Fiction: Between cookies and elves. The adventure of Sandra and her children. Children's story. EN/ESP.


Sandra, she was singing with her children, while driving her truck, she was going to her new house in the forest. She had just become a widow, as her husband died in an accident. So now, she has to work and support her children by herself and, that led her to sell her house in the city and other assets she had, because without Kevin's permanent income, it would become impossible for her to maintain the same standard of living she had before.

Sandra did not make those decisions hastily, and in fact, before doing so, she talked about them with her parents and with Kevin's brother, who thought that she was making an appropriate decision. So, after the sale of the house, the club shares and other things. Sandra kept some of the money in a fund, bought insurance for herself and her children and then went to visit her parents for a few days.

When Sandra was at her parents' house, she decided to start looking for a job, she was a science teacher, graduated from the pedagogical of her hometown. However, she had practiced only a few years, because when she married Kevin, she was devoted to her husband and children.

Sandra received a call, and in it, she was informed that one of the best schools in the city wanted to interview her. Sandra went to high school, and after the interview, she was informed that they wanted to hire her. She arrived at her parents' house, and told them and their children, Karla and Andrés, everything about the interview.

She told them that she had been hired as a science teacher, and she also told them that now the school would be in a new location, which was now on the other side of the city, near the forest, and that's why she thought it was best to move to a place that was closer to the school.

-I think the best thing is going to be to move to a place closer to the school, since from here, you have to drive almost thirty minutes to get there. And now it's getting fast, since it's the holiday season, so when school starts, it's going to be a lot longer, and that would mean getting the kids up very early, so I can get there during work hours. That's why I think it's best to move Dad. - Sandra commented to her father.

—Yes, I think it will be the most appropriate, but really, I would like you and the children to stay with us, they bring joy to our life. — Her father replied as he hugged her.

Sandra's mother told her that they could go to Sandra's grandfather's house. It was an old house, but it was in good condition, it had all the services and was close to the school, in fact you could go from the house to the school and to the village, walking through the forest path, it was a journey of about fifteen minutes. And if they wanted to walk more, they could go by the main road, but it was a very long distance.

—Mum, stop telling the kids that they can use the forest path. I would be terrified that something would happen to them there. — Said Sandra.

—There is really nothing to be afraid of, the forest is enchanted, and the elves take care of the children. Besides, Sandra, they will try to get close to you, since you have my blood and your grandfather's, and they know that you come from a family of friends. And, if you behave well with them, and put cookies in the kitchen for them to grab at night, they will take care of you too. — Said Sandra's mum, very convinced.

—Grandma, are there really goblins in the forest? — Andrew asked, with some disbelief.

—Yes, honey, there are elves and they are real. — Answered the grandmother.

—And do we have to put cookies on them, or can we also give other things? — Karla asked excitedly.

—You can put cookies and sweets on them if you wish. And you don't have to leave the door of the house open, just say looking at the forest: "Elf friends, leave them something to eat in the kitchen, and they are welcome to eat" and they will come in and eat.

—Mum, please don't put ideas in the children's heads. — Said Sandra, as her mum hugged and kissed the children.

Now, Sandra was driving to her new house with Andrés and Karla, singing in the car. Once they arrived, they began to arrange their things, each took their own room and began to live their life, like a normal family, Only, there were two different things in the house, the first, that Sandra, had accepted that the children had a dog and the second, is that the children, always left cookies, candies and chocolates, for the elves in the kitchen.


The children always told Sandra that the elves ate the sweets and cookies that they left them. Sandra, I thought, that the children came down at dawn and ate the sweets on the sly, to make her believe in elves. In fact, Sandra would go out with her children through the back door of the house, the one that faced the forest, and tell the elves, along with Andrés and Karla, that they had left something tasty in the kitchen.

One day, Sandra, went for a walk in the forest with Andrés, Karla and the dog, they were going to Riachuelo, which was near the house, where Andrés and Karla, were fishing with their grandfather, when he came to visit them. When they were on their way, they met a middle-aged couple, who were sitting talking on a log on the road.

—Hello, good morning, I'm Sandra and these are Andés, Karla and Goliath. You know, they scared me a lot, when I heard the noises, then I calmed down when I heard his voice, I thought we were alone in the forest. — Sandra said to the couple, while making a happy and calm grimace with her face.

—You should not be scared, this is a healthy and very well-kept forest. In fact, I was and am to some extent one of his oldest caregivers. I'm John O'Malley and this is my wife, Marion O'Malley. And we are almost always walking in the forest. — Said the man of the couple.

