Love or Money - I would go for both...


Hello everyone, I welcome you all once again to my blog and I am very excited to write and share my daily blog here in this community. It’s a pleasure to do that here and to support the growth of the hive blockchain at large. Today, I write to submit my entry to this week’s challenge and I will be writing about the first topic which is “LOVE or MONEY”. This is an interesting topic and I would like to share my view and also read the views of others as well.

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We all understand what these two words mean and I think I don’t have to explain or talk much about them before spitting out my views. Love as we all know is an affection between two individuals a male and a female or the same gender. As for money, a currency used for the exchange of goods and services. Coming back to the topic, I would say love and money are important in a marriage.

Having one of them without the other will bring a leakage into your marriage and the best way is to get the other one in place. But then I would say the most important one between the two is Love. I am saying this because without love marriage cannot happen and even if it does then it won’t last for long. We have seen marriages being collapsed every day here and there but then we have never asked what is the reason for that. A lot of them were because there was no love between the couples.

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Most ladies, nowadays go in for the money and nothing else, so once they are released there is no more money or the man doesn’t have money as he expected then divorce comes in which is very bad. These situations lead young ladies to marry the so-called Alhajis (old men) because they only need the money and nothing else.

Mind you, I don’t disagree that money shouldn’t be considered because sometimes the love would be there but then when there is no money to sustain that love becomes a problem and that can lead to divorce as well. On that note, I would say that money and love are important factors that should be considered when and before getting married.

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We have had a lot of these divorce stories every day, let’s try to make things right at once. Marriage is a responsibility and before we get into it, we should make sure we are financially and physically prepared to face whatever challenge that comes our way. We should also understand that marriage involves a lot of sacrifices and we should be willing and prepared for them when the time is due.

I want to end my talks here, leave your feedback in the comment section of this post and I will ensure I attend to them.
Thank you all for your time and attention. I am looking forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts. Have a nice day.

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This is a beautiful write up. Having one of the will surely bring leakage to marriage. Thanks for sharing


It's just sad that this world is corrupted by Money and every one wants to feel safe. Most times having money brings a sense of security


Divorces do not often happen for the lack of money neither the lack of love. It's just that couple's tend to rush into this institute these days without proper knowledge of themselves and the long journey ahead. It takes kindness, and as you mentioned, sacrifice to at least keep a home going.


Very true
These two connect
To reduce tension and stresss
It's very okay to consider both


Settling for just money could be disaster in marriage. Also love alone don't sustain marriage and therefore a balance of the two is preferable. Thanks for sharing your thought @abu78



@abu78! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (2/20)
