In the world today we have a lot of incident that is occurring more especially when it's get to happen between two individuals who are involved in talk interaction and communication. Sometimes people tell lie to hide the truth and sometimes it's not necessary at the moment but then it's something that happened almost in our everyday of life even from family members even close friends even in school, sometime in the marketplace. However lying is one thing that is constant among people in the society and in the world at large it may not necessarily be just for lying per say, sometimes people lie just to cover and protect some certain things from occurring yes in situation where if they get to know someone who loot the money and the person may be sentenced to death, some individual will try as much as possible to cover it up tell lies just to see the life of the person.

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Looking at the points where we are in the life and the world at large will get to realize and concur that lying has no good advantage to the community, society and the world at large. It is always very important and necessary to always say the truth I'm just like the holy Bible will say "you shall know the truth say the truth and the truth shall set you free." It's hurt when you get to know that you are being told lies and the funniest thing is most times he comes from close one's like friends, Family and others. Whichever way it may look like the truth is that even in difficulty and when you try to cover up some certain things if you will try to tell the truth the pressure is always lesser than when you lie and they get to find out about it, the feeling is like a betraying feeling. You one have to always say the truth no matter what..

Just like one of my dislike, I dislike lies, dishonesty, cheating and it hurt me to know that one is actually lying to me or cheating on me. I think in situation like this a word that is free of lie wull be the best place to dwell and live. I can remember sometime in the past when I was very interested in the particular lady there so I approach her and ask her so few questions just to get along with her which she responded to me, however as time goes on I get to realize that almost everything she told me was a lie and there was not truth out of them I felt bad and just like my principles are "Don't lie" it was just a red flag for me. Therefore the world that is free from lies is the best so far and I will advocate for that world 🌍 and it will be very necessary and importance if we as an individual help in one way or do you know saying of truths in our society and our world at large.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog

0.86509503 BEE

A life without lies surely is a good place to live in.

0.00000000 BEE

Congratulations @mayor-001!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

0.00000000 BEE

Thank you for the update

0.00000000 BEE

Congratulations on becoming a Minnow @mayor-001 🎉🎉🎉

0.00000000 BEE

I'm really sure a world without lies and deception will be a very peaceful place
Nice content 👍

0.00000000 BEE

Yeap I thought as much also..

0.00000000 BEE