It is time for the weekly battle mage challenge and the ruleset for the week is up already and I'm kind of glad it is the Noxious Fumes ruleset which is one of the interesting ruleset to play because the ruleset poison all monster cards which activate after every round just to deduct -2health from all standing monster cards. during this ruleset, most abilities are useless and those days when I use to play in wild rank, I always love using Gelatinous Cube because that card can withstand everything attack and still start strong without dying but since I play modern rank now, Baakjira take the place and since there are weapon training ability, it can always be paired to make it more
powerful in battle.
When ever we have the noxious ruleset, people always consider to use one ability which can also withstand been poison and that is the immune ability and only few cards possess this ability and more reason why I always use the death element if available whenever we have this ruleset, also if you are lucky enough to remember, cleanse ability always help in removing the poison ability from the frontline. Fortunately I had this 15 mana capped battle with anthonyyy with 3 ruleset which include Holy protection which give all cards the divine shield, noxious fumes which is the main rule set and lastly is the explosive weaponry which give all cards the blast ability and dealt damage to side monster cards, and we can only pick any element except earth and life element so I just went all in with death element since the mana cap is really low.
I used Thaddius Brood as my summoner, then I picked Cursed windeku as my frontline which is already maxed with thorn, heal and slow ability, based on the ruleset given, I had to use Revealer which is one of the magic cards with abilities that can counter the rulest, it has stun, immune to neglect debuff and reflection shield which will cancel any side damages and lastly was Carrion shade which is the backline to take any damage incase there is a sneak attack. Pleased with my selections, I submitted my battle just to know the fate of the battle, firstly he came in with melee cards which windeku can always counter then 1 range cards, also all his cards have average health which put them at a disadvantage in the battle. The battle lasted for 4 round and stunning his frontline gave me more chance to win the battle easily.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121