Playing with AI art - Do you hear what I hear? Time to play with words!


Let's work with a key element known to Brighton and see if we can play around with enhancing it to our favour. Our last experiment showed us that it's all in the details and the more specific we are with what we need the generator to do, in some instances, it listens. So let's give it a run for it's money and get more descriptive, listen up, AI!

Source image

This was the source image

images (2).jpg

Image 1

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, make it feel more grunge-like without losing on the colour, and really highlight the key elements in the picture
Style - default

Great job on adding the graffiti and elevating the urban pitch. The i360 just looks like it's some sort of UFO lit on fire. Perhaps it's because I asked it to highlight the key elements in the pic, it literally highlighted it by blowing it up in flames!

Image 2

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, make it feel more grunge-like without losing on the colour, and really highlight the key elements in the picture
Style - Ghibli Studio


I was happy with the verbiage and interested to see it in a different style before tampering with it. Looks like our good friend Ghibli has brought back our hand drawn element, but it's compromised the graffiti effect. Does it still feel urban? Falling into the disney-feel with the clouds, so perhaps not so much....

Image 3

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, make it feel more grunge-like without losing on the colour, and really highlight the key elements in the picture
Style - Fantasy 3D


Final shot with the same text to see if the Fantasy style can change things up, but it's pretty much done exactly what you would expect it to do with Fantasy. It's made it into a scene fresh out of the Final Fantasy video game. It's lost all it's colour and turned it more futuristic than urban.

Image 4

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, add more colour to the image, but make it look grungy and dirty. add elements to the pole to make it more rough and urban.
Style - default


Trying to keep the specificity of the text to tell it exactly what to do. Asking it to add colour really helped and makes me think if for previous tests I should have asked it to add colour so that it could still keep the urban vibe without muting everything to make it look grungier.

Image 5

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, add more colour to the image, but make it look grungy and dirty. add elements to the pole to make it more rough and urban.
Style - Ghibli Studio


The last one was definitely my fave so far, but wanted to add the sketch element back, so thought I'd give Ghibli a stab at it. Interestingly, it hasn't added as much colour as the default try, but it has kept that 'run-down' look, so I am still getting the urban vibe, but a bit more post-apocalyptic. And it hasn't turned it into a sketch as much as I had hoped, perhaps because the details are so far away....

Image 6

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, add more colour to the image, but make it look grungy and dirty. add elements to the pole to make it more rough and urban.
Style - sketch


Interested to see if Sketch automatically turns it into black and white, even when I ask it to add colour in the text. And it worked! Switching this up to be my new fave, it's definitely the most urban-feeling and keeps that hand sketched element that works really well with the overall vibe we're trying to achieve.

Image 7

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, add more colour to the image, but make it look grungy and dirty. add elements to the pole to make it more rough and urban.
Style - Cartoon


The last one worked out so well, I got greedy with keeping the text and having a gamble with cartooning it up! And now we've gone completely rogue and it's decided to transform the i360 into a home and add some cable lines to it. I do like how this one has still kept the graffiti look and feel even thought it's trying to make it look cartoony, at least we now know that cartoon doesn't automatically mean Disney!

Image 8

Text - add graffiti to the buildings, add more colour to the image, add more details to the image, add people that are urban and cool, make the main pole structure more interesting
Style - default


Let's get specific and detailed! I like this one, it has matched most of the brief, although I don't see people in it. But the added colour works really well and this is much more believable of an urban sketch effect than any of the others. Happy to wrap up with this one!


This was a great test of details and focus on text. The image itself was quite limited on detail, which makes me think if that will affect the outcome. If you have a less detailed image and ask it to add more detail, will it listen and work better to achieve the outcome you want, versus an image that has too much detail and it doesn't know what to even begin to work with?

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1.77847492 BEE

These tools are interesting, but they still can't replace an artist if you want really specific results. I assume that's a local view for you.

0.00061535 BEE

I agree we are doing this to make album covers as part of a mixed media project, using AI as only part of the process that will include photography and drawing on top, will be interesting how it comes out!

0.00001218 BEE

It can be a replacement for some stock art. I see a lot of people who are really against all the 'AI' image and text generation, but it's not going away and will only improve. There are issues about the energy it uses.

As someone said, I don't want machines to make art so I can do the dishes and ironing. It should be the other way around.

0.00060547 BEE

Nice! I love playing with AI art, it's a blast. Great job!

0.00038569 BEE

@stickupboys! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (6/50)

0E-8 BEE

It is definitely fun and also an art form to get what you want!

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I have written a few books in the past and always had a problem coming up with good images ( I can't draw!). With the advent of AI I thought, "Aha! Problem solved". Then I started reading about copyright issues. Apparently, AI generators use a vast library of existing images to 'create' an 'original' image. See here, from Harvard Business Review.

I still think I can use generative art, but I would probably have to make it my own...modify the AI image so that is it uniquely mine. I guess :)

Have to learn more about it. Such a tempting opportunity. After all, the images I will provide will not be the essential part of the book. That would be my writing. They would just augment my prose, so I don't think they would take away from the fact that the book would be my own work. This would be a lot like what you are planning to do with the covers, I think. AI isn't making your music. It's just dressing.

0E-8 BEE

Ye I hear what you are saying. I think using it as part of a mixed medium art piece is the thing, if you feed it your own images then they are yours....then playing with it later means it is just another tool. AI generation of art or music or film...well thats a whole new ball game!

0E-8 BEE