A morning dilemma.


I groggily swirled my hands on the surface of the bed, I extended it further, apparently my hands hadn't met what it was searching for, perhaps, it had fell during the course of me rolling from each edge of the bed to another. Finally, I found the phone buzzing my ears out beside the fan and furiously slapped it off - I slept late yesternight and now, it seemed that my night rest wasn't anything a night rest should be, far benign blissful. I had no time to start mopping around, it morning already, precisely some minutes past seven and have gat to start preparing for. Mr. Tijani's lecture - any student who arrived to his class at a latter time or even few minutes past 8am wouldn't be allowed in by him, no attendance is taken by proxy, no this, no that, and meanwhile, attendance takes like twenty percentages of the aggregates which is hundred in all his courses - he is that stern and discipline and I knew his rules like the back of my palm and wasn't ready to face the consequences of altering them.

I moved to the bathroom to take my shower, on getting there, my heart refused to believe what I encountered after turning the control lever of the tap countless times - there was no water.
"There is power supply now so,what's stopping them from pumping water? Oh no! I hope the pumping machine isn't faulty again", I left the bathroom to see the caretaker of my hostel who lived downstairs, bearing these questions in my mind - Mr. Quadri who was the caretaker of my hostel is a friendly and approachable person, more reason why every occupants of the hostel liked him.
"Good morning Sir and how was your night"?I greeted Mr. Quadri drowsily.
"Dee! what's wrong"?You looked as if you did not get a proper sleep over the night, he curiously asked while he continued to pull the fetcher effortlessly from the well. "Yeah, you are right sir, I did had a long night, by the way, there is no water in the tank, please don't tell the just repaired pumping machine is faulty again", I demanded from him. "Yes ooo, it is. What happened was that, the electric current of the power went high during the night and the pumping machine wasn't able to accommodate such degree of power so, it blew up again" he replied unapologetically.
Why this today now?I lamented.

I accepted my fate with good faith and hastily dashed to my apartment to get a bucket to fetch water from the well. I got to the well, grabbed the fetcher and then threw it into the well but ended up pulling the rope alone outside, clearly, the small bucket tied to the rope had loosed. Every forces seems to be working against me this morning, I laughed hysterically, hiding my frustration underneath it.
There was still one option on the table which was, going to the next compound to fetch for water, thanks to my stars,I got water and hence didn't lingered in getting myself ready for the lecture.

"Death holes in pot holes", that should be the name of my street and not what they named it.
I walked side by side of the street, dodging puddles and splash of it by moving vehicles, I was pretty much doing a good job at that not until a vehicle vroomed right by my side and whooshed the puddle water right on my dress. Can't today get any better?I exhaustingly clamoured. I continued with my journey, leaving other passersby to lash the driver of the vehicle on my behalf - I had no energy for that in the first place.

I got to school two minutes past eight, unfortunately for me, "The Almighty
Mr. Tijani
" was already in the lecture room and the lecture hall was under locked too, begging him for favor wasn't the
ideal thing to do in that situation, I knew better than to do that anyways - my pleading wouldn't had made any difference, other students that i met at the entrance of the closed lecture room must had outdone themselves in doing that.
"I must get up on the right side of the bed tomorrow,it gonna be that because, today has been nothing but a very good day so far", I ironically said aloud as I continously stamped my legs on the floor,showcasing my displeasure in an open way.

© Medemausi

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