Hive Goals for the New Year - My Entry Link


Hello everyone, I welcome you all once again to my blog and I am very excited to write and participate in this week’s prompt. It’s been a while since I participated in the weekly prompt and I am thrilled to be a participant in this week. Today I will tackle the second topic, "HIVE GOALS FOR THE NEW YEAR”.

Last year wasn't that bad at least, I had a good experience and also a nice blogging journey along the way. Last year, I didn't actually have a goal before the year started and that was because I was a newbie as at then. Although, with no goals set for that year, I will say I have achieved more than enough. I have been

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From the image uploaded above, we can see a summary of my recap for the 2023 year on the Hive blockchain. I have been able to hit the 70 mark reputation which everyone knows that it is very difficult to achieve on the Hive blockchain without much hard work and dedication. Also, we can see from the image that I have been able to claim 2159 HP from my posts and similarly, 125 HBD claimed as well.

I never thought I had written many posts like that but today I see that I have written 282 posts in the last year which I think it's not bad. The number of Power-ups I am seeing here is a bit amazing to me because I have done more than that. When it comes to vlogging I have 23 videos in total published on the Hive blockchain. Commenting is one thing I love doing most and for that one, I made 6242 comments last year and I think it's fair enough. I do reply to comments that I receive on my posts and also replies I get from commenting as well and this makes it more engaging.

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My favorite 3 communities for last year were LeoFinance, StemSocial, and Splinterlands. I used to write a lot of finance and crypto-related articles in the LeoFinance community and my science-related articles were also published in the StemSocial community as well.

Thank you all for your time and attention. I am looking forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts. Have a nice day. With the Splinterlands community, I used to publish my weekly Splinterlands challenge entries there every week and that was when I joined the Splinterlands game.

This is just a brief recap of my last year's goals and as for my goals for next year, I aim to write at least one article per day so I can earn the Yearly posting badge on the Hive blockchain this year. I target to reach the 75 reputation mark and also pass 5K HP as well.

There are some more goals I said earlier in this post I made earlier and I would leave the post link here.

Thank you all for your time and attention and I am looking forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's amazing what you've achieved in a year, considering it was just your first year. I can already tell that you are going to multiply what you have now by the end of this year. All the best


Not me saying I will do better this year to improve my hive account
But good luck to you
You've done well👍


You can improve your reporting in 2024 patiently by practicing your excellent skills which is really not impossible. Your efforts will enable you to reach your goals. Wishing you and your family always the opportunity to spend beautiful healthy days to create
