[ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #27 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!





A few days ago, we jointly launched the “CCD Repurchase & Burn” initiative. As usual, here is the daily progress report.

Short Report:

The liquid payout for article #20 of this campaign was 1.096 HBD. After the exchange and swap, this became 2.301 SWAP.HIVE. This means that the ‘CCD Repurchase & Burn’ campaign has already generated 139.724 SWAP.HIVE.

Over the past day, 1,774.95372719 CCD have been added to @ccceo.market's HE wallet through purchase offers from @ccceo.market.

After a conversation with Hive-Witness @atexoras.witness, I am adapting the procedure for today. During the conversation, I received a few suggestions on how to proceed, as well as further insights into the mechanisms of diesel pools and the HE market. I have taken this as a suggestion and am adapting my approach for today and the coming days.

If you still have a free witness vote, then @atexoras.witness (from @forykw) truly deserves it. He has been supporting CryptoCompany for almost 2 years. Not only CryptoCompany, but also numerous other Hive projects expertly and with goodwill for all of our blockchain. Other Hive witnesses also deserve a vote. However, @atexoras.witness is the only one I can really recommend from personal experience, as I have already been able to convince myself of his support for the blockchain on numerous occasions. So please check whether you still have a witness vote left - or whether you would like to deduct it somewhere from someone you don't really know. I'm always cautious with recommendations, but I recommend @atexoras.witness without restrictions. Thank you for your vote and your support of a witness who takes his job seriously.

Accordingly, I did not swap SWAP.HIVE in the pool today, but bought sell orders directly from the HE market. For 2.301 SWAP. HIVE I then received 5,798.59886094 CCD.

All in all, we were able to collect 7,573.55258813 CCD today and are at a total of 291,645.48003065 CCD within this action.

The CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool currently contains (rounded) 4,534,322 CCD (yesterday 5,194,066, the day before yesterday 5,204,411) and 1,805 SWAP.HIVE (yesterday 2,071, the day before yesterday 2,065). The CCD:ATX Diesel Pool contains (rounded) a further 1,406,082 CCDs (yesterday 1,411,738, the day before yesterday 1,366,645).

One more comment on the paragraph above: 659,744 CCD and 266 SWAP.HIVE less in the CCD:SWAP.HIVE diesel pool within one day? Yes, I already saw this movement a few hours ago. I'll stop with the new events here in this article, but I'll deal with them further immediately after publication here and you'll read about them in the next article. (To be more precise: not until the next one, as I will be publishing the article for the LMAC community first).

“CCD Repurchase & Burn” quickly explained:

If you missed the start of the campaign and the explanation of the content, I recommend reading the introductory post. But here's a quick run-through of everything:

Every day there is a new ‘CCD Repurchase & Burn’ article. The liquid rewards of each article are used by @ccceo.market to create a buy offer for CCD tokens, which is priced slightly above the current buy requests; but also to serve sell offers. Purchased CCD are burnt and thus withdrawn from the market.

One more word of thanks!

I would like to thank all the supporters of CryptoCompany and especially the voters of the 'CCD Repurchase & Burn' articles! Thank you very much! You are actively helping to bring the CCD to the price and value it deserves. I promise: I am working on further value-adding campaigns and adjustments. For you and your CryptoCompany.


Vor einigen Tagen haben wir gemeinsam die Initiative „CCD Repurchase & Burn“ ins Leben gerufen. Hier folgt wie üblich der tägliche Fortschrittsbericht.

Kurzer Bericht:

Für den Artikel #20 dieser Kampagne lag der flüssige Payout bei 1,096 HBD. Daraus sind nach dem Umtausch und Swap 2,301 SWAP.HIVE geworden. Somit hat die "CCD Repurchase & Burn" Kampagne bereits 139,724 SWAP.HIVE eingebracht.

Im Laufe des vergangenen Tages sind 1.774,95372719 CCD durch Kauf-Angebote von @ccceo.market ins HE-Wallet von @ccceo.market gekommen.

