Nature Card Giveaway



Happy new year, everyone, and to start the new year in the spirit of giving, I have decided to run a giveaway. After the Nature breakdown articles I did on all the sets the past week, I wanted to see what your nature decks look like now. All the cards given away are from my collection.

The Giveaway: How am I eligible for it?

Post your Nature Deck on the Hive Gods On Chain Community and let everyone know your thought process behind creating it. Is it Aggro? Midrange? Controlled? etc.

  • Tag it with #Natureunchained.
  • Word Limit: 1000 words.
  • Only one submission per user.
  • Get creative with the titles and the post.
  • Deadline: 10th January 2022, 00:00 GMT
  • As there are five cards that I am giving away, I will choose the top 10 posts and let RNGesus decide your fate as it is a Nature giveaway.

Cards in the Giveaway

Guerilla Gardener


Ominous Burrow


Giant Pangolin


Brazen Moose


Crescent Werewolf


Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing your decks. Also, may RNGesus be kind to your soul.

1.22220537 BEE

Nice idea of picking 10 people. It is in fact very fitting. Also great to see people run giveaways. And get some folks some cards that otherwise may not have them already. Keep up the great work here on Hive. You have been pushing great content out.

0.00144946 BEE

Thanks brother, yeah we nature mains light a candle to RNGesus every time we step into the arena.

0.00068617 BEE

We sure due. I tweeted this out for you on the official GodsOnChain twitter. You can check it out HERE. If you want to. That way you can retweet your contest and get some more eyes on it.

0.00075564 BEE

I will try do my best bro!
Thanks for helps the GU community

0.00069343 BEE

Woo, time for all the nature decks to come out! Wondering how everyone's decks will look like but I'll be trying to think of something different!

0.00066853 BEE

I am looking forward to seeing your mad scientist brain, cook up something special.

0E-8 BEE

I will try my best but is there any tag we can use so that it can be tracked well?

0.00068927 BEE

#natureunchained its in the post.😁

0.00800264 BEE

thanks, I just skipped it by mistake, I thought it will be at the end of the post by bad.

0E-8 BEE

Here is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain

0E-8 BEE

XD yes, well hello there stranger. Happy new year.

0E-8 BEE
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

0E-8 BEE

Challenge accepted >:)

0E-8 BEE

May RNGesus be with you.😋

0E-8 BEE
0E-8 BEE