Cultivating Gratitude Enhances Emotional Well-Being

Gratitude is an act of appreciation and being grateful. When we express gratitude towards something or someone, it indicates that we cherish and know the value of what we've got. Gratitude helps improve the quality of life of an individual because such a person would have evolved from spending time wailing over what they lack to instead expressing gratitude over the little things they've got, which ultimately tend to eradicate worries and the like.


Aside from the benefits gratitude poses to those who show it, it also plays a significant role in the lives of those it's shown towards. When you play one role or another towards someone and they express their appreciation for your input, it kind of makes you feel proud of yourself and knows that you've been able to put a smile on someone else's face, which is a pleasing thing to do in my opinion.

A heart that expresses gratitude will almost never have cause to worry because they tend to draw happiness from the little things around them; it is a habit that helps you maintain a clear mind and help you value the simplest of things and show gratitude for having them. Showing gratitude is very essential because it can play a significant role in attracting helpers towards us.

I mean, take, for instance, if paraventure I gave two beggars five dollars each and after doing that, only one of them expressed gratitude for my cheerful giving towards them, I'd have a sense of pride, and given the fact that such a person doesn't think what I gave him or her is too little, on other days when I've got enough to do without, I'd definitely want to help such a person because I know they'll appreciate it and not just think what's the big deal in the little penny you just have me.

Being an individual from the Yoruba tribe here in Nigeria, one of the core values instilled in most of us is to always express gratitude alongside respect for everyone around us, and so regardless of what it's that we're given, we're expected to show gratitude for such, and that was how I was raised as a child, so growing up you can come into our house and see us eating, and after the meal you'll see all we the children expressing gratitude to our parents for giving us a meal.


In that situation, although many will say of course it's their duty as our parents, then we've been made to understand that not all children around the world were privileged to have the opportunity we've got, and so we must always express gratitude over alone everything, and I can remember how that particular act felt awkward when I and my siblings went to spend the holiday at our uncle's house.

On getting there and after every meal, just I and my siblings will say thank you for the meal to our uncle and his wife, while their children don't. At first they taught it was we just trying to be polite, and they said we do not need to be doing that, but after spending a week there, they realize it's been a part of us, and before you know it, even the kids adopted it and started saying it every every meal or when we're given anything, regardless of how worthless or expensive it is.

I seriously can't remember anytime someone did help me and I forgot to be grateful for their help, although it's worth noting that I've been querying about not being grateful on someone occasion, but then it was because the person wanted me to show my gratitude in a certain way, while I, on the other hand, had something else in me. The person did report me to my parents at the time, and they made me apologize and express gratitude right before their eyes.

But when the person left, I told my side of the story to my parents, who agree with me, but let me know some people just like eye service in a way where when you say something in public, they'll want everyone to see it and as well expect you to express gratitude in such a place.

All photos taken and edited on canva.

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0.33113475 BEE

This was a nice read!
Gratitude is a win win situation, for both the giver and the receiver. You receive something that makes you happy and at the same time return the happiness by showing gratitude.

And yes, some people do eyes service a lot, and we should be wary of such people.

0E-8 BEE

Yea that's absolutely the core role of gratitude.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback.

0E-8 BEE