A Quest For Redemption...
William happens to be the fifth generation of the Clifford family in the police force and the generations before him were known to be reputable officers who served in the force…
A Teacher♡ a mother ♡adventurer ♡ ♡love to try new things ♡
William happens to be the fifth generation of the Clifford family in the police force and the generations before him were known to be reputable officers who served in the force…
I want to tell you what people sell at the Thai beach, there are food, drinks, clothes, shoes, speakers, and other stuff too.…
I'm very grateful! So it's been a week since I published the second post of the Silver Gold Stackers engagement…
Hello Hello Hivians and Wednesday Walkers It is bitterly cold infact it was minus 3 when I woke up at 5 this morning. It is not much warmer as I write this with a hot water…
I got a comment a few days ago about the token under the @liotes project that I run with @achim03... The question was typical crypto... "Wen Moon?"... As the project has run for…
Hello Hive Gardeners from near and far! It's @fantagira here. As many of you, Leo Gardeners know, I've been curating from…
Bitcoin ETF has been approved but still the price of BTC is falling because the instant impact cannot be seen in the market of this ETF approval. Spot EPF approval will bring…