First LPUD of 2024

New goals

I usually don't believe in New Year resolutions or anything like that, but this time, coincidentally, the new year also represents the beginning of a new cycle in my life, so there I am planning to make some changes in the way I approach my activity on Hive.

One important difference is I'm resuming my goal of increasing my Leo Power.

Sometime last year, I hit my goal of 20k Leo Power. Due to one of the Zealy campaigns that happened throughout the year, that mark was hit a lot sooner than I initially planned, and because of that, I decided to take some time to focus on increasing my holdings of a couple of other tokens, too.

Again, that goal was smashed, which means it's time to put $LEO on the top of my priority list once again.

One thing I learned from the last cycle is setting a specific number to hit may not be the best approach due to the volatile nature of the crypto market.

Instead, I will commit to making regular purchases of $LEO every week. The quantity will be determined at the time of the purchase and will depend on several factors such as availability of funds, price of the token, current state of the markets and possibly other factors that can't be foreseen.

Leo Power Up Day

One of the cornerstones of this goal will be Leo Power Up Day (LPUD), a monthly event where Lions are encouraged to stake their $LEO tokens to show their support for the community and also have the chance to win some nice prizes.

To make the most of my stake, I will be doing regular power-ups, not only monthly ones, but I will still save some $LEO to make sure I can participate in LPUD.

I will soon reach the 25k LEO Power mark, which means I will not be eligible for LPUD rewards very soon, but even when that happens, I will still continue to participate and promote the event because I believe in the community and also because the long-term success of $LEO will be more significant than any short term reward.

What is LPUD?

If you are new to InLEO and have no idea what the LEO Power Up Day is all about, let me break it down for you.

LPUD happens every month on the 15th, and the basic idea is to show our collective support and strength by powering up $LEO tokens on that day.

There are two types of power up:
CUB attack: Power up at least 50 $LEO on the 15th

LION attack: Power up at least 150 $LEO on the 15th.

As I mentioned before, by doing this, you are not only showing your support for InLEO, but you can also win some additional rewards.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

Your total Leo Power (on the 15th) must be less than 25k.
You must power up at least 50 Leo on January 15.
You must not have powered down Leo since September 15.
Make a post on InLeo about LPUD, why you are joining, what do you think about the initiative, the community or anything related to InLeo (A Thread is not enough).

The rewards are LEO Power delegations ranging from 2k LP up to 20k LP. A 50 $LEO Power Up will make you eligible for most of these delegations, but to be eligible for all of them, you must power up at least 150 $LEO. Check out the official announcement for the full list of delegations and eligibility criteria.

Additionally, if you participate in the 150 tier, you also get an LPUD badge for your Hive Profile. There is a different one every month, so make sure you collect them all!

A final note is that the InLEO team sometimes promotes specific challenges for LEO Power Up day. This is not the case this month but make sure to follow @leogrowth and stay tuned for the LPUD posts to see if there are any specific objectives and even more rewards to be won!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Well done, that's a very nice stake you already have!

Thanks to this post, I found out there's a @leogrowth account that does the announcement for #LPUD, which I was looking for earlier this week.

