
Happiness is a universal pursuit, but what does it truly mean? Is it a destination or a journey? Explore different perspectives on happiness

Naturally the human person wants to be happy, but there is probably no universal definition of this thing called happiness. We want to be happy, but yet we cannot define what happiness really is. Sometimes we even feel happy, but yet we cannot really tell what we feel. The only thing we are certain about is that their is a thing called happiness, a thing that brings some sort of fulfillment to our being, but we cannot really express what it is words. We feel it, but we cannot speak it.

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ei_1704442721413-removebg-preview.png Before I continue with the whole happiness thing, let me take a while to wish my Ghanaian friends happy independence in arrears. Though I am not a Ghanaian, but I have come to realize that Ghana people are wonderful people. While is school (Dominican University Ibadan) I had few Ghanaian friends, and they were amazing to the best of my knowledge. I wish every Ghana people in the house happy independence in arrears. God bless bless you guys, God bless Hive Block Chain and God bless the Republic of Ghana.

Now back to happiness. All of the struggle of the human person is to attain satisfaction, for some it could be likened to happiness. But then, can one actually attain happiness? Is what we feel when ever we say we are happy happiness? Is there any human who is completely happy or completely void of sadness? To know if one can attain happiness, it is best to first understand what happiness really mean. In my own opinion, the meaning of happiness can only be made know to the one who feel happy. Happiness is by implication is relative. One can only define what happiness means for him/her, but cannot give a universal definition of what it means to be happy. It is very simply to speak of living a fulfilled life as being happy, but it raises even a more demanding question. What does it really mean to be fulfilled? Many will with no doubt cling to idea that watching all of his/her desired dream come through certainly bring one happiness, it could probably be true, but humans in most cases never attain their desired dream. Even when they attain what was suppose to be their desired dream, the innate greedy nature of the human person will most likely cause them to go for more. It is probably the case that we cannot attain happiness through the struggles of life, it is probably the case that the human person cannot be completely happy. ei_1704442721413-removebg-preview.png I might not be able to give a universal definition of happiness, but I believe one can actually be happy. Even though the nature of the world along side the challenges that comes along with being in it will from time to time bring some sort of sadness to the human person, happiness is real. We might not be able to attain absolute happiness as humans, but we can actually be happy. Now, how can one be happy? Happiness for me is never an exterior thing, it is something that comes from within. By this, I do not dispute the fact that physical things can contribute to one's happiness. I am only of the opinion that happiness by its very nature do not proceed from these physical things; happiness for me is of the mind. It follows then that the physical possession of the human person cannot be considered the primary source of his or her happiness, one can only be happy if her or she will's happiness.

Thank you so much for reading. I am ernesto6402 and your contributions, opinions, comments and even critics will be appreciated. One Love✌️

0.01632107 BEE

Yes happiness definition is truly complicated but at the same time is something we all want to experience in one way or the other

0.00014027 BEE

Absolutely! Thank yo so much for the wonderful comment...

0E-8 BEE

Happiness is definitely seen in different ascept by different people, and you have said it all

0E-8 BEE

That is just it...
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment

0E-8 BEE