Dissecting a Complicated Answer

I don't normally make political posts, but this one is too rich to pass up. In a 60 minute interview, Kamala Harris gave a response that was difficult to understand. I want to dissect her answer to figure out what exactly she was saying. Click on the link to hear the unedited comment and answer:



"But it seems that Prime Minister Netenyahu is not listening."


"Well Bill,
the work that we have done
has resulted in a number of
movements in that region by Israel
that were
very much
prompted by
or a result of
many things including
our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region."

Clear as Mud

"Well Bill" refers to the invoice that the Kamala campaign is going to issue as punishment for not delivering only soft-ball questions.

"the work we have done" is all the blood sweat and tears put into making Kamala look intelligent and competant for the presidency.

"has resulted in a number of" completed ballots that have been pre-printed, ready to go for Kamala, never mind that RFK JR is still on it, because they were printed BEFORE he endorsed Trump and dropped out... oops. Nevermind that, on with the show.

"movements in that region by Israel" are the protests against Netenyahu

"that were... very much... prompted by... or a result of... many things including" I have no idea what this string of phrases are supposed to mean. Thirteen words strung together saying NOTHING.

"our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region." Ok, this is her point (I think). The followup should be "what needs to happen in the region?" or "What is it that we are advocating for?" But no. After that word SPAGHETTI, I can understand the difficulty of trying to even comprehend this collection of words let alone the difficulty of coming up with a reasonable followup question.

Magic Words

Kamala managed to use some magic words and phrases like "work that" and "resulted in" and "movements in" and "prompted by" and "result of" and the grand finale "our advocacy".

Wow. Advocacy, what a beautiful and smart word. OUR advocacy. Sort of like the significance of the passage of time. Or what can be, unburdened by what has been. So deep and profound.

The main-stream media will ensure that she is UNBURDENED by what this interview has been. It was a disaster.

It's Like Modern Art, Nobody Actually Likes It

These words are like modern art. You can only appreciate it if your nod your head and say "oh, yes, very expressive and deep", while ignoring the offense to your eyes and brain. If everyone around you also nods and comments positive remarks concerning this "art", then everyone can agree, it's beautiful, strong, persuasive, intelligent, and masterful.

Unfortunately for those who actually listen, none of these attributes can honestly be attributed to this verbal work of "modern art". It's a train wreck and anyone who is sincere in their assessment will admit this. While everyone else looks silly nodding their heads admiring this offensive piece of work, people who are truthful will say "the Empress has no chance to win with this disaster of an interview."

Question is, how many people will keep up this charade of approval and admiration, when it's clear there's not much there to admire?

"Our advocacy" what stunningly intelligent words, for our first (soon to be) woman president.

God forbid, God help us all.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SEVEN wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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0.94757549 BEE

This is comical and it's coming from such big and important politician 😂

0.00335706 BEE

They think we're stupid and can't think beyond superficial sound bites and celebrity endorsements. !BBH

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I ignore politics. Nothing is organic - it's all scripted to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where the owners of the for-profit corporations called "governments" want Us. All "canididates" are chosen by the owners, who hold the "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say.

They "count" the "votes" and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed - as CEO (president), and all other officers).

I work to co-create vastly better than psychopaths owning Us (by virtue of Us "registering" to "vote." (Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.)

I see so much better. A society of Ethical sovereigns.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical-sovereigns

0.00297706 BEE

Nothing is organic

I agree, nothing is completely organic. There is a lot of manipulation placed on people to steer their behavior

Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state

This is an interesting concept, however it seems there are many instances where we "register" and the "registrar" is not given ownership. Is there something unique about voter registration that makes it different from other registrations?

registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state

Most parents have "registered" their children for school, so the state-sponsored school system already owns most people, regardless of if they're registered to vote or not.

0E-8 BEE

But... None of it was consented to, fully informed. Yes, parents give Their children to the state, and that is why the state can (legally but not Ethically) take Them away for any "reason." But without fully informed consent, such shenanigans are null and void when We withdraw Our consent. Ethically, no One owns another without Their fully informed consent.

The "state" is a ghastly thing. No One has "authority" over anOther. I cannot give Joe Blow "authority" to go arrest You for collecting rain water. Or whatever. I cannot consent to this unEthical arrangement, and I do not.

I stand on Ethical ground - way above the legal sewer!

~Ethical Ground.png


We are indoctrinated from birth and managed through media, the world stage. (Literally, stage. The Ones who write the scripts, cast the actors We see, and direct from the wings, We never see. Nothing on that stage is organic.)

And so indoctrinated, We accept the psychopath-owned and operated legal/governmental system, and even believe We have a say by "voting." We don't. But if We persist in consenting, despite not being fully informed...

The psychopaths in control on Our planet will continue to abuse Humanity, the participatory audience, enabled by the money system.

~Money Promotes Psychopaths 2.png

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain-control

What's Really Going On.png

What's Really Going On - War.png

What's Really Going On Virus.png

What's Really Going On Zel.png

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I would love to have you dissect my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction... I'll be posting a very Simple version later on today...

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