I can’t sacrifice myself for peace ✌️.

After reading the topic or prompt for the day I just went back to sleep for about three hours straight. This is because I love myself so much and I wouldn't say I like stressing myself, so when I wake up then I have the time to think about whether I should sacrifice myself for peace or not.

Jokes apart, this topic is a wide one, and we all see it from different angles. The way you might see your sacrifice for peace might be different from mine.

This topic brought back old memories of the END SARS protest. I remembered how bad the country was back then. A lot of people fell and some rose. This was the sacrifice they had to make for peace.

The country police and other security agencies were strictly harassing and embarrassing civilians in the name of fraudulent activities. Once you dress nice or flashy and you have an iPhone on you or a car, you will be stopped and harassed, not only that but sometimes you might even get detained to prove that you are not into fraud.

It wasn’t that much at the beginning, but over time it became worse to the extent that they kept bursting into hostels and ransacking properties to be bailed in stations. This won't be ending anytime soon. The citizens of the country were tired and frustrated. The government couldn’t handle this as they wanted.

The worst experience I had with those guys was when I was traveling with my dad and my siblings. They stopped my dad and asked him to park for checking. There is nothing wrong with the way we dressed or the car he drove. Then the next thing they requested was our phones. The police asked me to unlock my phone which I did, he tried navigating my phone but couldn’t get anywhere. Then he returned it to me.

All of these are what come together to make some people gang together for a peaceful protest, and this protest becomes a bloodbath. Many of them there weren’t prepared or planned for. A lot of youths met their demise over this protest and they were known to be fallen heroes.

They achieved their goals but at the expense of their lives. They paid their lives as a sacrifice for peace. We appreciate their efforts and we remain grateful. But how about their loved ones? What would their reactions look like? What would the homes of those who stood a father figure to their kids look like?

How about those that are kids to their parents? How about the kids that turned orphans due to all of these incidents? None of them saw it coming.

It is said that the best gift we can give to our loved ones is to stay alive and healthy. Once we are gone we are no more. This is more of a reason why I find it hard even to join the army. It's all about sacrificing oneself for the peace of others.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 123 Edition 2 and the topic to be discussed is ALL FOR PEACE

Header is from Pixabay


0.01445024 BEE

Come to think of it, if we should sacrifice our lives how will the ones we call family feels? Just like you have said, I too can't even think of sacrificing my life oh...let's suffer the suffer together 🤣

0E-8 BEE

Come to think of it, if we should sacrifice our lives how will the ones we call family feels? Just like you have said, I too can't even think of sacrificing my life oh...let's suffer the suffer together 🤣

0E-8 BEE

It's indeed difficult to sacrifice one self for the good of the world with how terrible we humans are, the end sars is a good example to site and we can only hope the world gets better naturally.

0E-8 BEE

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