Spend some time in nature

how are you all Hope everyone is doing very well. I am also very well with God's blessings.

I welcome you all to a new blog today. In today's blog I will share with you something about spending some time in nature. About two months ago I went to a place roughly twelve kilometers away from our home. The name of the place is Subhash Nagar, it is located near Nilganj. I went there for no reason, it's not like that. We had bought a place there and went with the intention of visiting that place. That day, after eating and drinking at noon, I took some rest and hired an Uber Toto to see that place with the whole family.

After going to the place where our land was bought in Subhash Nagar, we spent some time to see the surrounding areas well and left there. A short walk out of there is a large field with a large lake next to it, overall a great environment. We go to that place to spend some time with all the family. Even if it's not a long time, like twenty minutes in such a beautiful environment, the mind also gets better. In that beautiful environment, we all come and talk a lot, without looking at the green nature around. A different peace is felt when you go to such a beautiful environment. The atmosphere was so beautiful, I didn't want to come from there, but we had other work to do, so we enjoyed some time and went out for our work.

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