Nach einem Gespräch mit Hive-Witness @atexoras.witness, adaptiere ich die Vorgehensweise für heute. Im Gespräch habe ich ein paar Anregungen über die weitere Vorgehensweise, wie aber auch weitere Erkenntnisse über Mechanismen von Diesel-Pools und dem HE-Markt erhalten. Dies habe ich als Anregung genommen und adaptiere meine Vorgehensweise heute und die kommenden Tage.

Wenn Du noch ein Witness-Vote frei hast, dann hat es @atexoras.witness (von @forykw) wahrlich verdient. Seit fast 2 Jahren unterstützt er CryptoCompany. Nicht nur CryptoCompany, sondern auch zahlreiche andere Hive-Projekte fachkundig und mit Wohlwollen für unser aller Blockchain. Auch andere Hive-Witnesse haben ein Vote verdient. Von @atexoras.witness ist jedoch der Einzige, den ich aus persönlicher Erfahrung wirklich empfehlen kann, da ich mich von seinem Support für die Blockchain bereits zahlreich überzeugen konnte. Prüfe also doch bitte mal, ob Du noch ein Witness-Vote übrig hast - oder ob Du es irgendwo abziehen magst von jemandem, den oder dessen Wirken Du nicht wirklich kennst. Ich bin immer vorsichtig mit Empfehlungen; für @atexoras.witness kann ich mich aber uneingeschränkt aussprechen. Danke für dein Vote und deine Unterstützung eines Witness, der seinen Auftrag ernst nimmt.

Dementsprechend habe ich heute keine SWAP.HIVE im Pool geswappt, sondern direkt Sell-Order vom HE-Markt gekauft. Für 2,301 SWAP. HIVE habe ich dann 5.798,59886094 CCD bekommen.

Summa summarum konnten wir heute 7.573,55258813 CCD einholen und sind bei einer Gesamtsumme von 291.645,48003065 CCD innerhalb dieser Aktion.

Im CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel-Pool sind aktuell hinterlegt (gerundet): 4.534.322 CCD (gestern 5.194.066, vorgestern 5.204.411) und 1.805 SWAP.HIVE (gestern 2.071, vorgestern 2.065). Im CCD:ATX Diesel-Pool liegen (gerundet) weitere 1.406.082 CCD (gestern 1.411.738, vorgestern 1.366.645).

Noch einen Kommentar zum obigen Absatz: 659.744 CCD und 266 SWAP.HIVE weniger im CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool innerhalb von einem Tag? Ja, diese Bewegung habe ich schon vor ein paar Stunden gesehen. Mit den neuen Geschehnissen mache ich hier in diesem Artikel Schluss, werde aber direkt im Anschluss der Veröffentlichung hier, mich weiter damit beschäftigen und Du wirst im nächsten Artikel davon lesen. (Genauer gesagt: erst im Übernachsten, da ich zuvor noch den Artikel für die LMAC Community veröffentliche.)

"CCD Repurchase & Burn" schnell erklärt:

Wer den Aktionsstart und die inhaltliche Erklärung dazu verpasst hat, dem rate ich an, den Einführungspost zu lesen. Aber nochmal für alle im Schnelldurchlauf:

Jeden Tag gibt es einen neuen "CCD Repurchase & Burn"-Artikel. Die flüssigen Rewards eines jeden Artikels nutzt @ccceo.market, um Kaufangebote für CCD Token zu erstellen, welches preislich leicht über den aktuellen Kaufgesuchen positioniert wird; aber auch um Verkaufsangebote zu bedienen. Gekaufte CCD werden verbrannt und somit dem Markt entzogen.

Noch ein Dankeswort!

Mein Dank gilt allen Unterstützern von CryptoCompany und insbesondere auch den Votern der "CCD Repurchase & Burn" Artikel! Vielen Dank! Ihr helft aktiv mit, den CCD zu einem Preis und Wert zu bringen, welchen er verdient. Versprochen: ich arbeite an weiteren wertgebenden Aktionen und Stellschrauben. Für Dich, Euch, Deine und Eure CryptoCompany.

