build meaningful connections.

By selecting friends based on certain criteria, we increase the chances of being positively influenced and supported by them.

Thanks for reading


As humans we aren't perfect so we need to be selective in whoever want to be our friend.

An adage says "show me your friend and I will tell you who you are". So we all need to be very careful with those we call friends so as not to be negatively impacted.


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