[2023 REPOST] Harvest In Da Garden

by @jin-out on Brave-Smoke's Corner
View my bio on Blurt.media: https://blurt.media/c/bravesmoke [2023 REPOST] Harvest In Da Garden

This was filmed in 2023 when i was living with someone i considered a freedom fighter and a comrade. I say "someone i considered" because i have had to learn the hard way about the try nature of the human condition in this tyrannical time.

It was also when i rocked the "snail on the head" hairstyle.

I have documented all my attempts in starting up self sufficient backyard allotments for the freedom fighters in my city of Birmingham. You can find the journey here:

As you can see that this plot of land was worked on starting from 2022.

The individual who "owned" this property and i were acquaintances. We met each other often during our walks along the nearby natural reservoir forest we have here. When 2021 came, a lot of friends of mine expressed that they wanted to become self sufficient, including the "owner" of this plot of land.

Thinking it a perfect time in 2021 to sow the seeds of community and to help build up small infrastructure of freedoms, i gave my time and energy freely to serve those comrades of mine.

With heavy lamentations most of these projects failed. Either the freedom fighters became so black-pilled that they gave up on the prospect, perceiving the looming future of Agenda 2030 to be too much for them to stomach, reclusing themselves within the comforts of four walls instead. Some freedom fighters reverted back to their old materialistic selves after experiencing the hard work needed to build a natural mutual-aid community. Some freedom fighters were only pretending to stand for what's right, what must be done, and in the end their true lustful, abhorrent, conniving natures all appear.

I had come to learn that the "owner" of this plot of land was much hated up and down the entire neighborhood, that they had done people over for large sums of money; the nature of their character highly questionable (when you suddenly get 10 armed police/corrupt uniformed agents barging into your house for an unsolved domestic violent crime, that then gives light to crimes of other financial scams, a lot involving real-estate the "owner" had their fingers in)...it makes you think don't it?

I ask often "where are my comrades?". I am reminded of Shimada Kambei (島田勘兵衛) from Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" (七人の侍). Kambei (兵衛) was a war veteran who served a Daimyo (daym yo! lol), who together in battle suffered a terrible defeat. Kambei did not choose the recognised honourable way of "Seppuku". This man believes very deeply in Bushido, the samurai code of honour that's supposed to inform their behavior, but he's also seen plenty of times when Bushido failed: when its code didn't save anyone or make any kind of difference at all. So instead of dying fighting to save his lord, he lingers on part in memory, part in regret, part in lamentation of his own failings of a warrior who's lost more battles in his life, and even his dignity. Yet he still believes in good no matter how scarred his life.

I'm posting this up here for my own record, as a reminder of what was once possible and what still is possible. Much can be accomplished as long as we recognise our own two hands, our own two feet and the dream in our hearts.

Til then i will walk on, hope and caution by my side.

Check out today's video..!

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