Mr “One Day” Driver.

Driving has always been every male child's dream. Same way giving birth and taking care of babies have always been most female child dreams. I remember times when my sister cried so much because she lost her baby doll. She has a lot of them. But there is one that she cherished so much because the doll had hair she could plait, and also put on clothes for it.

On the other hand, what my brother and I have always craved is to get a moving toy. Be it a toy car, plane, or motorcycle, in as much as it’s movable, we are good to go.

There was a toy car grandma bought for me when I was a kid. It was expensive and I know. The car has the features to open and lock the door, you see the statue drivers inside it. I love the car so much.

All we could see then was to be in control of a car, I wished I could grow up so quickly and own a car. Driving gives joy when you are not the one driving.

I also remembered times as African kids, when we had to ride on motorcycle tires all around the compound. Our parents never allowed us to roam the streets. But we had fun indoors too. My sister never liked riding with us, but my brother and I would continue riding and in the imagination on the road controlling a car.

A Lot of child play then. I also remember some time when I would love to check on Dad’s speedometer level whenever we were traveling. I will check on how many kilometres per hour he keeps his pace. Dad is a good driver. I hope someday I will grow to be a good driver like him too.

Time flew, we are already grown-up guys. One day Dad called us to get in the car, he would be teaching us how to drive a car that day. I was in the back seat while he was tutoring my brother on the basics of driving an automatic drive from a manual drive.

My brother with full confidence drove the car perfectly well. I was blushing and laughing in the back seat till it was my turn, then my heart skipped. I sat in the driver's seat, got my hands on the steering wheel, and listened to all Dad was saying. But nothing was entering my ear, all I wanted was the vehicle in motion. Then I had to kick start and then take my feet off the brake and start accelerating gradually.

It was fun driving on a straight path. All I did was hold the steering and tilt it a little. The car was just moving. I thought I conquered my fears not until i got to a route where I had to turn. I never mastered turning, my brother did it swiftly so I thought it was something I could do since I could do that on a bicycle.

Dad immediately helped me with the steering when my hands were shaking. He turned and then left me to continue which I did. It was a straight path again. There was no problem till we got another one and Dad asked me to do it myself. I was scared and never knew how to handle it.

I did the second turn by the grace of God. When it was the last turn I calculated. Then I had to turn in from a one-way road. It was kind of a sharp turn, before we even got to the turning, I already turned the wheel and almost hit some ladies by the roadside.

Dad slapped my face immediately and took the steering wheel from me till we got to where to park. I couldn’t believe I almost had an accident on my first experience. After That incident, I made up my mind not to learn to drive from dad again. I better go learn from a driving school.

Here is my response to the #JuneInleo prompt day 6 You can check out more HERE



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Sometimes learning from our relatives especially the elderly ones does not work except you are able to take all the "gbas gbos" 😁
