Have you always wanted to ask me something?
Now is your chance, there won't be another!
(ok, ok, there will)
New Year Edition!
Hit me up in the comment section with a question and I will do my best to answer it. I post a new AMA post every 2 months or so.
--> There is a community for that™ <---
AMA is a format popular on Reddit where one person offers to answer questions for a limited period of time.
I will usually answer them pretty quickly, and I should be around for a few hours. I will continue to answer them as they come in.
I'm open to pretty much anything but I can give the best answers about:
Don't feel limited to the above categories, just things I generally know about.
This AMA brought to you by BOOM, X Ambassadors
So let's get this shit started!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Question -

How best to increase ROI from the vote selling buildawhale bot, after it's no longer acceptable?
Cool, thanks for answering.
P.S. you should remove "New Year Edition!" from your $100 copy/pasted post.
Yes, I understand the actual content is in comments, because I understand things.
But cmon, you're supposed to have an impervious facade around here - try harder.
OMG, someone I vote for votes me back. Holy shit. What an amazing observation.
In my entire history here, I have talked to solominer on like 3 ocassions, one was about STEMGeeks, another about Python, and third about downvoting a spammer.
What he does with his votes is completely up to him, as is what I do. I don't vote trade nor do I sell votes. In fact, anyone who contacts me even talking about votes gets ignored.
So if I was trading I'd be doing a pretty shitty job of it.
As you said, the post is 99% about the comments and engement. It's not something that is done every day or even 10 times a day like some people. It's done once a every two months. Great ad hominem in response to your farm of comment spammers getting flagged.
Credit where credit is due: you don't host an AMA 10 times a day, and respond to things inside the AMA even if they're scathing, so that's pretty cool.. but you should really stop pretending to understand the queen system as if you actually know what those votes are for. Most of them are dust that gets rounded down to nothing, so WTF is really going on? Nobody knows, I guarantee it.
Anyway it's not surprising you think it's "spam" at a glance, since this is hive with steemit roots that basically imply "everything is spam until proven otherwise", so maybe you're not even to blame for that... then again, the first rule of the game is "don't attack", and yet somehow across every community and format without fail there's always at least one person of 'authority' that does. The more warnings that are given the more likely it is to happen, and it's always the same archetype that does it - the people with some form of localized power in that environment. The blindfold is so universal that it's almost astounding, and it proves one of our original points beyond any doubt.
So you can keep downvoting, and we can keep haunting you while simultaneously proving points, it's fine - you've become a catalyst to the game either way (and like you said people do whatever they want), but pretending that you're innocent of circlejerk nonsense far in excess of the kind you're supposedly trying to fight against is some politician-level headspace you've cornered yourself into, and it's going to become really heavy over time.
Pointing at "abuse" of a few pennies while in your position didn't divert attention away from you, because you made the mistake of pointing at the mirrorforce, and we are not interested in pennies.
Our enemies are your enemies,
you just haven't noticed you're playing on the wrong side.
I don't expect that you care enough to figure that out, but if you do, things will change.
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Is there a Marky music playlist of song you like?
Nope, but I can give you a few bands I listen to. I'm kind of all over the place.
Interesting like nearly all of that music except a few I have not heard of which we will listen to now lol
This playlist holds a secret - can you keep it?

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@themarkymark Do you know you are going to prison?
I don't have a question in my mind, but as someone who loves cats, I couldn't resist when I saw the cat. I just wanna boop up Kitty's nose and go. Do you accept? 🥰
You can do the same to my cat :))
For sure.
I can say that this is the social media platform that I have enjoyed the most for about 5-6 months. I make regular and quality posts.
I also like and comment on the posts I like.
But I can't say that I'm in the trends.
Do you have any other suggestions for me?
Someone asked a similar question to mine and your answer was
But I don't understand what you mean by networking.
Thanks in advance for your answer
Networking is the art of interacting with people to from friendships and in the business world potential clients and allies.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thank you. I think I did that too.
Hey Marky, hope you're doing well.
I would like to ask what the biggest mistake you have made in crypto is. (Apart from not buying BTC at $0.01 that is :D). I hope I'm not being indiscreet.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Probably selling off my mining equipment. I sold when used GPUs were selling almost as much as I paid for them.
I was doing really well mining and had a lot of GPUs but I don’t have an attractive energy cost but it was still very profitable.
If I kept mining I would have done very well. Especially due to the fact there was limitations in GPU purchases that limited it to one per customer making large farms very hard to do.
That being said, it was probably for the best as the majority of my GPUs were 1060 3gb edition as they were considerably cheaper and I could push a pretty good hash rate out of them. The problem is 3gb was no longer usable to mine Ethereum. I probably still could have gotten a few months out of them but not likely able to sell for peak price.