After talking for a while with the O'Malleys, Sandra, the children and Goliath decided to continue on their way to the creek. And when they said goodbye to the O'Malleys, Sandra and the children, they gave them some cookies, a couple of chocolates, a piece of cake and one of the chocolate drink containers they were carrying, for their family picnic.

—They are a very nice couple, although I have never seen them around here. — Sandra said to the children.

—I think they are part of the elves that live in the forest, Mum. — Said Andres.

—Yes, Mum, the O'Malleys, they are the elves who take care of us and they are our neighbours. - Said Karla.

The family kept talking and walking, until they reached the creek, there they spent a very pleasant day, playing, fishing and eating as a family, and then, in the afternoon, they went to the house. In the evening the children did their ritual of leaving cookies and candies in the kitchen, as they always did.

After a few days, Sandra left school almost at the end of the afternoon, as she was attending to some representatives. And when he went to start his truck, the car wouldn't start.

And when she saw the time, she decided to walk away along the forest path to the house. Sandra did not worry about walking through the forest, as it was a relatively short and well-known path.

When Sandra was halfway to her house, she heard footsteps near her. Sandra turned around and saw two young men, with a face like few friends, she realized that the men were thieves. And he said to them, "Don't come any closer, I don't have any money, leave me alone." However, the men kept walking towards her.

Sandra was shaking, she was so scared that she couldn't even run, she was terrified, as she saw the men approaching her. Sandra thought about the worst, she thought about her children, and what could happen to her, and she just started praying.

Suddenly, some screams were heard, and Sandra saw, as some stones flew out of nowhere, falling on the body of the evildoers, she also saw some children, in strange clothes, running after the thieves, and then, she heard screams of fear and horror from the thieves, who said to each other "Run let's get out of here".


Sandra, she was still shaking in terror, trying to understand what had happened. When he felt his hand being grabbed.

—Don't be scared, dear, I'll walk you home. John and the boys, they'll take care of those miscreants. — Mrs. O'Malley said to him affectionately.

Sandra arrived at the house and after a while, she talked to her parents on the phone, and with the children and told them what happened to her. Sandra's mother told her not to be afraid, that the elves were taking care of her and the children and that nothing would happen to them. And when the conversation was over, his mother said to him, "You should make a cake for the elves, and give them to him along with some chocolates, to thank him."

The children also told Sandra about the cake and about giving the elves a present. Sandra told her that elves didn't exist and that she knew that they were the ones who ate the cookies.

After wands discussions, with the children and with her mother, Sandra got fed up, and said, I'm going to prove that there are no elves. So she made a huge cake, carrot cakes, and homemade sweets, she also placed several jars of malted milk and put a lot of candies.

Sandra, she said to herself, the children won't be able to eat all this, and besides I'm going to put a hidden camera, to record them when they get to eat in the kitchen.

In the evening, Sandra went out with the children through the back door of the house, and looking at the forest, she said: "Elf friends, thank you for saving me, I made cakes for you, and there are candies, drinks and sweets for everyone, you can come to my kitchen in the evening, since everything that is in it, I lovingly prepared for you."

Sandra and the kids went to bed, in the early morning, they got up early, that the grandparents had come for a visit and were going to go fishing.

When Sandra, came into the kitchen, stood with her mouth open from the print, there was nothing, there was not even a candy paper, and everything was cleaned and fixed.

Sandra told her parents and the children what had happened. Her father looked at her with a gesture of disbelief, and at that moment Sandra said, I have a hidden camera in the kitchen.

When everyone watched the video, they saw Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley, dressed like the elves from the stories, joined by other men, women and children, dressed the same. Everyone was eating, laughing and enjoying the food. And then, they saw in the video Mrs. O'Malley, along with other elf ladies, cleaning and arranging the kitchen.

—Sandra, dear, I told you that the elves would like you very much, and notice that it's so like that, that Marion O'Malley, cleaned your kitchen, after the party. — Said his mum.

The children thanked Sandra for setting up the camera and for showing the elves.

From that day on, Sandra stopped feeling insecure, and now she was going out the back door of the house, which faced the forest, more than convinced, together with her children, to invite her elf neighbors to eat at her house.

Thank you for reading me.

Translated with (free version)


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Entre galletas y Duendes. La aventura de Sandra y sus hijos. Cuento infantil.

