What if supervision is absent?


Today we hear a lot about oversight and accountability, but hardly anything about development. Our society is in turmoil, and a culture of anger spread in it due to poor performance in many sectors, although many sectors, on the other hand, have significantly improved their performance. Decades ago, the public sector was, in general, distinguished in its performance, efficient, agile, competently performing the tasks required of it, and enjoying a high degree of quality. With the passage of years, it deteriorated, for known reasons, and became one of our concerns, and it became a burden on us.

What do we do about this unpleasant reality? We usually do two things. The first is that we grumble, lament our luck, and curse the darkness, instead of looking for solutions and lighting candles. This is the easiest. It is a thousand times easier to complain, criticize, and blame others than face reality, take the initiative, and look for practical solutions.

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Easier said than done

As for the other, it is embodied in the call for censorship, accountability and punishment. This is also easier than addressing problems and making plans to solve them. We do not want to appear as if we are underestimating the importance of oversight work or accountability and punishment, as these are important matters and it is very natural for societies to resort to. But limiting the blame, criticism, and waving the stick does not solve the problems alone. Rather, it must be preceded or paralleled by another important work, which is to address the problems and address them, through proactive, remedial and developmental actions. In fact, everything in this life needs to be developed and maintained.

you build a building, you make a road, you make a factory, you set up an order; After a period of time has elapsed, you find the building, road, factory, or system in dire need of maintenance, restoration, repair and development. This is the year of life. But the main problem in our society is that we establish, build and open projects, but we neglect the issue of maintenance, sustainability and development. Our institutions sag, their performance deteriorates, and they crumble before our eyes, without moving a finger. Then we start complaining and criticizing, then we threaten and threaten and demand more oversight and punishment. As if the camels are like this. The basic principle is that any project, plan, or action must be reversed if it is not maintained, supported, developed or sustained. I

Hence, we have to focus on sustainability plans, continuous development plans, and plans to improve and improve performance, before - or at least in parallel - talking about accounting and control. Our society needs balanced rational thinking, and solid development plans; Not to agitation, fiery speeches, threats and waving the stick whenever an error occurs or a problem occurs to us, as a result of our neglect of maintenance, development, maintenance or management. Psychologists confirm that the worst decisions are made in a state of emotion or anger. The equation, then, should be: development, then oversight and accountability.

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