How to change your vote weight on tribes

Now that LeoDex is not around, a few people have been asking how to adjust their vote weight on tribes like LEO so they can vote a higher percentage than their Hive vote. This is done so they can avoid wasting voting power for tribe tokens.

There currently is not an interface to do this, but it is a simple custom json operation. I'm going to walk you through the simpliest way to make this change so you can do it immediately without waiting for an user interface.

This trick requires you to have Hive Keychain installed.


  1. Go to any Hive website, like
  2. Hit F12 to open up dev console.
  3. Make sure you have console selected, this is where we can type in commands.
  4. Type var json = {"symbol": "LEO", "vote_weight_multiplier": 4} replacing LEO with the tribe token you want to modify and 4 with the additional weight you want to apply. 4 will apply 400% vote weight, so a 25% hive vote becomes 100% LEO vote. This step will not do anything immediately, we are just setting a variable with some JSON data.
  5. Type hive_keychain.requestCustomJson('MYUSERNAME', 'scot_set_vote', 'Posting', JSON.stringify(json), 'Update Vote Weight', console.log) replacing "MYUSERNAME" with your username you want to affect.
  6. Say ok to the prompt.

That's it! You just broadcasted a custom json.

You can visit to see your broadcast operation.

You can visit to see if the change has taken affect. At the very end of the data you will see this:

Within about 30 seconds, it should reflect your choice above.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

1.18928837 BEE

After setting this, if you voted for a LEO post with >25% weight, wouldn't the LEO tribe vote be invalidated?

0.00000869 BEE

No, I believe how it works is when you make a vote, and the scot bot indexer looks to see if it is a tribe, it will use this to adjust the vote given on the tribe side. After the vote has been done, it won't know anything about this parameter unless you change your vote.

0.00000998 BEE

big movement in your wallet: 15 minutes ago Transfer 20002.538 HIVE to ipromote

0E-8 BEE

For whales, this feature is for sure useful.
Thank you!
It will come in handy soon))))

0.00000395 BEE

Hive is a unique platform. It has incredible capabilities for folks as can use them.

0.00000206 BEE

Yeah, I've had the opportunity to see that on more than one occasion.

0.00000208 BEE

Thanks for this useful tip!
!discovery 25
@tipu curate

0.00000207 BEE
0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

yo I've actually needed this and is a reason why i delegate my leo out instead of voting with both, interesting. will have to test at some point

0.00000205 BEE

Ideally you use a dedicated account, it's just easier that way, but this is a viable alternative but not as efficient in all cases.

0.00000204 BEE

This is a concise explanation of how to use an extremely powerful tool on Hive.


0.00000205 BEE

Thank you. Been looking for this for a bit now.

0.00000205 BEE

Ah, very useful. I have no idea about json, so this is well outside of my wheelhouse. Thank you, Marky!

0.00000206 BEE

The best way to change the multiplier was in Leodex (and I use it a lot like 3 years ago)... Which is not possible these days due to the Leodex is not working...

0.00000206 BEE

I’d surely give this a try

0.00000206 BEE

Cool trick, but I think frontends or hive keychain should provide this setting in a more user friendly way.

0.00000204 BEE

i loved the tip! i didn't know it was possible to execute actions directly in the frontend console... does that mean i can create account creation tokens, stake and unstake and all actions this way using the correct hived code?

Thanks for sharing this!

0.00000204 BEE

Super cool trick! Also, this is permanent, right? Noob question surely, but I had to ask it to be sure 😅

0.00000204 BEE

Yes until you change it. But it is per tribe so you need to set it for each tribe specifically.

0.00005714 BEE

Awesome, thanks! While waiting for a more user-friendly way to do it, your solution is a great way to get the job done :)

0.00000203 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Its good trick. Before we were using other UI, It is also better. Thank you.

0E-8 BEE

IS there a place/ a way to know all the tokens you can add a voting multiplier

0E-8 BEE

Any tribe token should support it but most tribes are dead at this point.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, lot of things are dead but i don't vote enough to use all my VP on all the tribe tokens so i will set a multiplier to use a bit more of the VP daily. It's a cool bonus though.
There is still a bunch of tribes alive or with worthy token like alive or bee or leo, but i delegate my leo to @meowcurator because they add compound delegation rewards and it's cool even if not the biggest apr

0E-8 BEE

Btw it isn't working :
var json = {"symbol": "PGM", "vote_weight_multiplier": 4}
hive_keychain.requestCustomJson('MEMESS', 'scot_set_vote', 'Posting', JSON.stringify(json), 'Update Vote Weight', console.log
VM640:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

like what i am supposed to do?

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE