Keep Searching


I have been made to understand one certain truth about life, not everyone will be rich, not everyone will be wealthy, not everyone will marry, and not everyone will accomplish their dreams and goals when they wish to and how they wish to, that's because fate and our decisions has a big role to play in our lives. We would still have the poor, the needy, the orphans, and the rest, because this is life and that is many people's reality but it will be so unfortunate that someone does not find love, it would be so unfortunate that we do not test what it means to be loved genuinely and wholeheartedly.

We all are thriving and striving to reach the goal, but unfortunately, not everyone will reach it even though they are alive, while others' dreams will be cut short due to death and life-threatening illnesses that may keep them bedridden for years, we have those who do not have plans to getting married or being in any form of commitment of any sort but we must get to have a taste of love while alive.

While others are celebrating their marriage anniversaries, we have others walking out of their marriage, we have others starting their marriage, and others hoping and craving for the beginning of such a journey. Even though we may pray, hope, wish, and await for such, the truth is, not everyone will experience that deep commitment but it still does not mean they are not loved or that love hasn't found them yet, it's just that it may not be their reality.

Whatever your decision and goal in life is, make sure to experience love, make sure you love yourself, love others and it is reciprocated. Don't stay where it is not reciprocated, don't stay amid people who make you doubt their love for you. If you find yourself in such situations, don't relent, keep searching, and keep loving, it is a risk, but it is worth the risk when love finally finds you.

Thank you and happy new month!

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