Keep Searching
I have been made to understand one certain truth about life, not everyone will be rich, not everyone will be wealthy, not…
I have been made to understand one certain truth about life, not everyone will be rich, not everyone will be wealthy, not…
No matter how old you may feel, no matter how you feel like you've not been able to achieve as many goals as you wish to achieve…
It is said that change is constant, so as humans, we can not do away with change. It's either we are changing for the best or we are changing for the worst, it is always a matter…
We most times look at our past and wish we had done some things a little differently, I wish we had been able to curb our…
Hello again. We have started many studies to increase the usability of Cent. We have combined some of the studies we have started. Two different studies were designed for BEED…
It's fearful what the world is turning into, many people are lying through their noses and are refusing to admit to themselves whatever they are…
In a world where people are looking out for themselves first, we are in a world where people are not just selfish but self-centered. We are in a…
Many of us wished we had known earlier that we were created for a purpose and that our failures would be part of our beautiful story. We wish we had understood that fulfilling…
I know our current economy is quite challenging for one to pull through daily, especially our daily meals and moving around for jobs, I know how difficult it is to be in an…
If you don't love yourself and you are selfish and loud about it, nobody will love you that way. If you don't learn to put yourself first…