It was nice to get rid of the heat, holy shit my basement got hot.
Thank you for your time!
Sounds like you had a blast mining, plus the fact that you received almost as much as you paid for those miners makes it all a great play at the end of the day. Not too bad for a 'big mistake'.
Energy costs make mining a no-no were I live, but considering the kind of money people have to spend on heating here, maybe I should go for two birds with one stone after all.
Have a great day ahead!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hello 🙋♀️ this is a great thing, it's great to get answers from people who know why, how, why.
🪄 My question is how can we draw attention to the quality content we produce.
🪄 Do you think people who want to hide themselves and only want to exist with their photos and writings will be supported?
🪄 Where am I going wrong, I couldn't find it.🙄
Thank you in advance for your answers 🤲
Networking, engagement, consistency.
Not sure I understand the question, hide themselves as remaining anonymous or not engaging?
I'm not sure. I'm not even sure you are going wrong.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think I'm doing this 😉
Being anonymous makes me feel freer and better.
I'm trying to do my best, but when I couldn't get support, I started to think that I was doing something wrong. My moral motivation is decreasing day by day. 😔
Thanks for your support and answers. 🤲🙋♀️
What do you say about this???
(1) PoB reward is 65% of the reward pool, for content creator(32.5%) and curator(3.25%). The content creators can be voted on their posts, comments, etc.
(2) Is it possible to reserve 5% of the reward pool exclusively for comments. At this point of time, it includes all and it is purely at the discretion of curators to vote a post or comment.
I don't have the data; what percentage of the total reward pool is being distributed to the commenters on average. Any tentative data on that??
So, if by an amendment 5% of the reward pool will be reserved for commenters, how difficult it will be to code it? and Do you think it will make people become a consumer of the comment also in addition to being a content consumers of posts? I am not questioning the current status quo, as I don't have the data, I may be wrong in calling for greater engagement in the comment section(which might already be there at present). But I feel that a dedicated reward pool for commenters can be a homecoming for the traditional userbase of Twitter, Facebook, etc. Many are content consumers (or very casual content creators) in Asian countries.
Not really sure, that seems low considering there are no POB miners. What happens to the other 35%?
Not without custom code or a benecifiary account that does separate voting.
That's something that would have to be coded by the Hive Engine team as they control the code that does the distribution for Tribes. There are ways to do it outside of that in a round about way which are easier.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for the response.
I think the remaining 35% is for witnesses(10%), interest payment for vested token holders, HP(15%) and rest is for Hive DAO(10%).
I am unable to trace Hivedb to get the data of PoB percentage distribution of rewards(Authors, Commenters, Curators, etc), can you help me any alternative tool to query such data?
Hello Marky,
Why did you choose to be an anon? Do you think people whose identities/faces are public, they have some kind of egde over anons or vice versa?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I switched to being anon on the Internet years ago due to all the data breaches and lack of respect for users private information.
Almost every site gets hacked or sells private data. Any time I can use made up information, I will do.
I also deleted all my social accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. It's just not worth it.
Every site I join I choose a random name and random 64 character password. Anything other than this is all downside and no upside.
When you are in crypto, it is evey more a concern. Look at the recent Ledger breach where their customer database was leaked or when Facebook sold all your private information to ad companies, even information they stated would never be sold.
Add in the fact I work in Information Security field, I am even more cautious.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome. Thank you so much for the answer. Makes a lot of sense. Moreover inflation is going up and up. This can lead to crime rate going up. Not being an anon could risk your life and your family's life especially when you are in the crypto space. I mean to say that it's not just hacks that we should be worried about.
For the very same reason I don't get too excited and discuss my crypto investments with my friends except a few peeps I hangout and meet with on daily basis. People don't care about your life changing experiences. They will join the party anyway if they want to.
One more question, Do you think there are any downsides to being an anon? Are you and I missing something? 🙈
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hi Marky, I love AMA's because they teach good lessons. I'm not clear about token burning, what is the biggest advantage of doing coin burning, what is the purpose of doing that? Does Hive burn your tokens? How often? Could you please clarify these doubts?... My regards!
Typically token burning does nothing generally. I could burn my entire stake on my account and Hive won't likely move a cent.
The main purpose of burning is to reduce the supply and create scarcity.
There are ways it can do things though, if the burns are significant, systematic, and marketed.
First let me give you an example.
You go to your school bake sale, you stand in line and when it is your turn you ask for a pumpkin pie. They tell you it will be $10 and they pull a pie off the stack of 100 other pies. You pay your $10 and move on.
Let's say you instead go and they only have one pie, and you love pumpkin pie. Would you pay more than $10? What if the person behind you said they will definitely be buying that pie and will pay twice the amount to get it. You can probably see where I'm going here.
