DIY, Scope Creep, and Looking Forward


My wife and I recently finished up a home improvement project at our house. The entire downstairs area of our bi-level style house has popcorn ceiling. If you don't know what popcorn ceiling it, just go ahead and Google it for a second.

Are we on the same page now?

While popcorn ceiling was all the rage back in the 80's, it's time has passed, and @mrsbozz thought she would try her hand and removing it. She had watched some YouTube videos on how to remove the popcorn ceiling and it looked relatively easy.

I've worked with drywall in the past, and I had a feeling it was going to end up being a lot bigger job than she thought. I suggested she start in the downstairs bathroom because it was a relatively small room. Guess what....

I was right.

I remember her calling me two summers ago crying because the faux finish wasn't separating from the ceiling the way it did in the videos online. She got the majority of it off, but the ceiling was a hot mess. I knew I was going to have to mud it and sand it and I hate working with drywall, so I let it sit for over a year.


Fast forward to this summer, and I finally got the ambition to start working on it. I mudded the ceiling and then sanded it and it turned out to be just as messy as I had guessed. I talked to my friend after the fact and he actually said I should have thinned down the drywall mud a bit, but I was so frustrated we just painted over it and called it good. It's a hot mess, but it still looks better than the popcorn ceiling did.

Of course if you are drywalling and painting the ceiling you may as well paint the rest of the bathroom too right? Plus, if you are painting, why not pull out that old vanity and put a new cabinet and sink in... Like the title says... Scope Creep.

This ended up being a lot bigger job than I had planned, and while it honestly kind of looks like crap, I was able to do the whole thing for maybe around $300 to $400. I did have to have @a4xjeeper come over and do the plumbing since the pipes didn't line up for me. He had it taken care of in less than an hour.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

I've been pretty open about the fact that I work for a public school district. Sadly, it's become a bit hard to find people who are more widely despised by the general public than school employees. I think two of the biggest complaints are that we get our summers off (we really don't), so we get a full paycheck for only working part time, and for the most part we get a pension.

I guess pensions aren't as common as they once were. Unless you are in a union or some kind of public service job, they are pretty rare.

Honestly though, if I had the choice, I'd rather take a DIY approach to my finances. Salaries in the public sector have always been woeful compared to the private sector. We get a pension though and that has always been the reasoning for why there is such a gap.

You know what, pay me more and let me handle my retirement. I honestly feel like I wouldn't do too bad of a job investing myself. In fact, I still invest myself anyway because I don't like betting on the fact that this shared pool of money is going to still be whole when I need it.

I've been investing for years under the assumption that Social Security is going to dry up and for whatever reason our pension is going to go away. I want to be in a position where I don't have to count on that money for anything.

As I said, I'd be more than willing to take the money they are taking out of my check before taxes and invest it myself. At least that way, if it all goes to crap, I at least have a bit of control over my fate.


I was scrolling through my Instagram feed the other day and I came across this pretty cool Michigan State commemorative coin. With only 5000 being made, I was ready to pull the trigger and buy one (after doing a bit more research of course, you should never just buy something off Instagram or Facebook).

Sure enough, I was pretty disappointed to find out that it was merely silver plated, not pure silver. I've been part of the #silvergoldstackers community long enough to realize there are better opportunities out there. If it's not at least sterling or .999 percent pure silver, I'm honestly not interested.

It still looks cool though. It would be neat if one of the mints did a US Universities series or something like that. I'd definitely be picking up the Spartans one.

September is shaping up to be just about as crazy as we had expected. The SEC continues to fumble along. I heard the other day they accidentally posted some speech that Gensler was supposed to give on their public webpage. I also heard Gary is getting sued by someone else now for something, I don't know, probably for being a feckless piece of crap.

As for me... I'm finally at a place where I think I can start investing outside money in crypto again. I'll probably ramp my monthly buys back up a little bit, my traditional investments will stay the same, and I look forward to the large end of the year infusion that will hopefully happen from dividends, capital gains, and employer contributions. We will see!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

0.93418654 BEE

I remember the days of those DIY projects! I think they're always at least 25% tougher than we think they're going to be. Thank God for YouTube though. We're looking for a new place to live now and something built after the mid-80's is a requirement because I just want everything to be standard sizes and mostly up to code.

