At the end of autumn he decided to get acquainted with Cyprus, and at the same time get acquainted with local marathons and where they take place. It turned out that during the year in Cyprus, four marathons are held in cities such as Nicosia, Limassol, Paphos, and Larnaca:
Nicosia Marathon

- Official name: Nicosia Marathon
- Venue: Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Distances: 42, 21, 10 km.
- Entry fee: -
- Date: February 6
- Covering: asphalt
- Website: nicosiamarathon.cy
- Certification: -
Limassol Marathon

- Official name: Limassol Marathon
- Venue: Limassol (Cyprus)
- Distances: 42, 21, 10 km.
- Entry fee: -
- Date: March 20
- Covering: asphalt
- Website: limassolmarathon.com
- Certification: -
Cyprus Marathon

- Official name: Cyprus Marathon
- Venue: Paphos (Cyprus)
- Distances: 42, 21, 10 km.
- Entry fee: -
- Date: March
- Covering: asphalt
- Website: logicomcyprusmarathon.com
- Certification: -
Larnaka Marathon

- Official name: Larnaka Marathon
- Venue: Larnaca (Cyprus)
- Distances: 42, 21, 10 km.
- Entry fee: -
- Date: October
- Covering: asphalt
- Website: larnakamarathon.com
- Certification: -