Why the expression "Third World" under capitalism and socialism?

The rapid pace of change in our contemporary world is not evidenced by the rapid development of expressions that are commonly used in everyday language, but rather in the scientific language itself. This is because the language, according to the expression that has become almost vulgar, is a living, evolved organism, and the basis for its development is to be an expression of the ever-renewing reality within which the language enters, and it is certain that the rate of use of new expressions and terms in the language has greatly increased rapidly. In recent decades, in keeping with the ever-changing conditions unceasingly occurring in people's lives, yet it seems that the human mind.

In his eagerness to put new labels for the changing realities of the world, he was not in any case able to define the meaning of these labels accurately, so that his effort was focused on renewing his linguistic output more than on finding an accurate definition of the vocabulary and expressions of this new language, leaving this task to What appears to be the passage of time, the prevalence of usage, and the minds spontaneously selecting and excluding, which ultimately leads to the association of every word and expression with a specific domain with a reasonable degree of accuracy from the fields of meaning.

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The term "third world"

If we look at the expression “Third World”, we will find that it dates back to a recent period, perhaps the early fifties of this century. I don’t think anyone used this expression during or before World War II, and it was the period of rapid and large-scale liberation of colonial or semi-colonial countries in the first sixties In particular, it was she who created a new reality that necessitated the use of an expression that applies to that new class of countries which for the first time became a self-aware entity and had an existence that imposes itself on the scene of world events.

However, despite its rapid spread, the designation “Third World” was and still lacks a definition of meaning and clarity of meaning, and it seems that the expression was used at first as a convenient means to denote a group of countries and societies whose conditions vary greatly, and then its popularity and repetition led to its confirmation in an unimaginable way. It is possible with it to reconsider it, especially since this reconsideration will raise complex problems that all hide behind this loose expression. Nevertheless, serious research on the conditions of the “Third World” and especially in the cultural field necessitates that we stop a little at these problems, which can That its depth leads to shedding more light on the conditions of the societies that this article presents as one of its complex problems.

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Socialism and capitalism

The first thing that draws attention to the term “third world” is this “third world”; Every third comes after the first and the second, so what are the first and second in this case? There is no doubt that what is meant here is the two main social systems in the world today, I mean socialism and capitalism, and here the name “third world” takes on a meaning full of significance. Realistic? There is, in principle, a theoretical problem around the possibility of taking this “third way.” Is it possible in today’s world to find a path other than socialism and non-capitalism?

However, the term “Third World” is not only used to refer to social systems, but it is also used in a civilized sense, and may sometimes be used in an racist sense; It mainly applies to non-European countries, with evidence that a country like Greece is not included in the third world, although in terms of its level of development it is not higher than many countries of this world, but the situation becomes more complicated if we realize that this name is applied to the countries of Latin America, despite the fact that Its current civilization is an extension of European civilization in general or Latin in particular. Does this mean that economic and social development is the basis for this label? Here, too, other problems arise.

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