This is why cycling is dangerous in Bulgaria. Rental bike service was shut down in Burgas. App had only 1K downloads (Photo gallery) Update: was wrong, there is a public ebike rental service, yes ebikes 😄


Das ist der Grund, warum Radfahren in Bulgarien so gefÀhrlich ist. Miet-FahrrÀder wurden in Burgas sogar wieder eingestellt. Die App hatte nur 1K Downloads.

Das Hauptproblem sind die nicht durchdachten, nicht durgĂ€ngigen, nicht vorhandenen Fahrradwege in den StĂ€dten, die einen zwingen, immer wieder auf die Straße auszuweichen.

Damit haben dann Autofahrer wieder ein Problem, die in Bulgarien weder RĂŒcksicht auf FußgĂ€nger noch Fahrradfahrer nehmen.

Fahrradwege mĂŒssen immer wieder mit FußgĂ€ngern geteilt werden, verlaufen verwirrend, oder enden im Nirgendwo, wie in diesem Beispiel 10 Meter weiter.

Und noch ein Problem gibt es, man darf nicht davon aussgehen, dass alle Gehsteigkanten auf dem Fahrradweg abgeschrÀgt sind, weswegen ich beinahe einen schweren Unfall erlitten habe. Wollte auf einen Fahrradweg auffahren, habe aber zu spÀt realisiert, dass die hohe Gehsteigkante nicht abgeschrÀgt war. Brutal.

Was sagt ihr dazu?


Bin falsch gelegen, es gibt doch ein öffentliches E-Bike Miet-Service ĂŒber die App. Habe eine Station entdeckt, wo es tatsĂ€chlich E-Bikes gibt, aber wĂŒrde nicht die Hand ins Feuer legen, dass die E-Bikes aufgeladen sind und funktionieren. Dachte es gibt keine LeihrĂ€der, da die App fast nicht genutzt wird und nicht einmal ein einziges Review hatte. Wieder eine Überraschung, dass es sogar E-Bikes gibt.

Cycle paths in Burgas

Dilapidated and empty bike station in Burgas. Fallout vibe. Thought that the rental service was shut down after seeing this.


This is the reason why cycling in Bulgaria is so dangerous. Rental bike service was even shut down in Burgas. The app only had 1K downloads.

The main problem is the ill-conceived, inadequate and non-existent cycle paths in the cities, which force cyclists to ride on the streets again and again.

This is a problem too, because car drivers, who show no respect for pedestrians or cyclists in Bulgaria.

Cycle paths in Bulgaria are often shared with pedestrians, are confusing or end in nowhere, as in this example 10 meters further on.

And there's another problem: you can't assume that all sidewalk edges on the cycle path are sloped, which is why I almost had a serious accident. I wanted to ride onto a cycle path, but realized too late that the high edge of the sidewalk was not sloped. Brutal.

What do you think?


I was wrong, there is indeed a public e-bike rental service via the app in Burgas now. Found a station where there are actually e-bikes available, but wouldn't put my hand in the fire that the e-bikes are charged and working. Thought there were no rental bikes at all as the app is almost unused and didn't even have a single review. Another surprise that Burgas has even public e-bikes for rent.

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2.47364680 BEE


0.00317153 BEE

Cycling in a busy city becomes very difficult

0.00324619 BEE


0.00324359 BEE

I think since places for cycling are not well mapped out, for those who still want to be cycling, should do it with carefulness and always keep watch, especially, not to cycling with speed

0.00323709 BEE

It’s so bad that cyclist can’t ride on the road freely. The fact that car drivers doesn’t care about pedestrians or cyclists is not good enough.
I hope this gets better Bulgaria.
Enjoy your day!

0.00323439 BEE

Ich ĂŒberlege gerade ob ich je in Serbien ĂŒberhaupt welche gesehen habe đŸ€”
Sooo lange her (letztes mal 6 Jahre her), wenns klappt achte ich im Oktober drauf ;)
Ich glaube nur in der Großstadt (naja 60 k glaube ich).

Da muss man auch immer auf die Autofahrer achten.

0.00322868 BEE

Horrible confusion with bike paths. All this needs to be changed.

0.00322217 BEE

In estonia Cycling paths are confusing too, but not for the cyclist, but for the car driver to understand.

I swear I will one day accidentaly run over a cyclist, because I have no idea what their next move is going to be, and the are riding like 1-2 meters next to my car.

0.00319897 BEE

The bike paths are horrible here in Nigeria as well
I hope Bulgarians do better

0.00310137 BEE

It sounds like there are some serious issues if you want to use those e-bikes and I guess the road needs quite a bit of work.

0.00307036 BEE

Its Better to rent a car when you are abroad i guess!


0.00306620 BEE

LebensgefÀhrlich. Gut dass dir nichts schlimmeres passiert ist.

0.00307286 BEE

The paths are not straight and would be so dangerous for e-bikes.

0.00301017 BEE

E-bikes without a proper route to ride in, what's the essence. It's not too safe to ride there.

0.00301218 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Cycling even though can be fun but can also be dangerous just as you said

0E-8 BEE