6 Luxuries of Life You Probably Never Notice

Today, when the word "luxury" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to people's minds(including mine) is money, or money related. And we've become so occupied with the pursuit of these monetary things, that we lose sight of the things we already have. Especially things money can't buy.

Well, allow me to bring our minds back to some of these luxuries we have:

  1. Good Health: This has to be one of the most underated blessings in life. We never know how valuable our health is, until we fall sick, or witness someone close to us fall sick.
    If you've not been admitted at the hospital so far this year, that's enough reason to be grateful

2.Time: Over the years, I've learnt to spend time with the elderly and just listen to them talk about their experiences. This has helped me become aware of the luxury I currently possess, which is time. And to make the most of it because it won't have it forever.

  1. A peaceful mind: In today's fast moving world, finding peace of mind is truly a luxury. So many things to do, pressure from family, society. So many young people becoming depressed by the day! so yeah...the ability to maintain calm amidst all these chaos is a blessing.

  2. Slow mornings: This simply refers to waking up on your own time. Allowing your body to wake up on it's own.
    But it's a busy world out there, hence, apart from little babies, barely a handful of people actually have this luxury...lol. If you're among this handful, be grateful!

  3. **Opportunity to Travel: I must admit though, this is in a way monetary. Yet, not every rich individual has this luxury!
    Travelling around is a great experience. it has great mental benefits! so when the opportunity presents itself to you, Grab it!

  4. A Home Full of Love: It's no longer a new thing that there are siblings, couples, kids and parents no longer in talking terms with one another. In fact, at some point, some of them seek to take the life of each other. Yes! that's how damaged some homes have become. And there's no amount of money that could fix this. Some can relate, while others may not. well, if you're among those that can't relate, then it most certainly means there's love amidst your family. Please, no matter how little that love is, do not take it for granted.
    And If you can relate to some of the situations above, I pray you and your family find healing!

These luxuries remind us that the richest experiences in life are often found in the simplest moments...hence if you checked atleast four of the points above, you are are lucky person. And if you've not shown gratitude, I hope this piece reminds you of how blessed you are!

until another time,


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