Liar and deceptive world

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Every individual is playing a role in proving the whole world to be a liar world. Some lies are told for betterment while some lies are told for self-preservation. Parents lie to their children that if you do not complete this task, you will be eaten by a ghost or a dog will bite you. Such lies are only told by parents to scare their children so that they complete their work well or avoid doing something wrong.

Some people lie to avoid being punished for their wrongdoing and to avoid such a situation. Some children try to lie to their parents to avoid being spanked by their parents, but most children cannot lie to their parents because parents are aware of their children's every move, they know whether their child is lying or not.

In my opinion, lies are a major root cause of conflict because lies make countless things go wrong and destroy many relationships. Cheating destroys trust in friendships and for this reason we don't trust strangers very quickly because we get cheated on many occasions in life and due to these cheats a person does not trust a good person very quickly.

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Lies also play a big role in spoiling the relationship of husband and wife. If one of the spouses lies and hides something and when it is revealed and the other partner finds out, he stops trusting you because you have betrayed him. In fact, even a liar does not find peace because he is always afraid that his lie will be caught somewhere.

If we talk about the government, the prime minister, all politicians and political parties all lie because they want to get votes from the people and achieve their goals, but when the people are not given their right, they lose faith in the government and start protesting.

For example, if a political party tells the truth to the people that we will try to do this work but we cannot give you a guarantee, then the people will not vote for that party but will vote for those parties that will promise them that they will definitely give them their right.

I will also add to this liar and deceptive world the bad habit of some people telling other people's secrets and making bad comments about them. While they don't do this in front of real people, they try to make themselves look good and they make you feel that we are honest and sincere. We should always avoid such friends and people because they will definitely cheat you sometime in life, so we need to be careful with such people.

I don't like this liar and deceitful world. My wish and dream is that if lies are eliminated from this world, this world will be a very beautiful and good one will become and many people in the world will be saved from depression and fraud. If there is no lying, people will be able to trust others more quickly because they know that everyone will tell them the truth.

Thanks for Reading!


0.02064035 BEE

I agree with you too. Lie is a major cause of life conflicts. As simple as lies may look, they're heavy weighted

0E-8 BEE

You are absolutely right we need to avoid lies and stay away from liars

0E-8 BEE

These are awesome facts you've outlined here.
People lie for so many reasons, and it's one major cause of conflicts and distrust in Life.

This is a nice response to the hiveghana prompt.
Do well to check mine 😊

0E-8 BEE

These facts are true which really make this world liar and deceptive.

0E-8 BEE