I'm sorry to hear about the coin not being pure. They can be very tricky on social media about how they market the products. I've gotten burned a few times. It's still cool though.

0.00057600 BEE

Our house was built in 83 or 86 and we still find stuff where we wonder what the heck they were thinking. Take that first photo for example, the water lines come in from the back wall, but the drain line goes out the side wall. I had to cut a notch out of the cabinet just to make it work. We had a medicine cabinet/mirror in the upstairs bathroom that they actually cut the studs to make it fit! Best of luck to you finding a new place to live! As long as it has a garage where you can install a charger right? :)

0.00000092 BEE

Oh no! It's unbelievable what you find once you start opening the walls up. Our last house was built in 1923 and was actually pretty solid but my previous house was from 1940 and it was a hot mess. We discovered it was subsidized by 3M to provide housing for their workers and it was probably built way too fast.

Thanks! The search has been eye-opening to say the least. I just can't believe how expensive everything is here but we have to get out of the city. It's getting to the point where we can't even open the windows because it's so loud outside. You know me well! That Level 2 charger will be the first thing I install. Lol.

0.00043200 BEE

Social Security is probably not going to disappear, but it might not be as generous. I pray the US remains a single nation by the time we retire!

0.00043202 BEE

@bozz, @silversaver888(3/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

0.00000000 BEE

I'm with you there. Things aren't looking good right now.

0.00000000 BEE

You did your best! I've removed popcorn ceilings before when I was helping a friend out years ago, and it was a serious pain in the ass. We got it looking great when it was done, but it was a lot of work! There is no way in hell I would try to do that now, I'm not as young as I once was... Smart leaving the plumbing to someone who knows what they're doing, I've never had any real plumbing experience so I would probably flood my place in the process! lol

Social security will likely be there still, but it may not be nearly as well paying. You can only run a ponzi scheme for so long and I think the tipping point may be coming. That's also assuming that the US will still be one country at that point, the way things are going I'm losing confidence that it can survive. Which is a huge shame because I served in the military...

That coin deal sucked. There are a lot of crap rounds produced with silver plating anymore.

0.00043201 BEE

Yeah I think November is going to bring a lot of things to light sadly. These past years alone have shown that much of the country is still just as unenlightened as they were in the past. At this point I don't think it matters what side you are on, I think we can all agree that another civil war would be bad.

0.00000000 BEE

Interesting article. best wishes to all of us

0.00043200 BEE

Thanks, to some degree we make our own luck.

0.00000000 BEE

I feel for you, we had our own home repir issues. They finally finished yesterday. I am not able to do most stuff like that anymore and it bugs the crap out of me too. Look forward to seeing your future investments.

0.00043200 BEE

Yeah, it sucks feeling like you are slowly letting go of your man card, but you also have to accept when things are best left to the professionals.

0.00000051 BEE

yep, agreed.

0.00028783 BEE

That what it takes to be the man of the house: being always concerned about the improvement of your house. A few days ago, I stood up and clean the house when my wife and my children were away. When they came back they were shocked that I could do that much

0.00043200 BEE

I usually tend to get more done around the house when my wife is gone than when she is around. I'm not sure what it is really.

0.00000212 BEE

Just the love of helping out and show concern 👍

0.00028800 BEE

Topping compound is your friend. My best ex wife was an artist with topping compound on uneven walls and ceilings. I still had LOTS of sanding to do, but she consistently got way closer to level than I ever could. Her finished standard was wall paper smooth so perfect wasn't quite good enough... Oh, yeah. I bought one of those seemingly bogus vacuum sanding attachments and it worked really good in the early stages. I still plugged up the shower drain with drywall dust...

0.00043200 BEE

I hate drywall dust. It was everywhere. I thought I bought topping compound, but I think I just needed to thin it out a bit. If we ever have the rest done we are definitely going to hire it out. I don't think my wife will argue with me one bit! It's tough, because I like the satisfaction of doing things myself, but I also understand there are things I am not an expert at.

0.00000000 BEE

You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

0.00028800 BEE

@bozz! @silversaver888 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (6/20)

0.00000000 BEE