Sandra, iba cantando con sus hijos, mientras manejaba su camioneta, iba a su casa nueva en el bosque. Ella acababa de quedar viuda, ya que su esposo murió en un accidente. Así que ahora, ella debe trabajar y sostener a sus hijos ella sola y, eso la llevó a vender su casa en la ciudad y otros activos que tenía, ya que sin el ingreso permanente de Kevin, se le haría imposible mantener el mismo nivel de vida que antes tenía.

Sandra no tomó esas decisiones de manera apresurada, y de hecho, antes de hacerlo, habló sobre ellas con sus padres y con el hermano de Kevin, quienes pensaron que estaba tomando una decisión adecuada. Así, que después de la venta de la casa, las acciones del club y otras cosas. Sandra guardó parte del dinero en un fondo, compró un seguro para ella y para sus hijos y después, fue a visitar a sus padres unos días.

Cuando Sandra estaba en la casa de sus padres, decidió comenzar a buscar trabajo, ella era maestra de ciencias, graduada en el pedagógico de su ciudad natal. Sin embargo, había ejercido pocos años, ya que cuando se casó con Kevin, ella se dedicó a su esposo y sus hijos.

Sandra recibió una llamada, y en ella le informaban que una de las mejores escuelas de la ciudad quería entrevistarla. Sandra fue a la secundaria, y después de la entrevista, le informaron que querían contratarla. Ella llegó a la casa de sus padres, y les comentó a ellos y a sus hijos Karla y Andrés, todo lo de la entrevista.

Ella les comentó, que la habían contratado como maestra de ciencia, y también les dijo que ahora la escuela estaría en una nueva sede, que ahora quedaba hacia el el otro lado de la ciudad, cerca del bosque, y por eso ella creía que lo mejor era mudarse, para un lugar que estuviese más cercano a la escuela.

—Creo que lo mejor va a ser mudarnos para un lugar más cercano a la escuela, ya que desde acá, hay que conducir casi treinta minutos para llegar. Y ahora se hace rápido, ya que estamos en época de vacaciones, así que cuando comiencen las clases, va a ser mucho más tiempo, y eso significaría levantar a los niños muy temprano, para yo poder llegar en el horario de trabajo. Por eso creo que lo mejor es mudarme papá. — Le comentó Sandra a su padre.

—Sí, creo que va a ser lo más adecuado, pero de verdad, me gustaría que tú y los niños se queden con nosotros, le dan alegría a nuestra vida. — Le contestó su padre mientras la abrazaba.

La madre de Sandra, le dijo que podían irse a la casa del abuelo de Sandra. Era una casa vieja, pero estaba en buen estado, tenía todos los servicios y quedaba cerca de la escuela, de hecho se podía de la casa a la escuela y al pueblo, caminando atravesando el camino del bosque, era un recorrido de unos quince minutos. Y si querían caminar más, se podían ir por el camino principal, pero era una distancia muy grande.
—Mamá, deja de decirle a los niños que pueden usar el camino del bosque. A mí me daría terror que les pase algo ahí. — Dijo Sandra.

—En realidad no hay nada que temer, el bosque está encantado, y los duendes cuidan a los niños. Además, Sandra, ellos tratarán de acercarse a ti, ya que tienes mi sangre y la de tu abuelo, y ellos saben que vienes de una familia de amigos. Y, si te portas bien con ellos, Y les pones galletas en la cocina, para que las agarren en las noches, ellos también te cuidaran a ti. — Dijo muy convencida la mamá de Sandra.

—Abuela, ¿De verdad hay duendes en el bosque? — Preguntó Andrés, con algo de incredulidad.

—Sí, corazón, hay duendes y son de verdad. — Contestó la abuela.

— ¿Y hay que ponerles galletas, o también podemos darlo otras cosas? —- Preguntó Karla entusiasmada.

—Puede ponerles galletas y dulces si lo deseas. Y no hace falta que dejes la puerta de la casa abierta, solo di mirando al bosque: "Amigos duendes, les deje algo para comer en la cocina y son bienvenidos a comer" y ellos entrarán y comerán.

—Mama, por favor no le metas ideas en la cabeza a los niños. — Dijo Sandra, mientras su mamá abrazaba y besaba a los niños.

Ahora, Sandra iba conduciendo camino a su nueva casa con Andrés y Karla, cantando en el carro. Una vez que llegaron, comenzaron a arreglar sus cosas, cada uno tomo un cuarto propio y empezaron a vivir su vida, como una familia normal, Solamente, había dos cosas diferentes en la casa, la primera, que Sandra, había aceptado que los niños tuviesen un perro y la segunda, es que los niños, siempre dejaban galletas, caramelos y chocolates, para los duendes en la cocina.


