Trump has just achieved legend status


(soon to be famous picture found on internet, not mine)

Well, yea, Trump is done it. He is complete legend now. Even bullets don't want to hurt him.

(meme picture found on internet, not mine)

I'll just say it. Trump is fucking bad-ass. A real life superman.

(meme picture found on Reddit, not mine)
They tried everything with this guy: Russia Russia Russia hoax, two impeachments, indictments, a conviction, trying to jail him and now just outright assassination.


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they drop a tactical nuke on him, and then you just see him stumbling out of blackened refridgerator "phew, that was a close one"

It was staged..derp!

No, it really wasn't staged.

(picture taken from the
Tell that this ER Doctor covered with the blood of a man died from another bullet. The doctor tried to save his life, but the wound was deadly.

Biden is one black cloak away from Palpatine

(image of Palatine taken from
And on the other side you have Senator Palpati..err I mean Biden, yea.
I know who I would vote for.

(meme picture found on internet, not mine)
Anyway, what a legend.
If you hate Trump, it's probably because the main stream media has nothing but bash him for the last 8 years. Hopefully the type of person to read Hive posts is a little bit better then that. But I'm prepared to be disappointed...

PS: Trump is also Pro-Bitcoin now.

Posted using Neoxian City

1.46703928 BEE

They've tried almost every possible thing to bring Trump down, but he keeps finding a way to navigate is way out of all of their evil agenda against him.

Last night assassination attempt was scary and I'm glad sail through and fine.

Quite disheartening to see some people on X saying it's staged, that even trended, I mean how can such be staged and yet someone loses their life in the process.

God bless America, God protect president Trump.✊

0.03074758 BEE

From the News videos and everything i watch on social media, i dont think Biden is fit to rule, his words are shaking, his speech are not clear or audibl enough for us to hear, unlike President Trump, Am man of his words, courage, and leadership skills. Despite being shot, he still stood up raising his hands up, this should be a motivation to every leader.

Based on the Little i know about trump, i am certain he is the Man to Lead America and the World.

God Bless America, God Bless Trump

0.02063328 BEE

Dont know why I love this guy but he is one of my favorite best American presidents so far

0.02017125 BEE

Social media always gives me a mixed signal on both Trump and Biden, hard to say who has the upper hand here but when it comes to an outspoken and innovative leader I prefer Trump on the list. Every country will vouch for a leader who isn't afraid of others.

0.02002647 BEE

this news is all over the world and it should be because Trump is not just famous in USA but he is a brand of USA. Either you like him or hate him, you cannot ignore him lol

0.02049428 BEE

You should never hate any person without knowing their history, and we will always try to blame those who think differently than us.

0.02057038 BEE

An attempt on his life, I think, gives him greater visibility. By managing to survive, without a doubt, it brings greater popularity.

!GIF bulletproof man

Thank U Reaction GIF by chuber channel

0.02046264 BEE
0E-8 BEE

They have tried to silence it, to bury it politically and now physically and they cannot, it is regrettable what they have reached and even more so the people who always get carried away by the trends on the networks, repeating like parrots without analyzing, what happened yesterday strengthened their image but it weakened respect for democracy in the US, another opportunity in which they used weapons against a politician to silence his ideas, remember the 60s

0.02053514 BEE

Trump has literally been coming out unscathed from everything thrown at him. They tried assassination, still didn't remove an hair on his skin. Forget comics superheroes folks, we have one among us and his name is Trump lol, even superheroes take a beating sometimes , and then we have Trump, they need to update the dictionary at this point ...

0.02052548 BEE

I dont really care about US Politics but my hat is off for Trump for this! Damn..
Biden would properly not have been standing afterwards that fast! :D

I heard someone say that after someone tried to assassinate other candidates they proceed to get a landslice win :p

0.02051364 BEE

An attempt to assassinate trump was just evil, unfortunately for them, they lost their evil game
I wish him safety!

0.02049224 BEE

Trump is one of those creations that is a human being and the thoughts in his head are really unpredictable. I really like to watch elections in the strongest country right now. It's getting more and more interesting day by day and the memes you find are really shaking laughter in my brain haha

0.02048609 BEE

I actually saw the video on X because it was trending and it was really shocking because anything could have happened.

I do not follow update on politics but trying to assassinate him is just out of it... Unfortunately for the culprits, he won the people's hearts more.

0.02048608 BEE

Total Baddass! glad he survived. Memes are the best😃🤌

Most likely the person the ER doctor tried saving is Corey Comperatore?, So far reported💔 May departed soul RIP (excluding shooter) and to the wounded a quick recovery.

I read he will be attending the #bitcoin 2024 event.

Beauty from ashes, the elections just got handed over to President Trump. Senator B Palpati should take the back sit🤪.
Goodluck America, we are counting on you.


0.02050543 BEE

I am fan of Trump business policies in America. He has done a lot for his nation although he has done some mistakes but this dude is much better than Jeo Biden. Last assassination attempt was so cruel, Americans should investigate it to bring details about it. I don't know that why people like to criticize someone's on X Platform. It can be opponent social team. I hope, Trump will be next American president and I shall see his another Press conference with Imran Khan, have a good day sir.

0.02048404 BEE

He’s indeed a legend
Go Trump!

0.02047584 BEE

I feel really bad for the person that died in a literal cross fire.

But as scary it was for Trump, I think it really boosts his odds of winning.

0.02029465 BEE

Trump's resilience is something else. He keeps bouncing back no matter what’s thrown at him. From scandal to near death

0.02050698 BEE

the only thing thats weird to me is that if the bullet hit his ear how did it not hit someone behind him?

0.01985210 BEE

Other people were hit, one person was killed and two wounded. I'm not clear on which bullet did what, but the bullet that missed him could have very well caused the injury...or not. A couple of bullets probably didn't hit anyone.

0.00004967 BEE

if that wasnt staged or whatever there are definitely pleadians or something watching over him lol

0E-8 BEE

i feel like simple details like which bullet did what should come out in the news at least?

0E-8 BEE

Attempting someone's life just because you don't agree with their ideologies seems completely crazy, that's why we are superior animals and why can we reason and analyze

0.01978916 BEE

This photo has already become legendary. I think it will go down in history books.

0.01978080 BEE

I always tell people beside me that trump is a master gamer and knows what he is doing

0.01996597 BEE

Whoever did this has unknowingly and definitely unintentionally made him president already

0.01969482 BEE

Trump always finds it's way to make the headlines and attract the attention he wanted

0E-8 BEE

I just became aware that you're a Member of the Silver Gold Stackers Community...

0E-8 BEE