Daily Stats:

Article:Liquid RewardsCCD Burned Today
"CCD repurchase & burn" #27 | 12.01.2024 pending 7,573.55258813
"CCD repurchase & burn" #26 | 11.01.2024 ≈ 4.2075 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #25 | 10.01.2024 ≈ 1.41 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #24 | 09.01.2024 ≈ 4.2175 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #23 | 08.01.2024 ≈ 1.70 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #22 | 07.01.2024 ≈ 0.61 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #21 | 06.01.2024 ≈ 0.50 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #20 | 05.01.2024 ≈ 1.2025 HBD
(pending & estimated)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #19 | 04.01.2024 2.828 HBD
(5.286* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #18 | 03.01.2024 3.578 HBD
(6.465* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #17 | 02.01.2024 4.619 HBD
(9.503* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #16 | 01.01.2024 1.211 HBD
(2.286* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #15 | 31.12.2024 3.216 HBD
(5.516* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #14 | 30.12.2024 2.555 HBD
(4.563* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #13 | 29.12.2024 3.924 HBD
(6.918* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #12 | 28.12.2024 1.119 HBD
(2.614* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #11 | 27.12.2024 0.727 HBD
(1.892* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #10 | 26.12.2024 3.805 HBD
(10.502* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #9 | 25.12.2024 2.328 HBD
(6.52* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #8 | 24.12.2024 1.113 HBD
(3.042* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #7 | 23.12.2024 3.469 HBD
(9.407* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #6 | 22.12.2024 1.008 HBD
(2.668* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #5 | 21.12.2024 3.843 HBD
(9.703* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #4 | 20.12.2024 3.054 HBD
(11.030* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #3 | 19.12.2024 3.924 HBD
(12.132* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #2 | 18.12.2024 5.070 HBD
(14.973* SWAP.HIVE)
"CCD repurchase & burn" #1 | 17.12.2024 4.714 HBD
(13.394* SWAP.HIVE)
During the entire campaign: Gained:
139.724 SWAP.HIVE
+ Open Orders
291,645.48003065 CCD
*= after SWAPs |
Check the newest article from the series "CCD Repurchase & Burn" by @cryptocompany to see the actual stats.

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your day!




You like to stay informed or support CryptoCompany or PowerPaul?
Here are our articles from the last 7 days:

@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 24 is over, 25 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #26 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
@cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Picture Frame 01 for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing Images
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #25 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #24 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
@powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] 3 HSBI today for the last post. And for this one? Grab them! Read On & WIN!
@cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Lodge stand 01 for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing Images
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #23 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #22 | Vote This & Boost Your Token!
@cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Magnifier for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing Images
@powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] You Have Earned It ... 4 HSBI today. And tomorrow? Grab them! Read On & WIN!
@powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Apartment & Workplace Found - but Without Music
@powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Do You Smoke Pot? You Have Earned It ... I Meant The 3 HSBI. Grab It! Read On & WIN!
@cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Fridge for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing Images
@cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Clock for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing Images
@cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #21 | 3 Weeks now! Vote This & Boost Your Token!
@powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Do You Know What? You Have Earned It! 3 HSBI! Read On & WIN!

0.51539027 BEE

Great burn.


0.00000400 BEE



0E-8 BEE

Diesel pools are market makers, the "real" value is between the buy/sell price. It's worth the small fee to get or affect the token at that price point. !BBH

0.00000398 BEE

[@PowerPaul:] Last 24 hours I've done a few things. Pool went up, market went up, good plan, good results so far and I will continue. We are on the route to 0.001 again. ;-)



0E-8 BEE

How do you turn a duck in to a singer?
Put it in the microwave until its Bill Withers.

Credit: basilmarples
@ironshield, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany



0E-8 BEE

We are on the route to 0.001 again. ;-)

YES!!!!! !BBH

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Why was the painter sprinting down the street?
Because his paint was running.

Credit: reddit
@cryptocompany, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of astramar

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

0E-8 BEE

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you for your support once again!



0E-8 BEE

I changed all my passwords to Kenny
Now I have all Kenny logins

Credit: reddit
@astramar, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany



0E-8 BEE

@cryptocompany, I paid out 0.171 HIVE and 0.080 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.

0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@edgerik(5/15) tipped @cryptocompany

0E-8 BEE

It is nice to see the process going well for the greater satisfaction of the CCC community.
Thanks for the report

0E-8 BEE