Los niños siempre le decían a Sandra, que los duendes se comían los dulces y las galletas que ellos les dejaban. Sandra, pensaba, que los niños bajaban de madrugada y se comían los dulces a escondidas, para hacerla creer en los duendes. De hecho, Sandra, salía con sus hijos por la puerta de atrás de la casa, la que daba hacia al bosque, y le decía a los duendes, junto a Andrés y Karla, que les habían dejado algo sabroso en la cocina.
Un día, Sandra, salió a pasear al bosque con Andrés, Karla y el perro, iban para riachuelo, que estaba cerca de la casa, donde Andrés y Karla, pescaban con su abuelo, cuando él venía a visitarlos. Cuando iban de camino, se consiguieron con una pareja de mediana edad, que estaban sentados hablando en un tronco en el camino.

—Hola, buenos días, Soy Sandra y ellos son Andés, Karla y Goliat. Saben me asustaron mucho, cunado, escuche los ruidos, después me calme al escuchar su voz, pensé que estábamos solos en el bosque. — Le dijo Sandra a la pareja, mientras hacía una mueca de alegría y tranquilidad con el rostro.

—No debes asustarte, este es un bosque sano y muy bien cuidado. De hecho, yo fui y soy hasta cierto punto uno de sus más viejos cuidadores. Soy John O'Malley y ella es mi esposa Marion O'Malley. Y casi siempre estamos paseando por el bosque. — Dijo el hombre de la pareja.

Después de conversar un rato con los O'Malley, Sandra, los niños y Goliat, decidieron seguir camino al riachuelo. Y al despedirse de los O'Malley, Sandra y los niños, les dieron unas galletas, un par de chocolates, un pedazo de torta y uno de los envases de bebida achocolatada que llevaban, para su día de campo familiar.

—Son una pareja muy simpática, aunque nunca los he visto por acá. — Le dijo Sandra a los niños.

—Yo creo que ellos son parte de los duendes que viven en el bosque mamá. — Dijo Andrés.

—Sí, mama, los O'Malley, son los duendes que nos cuidan y son nuestros vecinos. — Dijo Karla.

La familia siguió hablando y caminando, hasta que llegaron al riachuelo, ahí pasaron un día muy agradable, jugando, pescando y comiendo en familia, y después, en la tarde, se fueron a la casa. En la noche los niños, hicieron su ritual de dejar galletas y caramelos en la cocina, como lo hacían siempre.

Al pasar unos días, Sandra salió casi al final de la tarde de la escuela, ya que estaba atendiendo a unos representantes. Y cuando fue a prender su camioneta, el auto no encendió.

Y al ver la hora, ella decidió irse caminando por el camino del bosque a la casa. Sandra no se preocupó de caminar por el bosque, ya que era un camino relativamente corto y conocido.

Cuando Sandra iba por la mitad del camino para llegar a su casa, escucho unos pasos cerca de ella. Sandra se volteó y vio a dos hombres jóvenes, con cara de pocos amigos, ella se dio cuenta de que los hombres eran unos ladrones. Y les dijo: "No se acerquen, no tengo dinero, déjenme en paz". Sin embargo, los hombres siguieron caminando hacia ella.

Sandra estaba temblando, tenía tanto miedo que no podía ni correr, estaba aterrada, mientras veía a los hombres acercarse a ella. Sandra pensó en lo peor, pensó en sus hijos, y en lo que le podía pasar, y solo comenzó a rezar.


De repente, se escucharon unos gritos, y Sandra vio, como unas piedras salieron volando de la nada, cayendo sobre el cuerpo de los malhechores, además vio unos niños, con ropa extraña, corriendo tras de los ladrones, y después, escucho gritos de miedo y horror de los ladrones, que se decían el uno al otro "Corre salgamos de aquí".

Sandra, todavía temblaba aterrada, tratando de entender lo que había pasado. Cuando sintió que le agarraban la mano.

—No te asustes querida, te acompañaré a casa. John y los chicos, se encargarán de esos malhechores. — Le dijo cariñosamente la señora O'Malley.

