It is not new that gambling, betting, and similar activities are part of society. This type of activity has endured for many centuries and continues to deceive people. Yes…
image source I was once that guy who was introduced to gambling by his friends when he was in his final year in secondary school. I gambled…
See, the gambling market is very big and it is not that it is happening only these days, it has been going on for decades. Earlier the games were played differently and the way…
I've always believed in God, luck and chances, they kinda go together in many instances. The phrase where they say "Opportunity when it meets preparedness is a blessing" has…
The dangers and repercussions of gambling and betting aren't a new thing. Again, given its widespread recognition and participation amongst people around the world, we've come to…
Before I start saying that gambling/betting is wrong or not, I recall when I was a child, my friends and I would usually agree to give the fastest walker a certain about of money…
Gambling is always a game of chance or luck. It is an act of betting money or…
Should I say that it is not a good thing to indulge oneself in betting? Or I say it's a good thing and should be encouraged. From my…
Ah!!! Just one number. I would have won the money. Ah!!! Assuming Ronaldo was in that match, Chelsea would have won the match. Oh!!I should have put big money on this game. I…
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