Sandra llegó a la casa y después de un rato, habló con sus padres por teléfono, y con los niños y les contó lo que le pasó. La madre de Sandra, le dijo que no temiera, que los duendes la cuidaban a ella y a los niños y que nada les pasaría. Y al terminar, la conversación, su madre le dijo: "Deberías hacer una torta para los duendes, y dárselas junto con unos chocolates, para darle las gracias".

Los niños también le decían a Sandra, lo de la torta y lo de hacerle un regalo a los duendes. Sandra le dijo que los duendes no existían y que ella sabía que eran ellos los que se comían las galletas.

Después de varitas discusiones, con los niños y con su madre, Sandra se hartó, y dijo, voy a demostrar que no hay ningunos duendes. Así que hizo una enorme torta, pasteles de zanahoria, y dulces caseros, también colocó varias jarras de leche malteada y puso muchos caramelos.

Sandra, se dijo, todo esto no se lo podrán comer los niños, y además voy a colocar una cámara oculta, para grabarlos cuando se metan a comer en la cocina.

En la noche, Sandra salió con los niños por la puerta de atrás de la casa, y mirando al bosque, dijo: "Amigos duendes, gracias por haberme salvado, les hice tortas, y hay caramelos, bebidas y dulces para todos, pueden venir a mi cocina en la noche, ya que todo lo que hay en ella, lo preparé con cariño para ustedes".

Sandra y los niños se fueron a dormir, en la mañana temprano, se levantaron temprano, que los abuelos habían venido de visita y se iban a ir a pescar.

Cuando Sandra, entró en la cocina, se quedó con la boca abierta de la impresión, no había nada, ni siquiera había un papel de caramelo, y todo estaba limpió y arreglado.

Sandra le comentó a sus padres y a los niños lo que había pasado. Su padre la miró con gesto de incredulidad, y en ese momento Sandra dijo, tengo una cámara oculta en la cocina.

Cuando todos vieron el video, vieron a los señores O'Malley, vestido como los duendes de los cuentos, unidos a otros hombres, mujeres y niños, vestidos iguales. Todos estaban comiendo, riendo y disfrutando de la comida. Y después, vieron en el video a la señora O'Malley, junto a otras señoras duendes, limpiando y acomodando la cocina.

—Sandra, querida, te dije que le caerías muy bien a los duendes, y fíjate que es tan así, que Marion O'Malley, te limpió la cocina, después de la fiesta. — Dijo su mamá.

Los niños le dieron gracias a Sandra por poner la cámara y por enseñarle a los duendes.

A partir de ese día, Sandra, dejó de sentirse insegura, y ahora salía por la puerta de atrás de la casa, que daba hacia el bosque, más que convencida, junto a sus hijos, para invitar a sus vecinos duendes, a comer en su casa.

Gracias por leerme.


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Muchas gracias por el apoyo, me alegra que te haya gustado el cuento.

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Hi @theinkwell, thank you very much for the support.

0.00000000 BEE

A very interesting story. It kept me in suspense until the end, the fantasy element combined with modernity makes the plot more attractive. Excellent work.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent start week.

0.00000000 BEE

Hi @rinconpoetico7, I am very glad that you liked the story.
Thank you very much for the comment.

0.00000000 BEE

This is a charming story, a delight to read, @osomar357. The detailed description of the food adds to the charm, as does the bit about having the kitchen cleaned. Very sweet.

I enjoyed this. Thanks for the experience.

0.00000000 BEE

Hi @agmoore, I am very glad that you liked the story.

Thank you very much for the comment.

0.00000000 BEE

This is such a heartwarming and magical children’s story! Sandra’s journey from dealing with the loss of her husband to finding comfort in a new home surrounded by enchanted neighbors is beautifully written. I love how the story blends everyday challenges, like moving to a new house and starting a job, with the whimsical element of elves living in the forest. The idea of the O'Malleys being the helpful elves who protect Sandra and her children adds a lovely twist, and it’s so satisfying to see Sandra finally believe in the elves after witnessing their kindness firsthand.

The dynamic between Sandra and her children, with their excitement about leaving treats for the elves, adds a playful tone to the story, making it enjoyable for young readers. It’s also touching how Sandra’s own fears and doubts are eased through the magic of the elves, especially after they come to her rescue. The theme of community and unseen helpers watching over us is heartening, and the story’s message of embracing magic and the unknown is inspiring.

The hidden camera reveal is a fun and clever way to show Sandra the truth, and it’s a great way to wrap up the story. Overall, this story is charming, with a perfect blend of fantasy and real-life emotions. I’m sure children will love the adventure and magic that you’ve created here! Great job!

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