Another scenerio is here on Hive. Let's say I make a post promoting my next big thing. It gets $50-100, and I get half of that as an author. If I made that same post, but instead burned rewards, I will likely get a lot more votes as voters know I won't benefit from it (outside of more exposure) so they are likely to vote more as a result.
Another example is my own project STEMGeeks, I frequently burn 50-100% of the weekly reward pool due to multiple things I do. This takes an already super low inflation (6% compared to 20% of many tribes) and turns it to almost 0% inflation. This in theory should make the token super valuable, and the price should go through the roof as a result. This isn't the case though as most people are not interested in posting or curating Science and Technology content, but it does serve a purpose for me. It allows me to minimize the inflation and almost completely eliminate it, until we have enough users on Hive and by association STEMGeeks to justify the inflation. At that point, I would hope the demand would be much higher.
In short, burning tokens generally doesn't do anything unless it massively reduces the inflation to a point it makes the token far more attractive, but it can however be a very attractive option compared to someone else benefiting from something. For example, in STEMGeeks I burn all the rewards earned by the official accounts to further reduce inflation and prevent the token owner (me) from gobbling up all the inflation from the community.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just commenting here with a project I think will be doing great in various aspects (launchpad with high profile projects only, quality over quantity), ETF play....and a token burn schema. Burning up to an extreme even. They started with a tat more than 200M tokens and will continue these buybacks and burn until 2M tokens are in the market. Not sure how long this will take, maybe a decade or more. I believe they did something well in the concept. Both the launchpad and ETF fund offers long term subscriptions (token locks). The token burning gives something extra to the long term lockers, ie the idea that when the tokens get unlocked, fewer TenseT tokens are in the market which should give extra value to the token, which should entice peeps to lock their tokens for the maximum length of time. Thus far, the TenseT token value waves are caused by new project launches which require a fixed 1-year subscription.
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Hello Marky, thank you for this opportunity, I have a few questions.
First, would you advise anyone to buy a MacBook 2012 edition, I need to get a laptop and I saw one of those that I can afford, or should I just wait a bit longer for something else.
Secondly, as someone whose main income comes from hive due to the high rate of unemployment in my country, what do you think is a good way to increase earnings one hive and be consistent in doing so?
Thank you.
I am not a fan of Apple hardware, but I do like the Macbook Air a lot. If that's your budget, then sure. I would probably suggest looking at a Chromebook or Windows machine for a cheaper than a Macbook Air if you don't have the budget. 2012 is really old and it won't last long most likely, not to mention it being slow.
Improving the quality of your content. Networking and engaging.
Posting on Hive really isn't meant to be a source of primary income for most.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much, I actually thought of the factor of it being slow.
Never planned for it to be, things just didn't go according to plan and right now, it's better than nothing.
Thank you for answering, have a great day.
What do you think about the HBD Bonds idea Taskmaster promotes? I suppose you know about it. There are actually two phases for that. One that would create a sort of term deposit contracts for HBD at layer 1, time-locked and at higher and fixed yields for the term but witness customizable for new contracts, potentially for different terms (if not, for one year). The next phase would create the actual transferrable bonds at layer 2, but that would come later. Would you improve/change something?
I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know if we have enough users to justify 25%+. This interest is actually inflation stacked on top of the current Hive inflation as it wasn't pulled from base inflation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The problem is we can see what's possible with a stable coin that works in a similar manner as the HIVE-HBD relation does (I'm talking about LUNA-UST). The major difference is how much difference of market cap there is between HBD and UST and how aggressively they promote UST in every ecosystem out there.
Yes, Hive is a more complex ecosystem than they have, but if we keep thinking defensively chances are we'll never grow fast enough to matter.
dont have enough users coz you keep chasing them away
Hello Marky. First off: I have a lot of things to buy and don’t know how to manage, I have to buy a new phone and I’m looking over the android side this time but can’t make up my mind. Second, would it be better for me to buy a graphics card of 3000 series of wait for the 4000 series. If I do have to wait for the 4000 series should I get the ps5?
The 4000 will be hard to get at first, and they raising the price quite a bit. Rumors are it is a pretty big upgrade though, like the 3000 was.
If you are getting something like a 3060, I'd just get it now, if you are going for something like the 3090, maybe wait for the 4090. It depends on what you play and the resolution.
I have an Ultra Wide 1440p, so I need a lot more to drive it. If I was just playing Dota, it wouldn't matter a 3060 would be plenty.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh Marky; this feels like an opportunity to say 'Knock, Knock', in the knowledge that you might actually say 'Who's there?'.
Or, I could ask, 'Do you think our relationship will continue to blossom?', but I'd expect you to say it already is!
Or, perhaps I should wonder: What do you think is the upside potential in Hive? Where do you see it growing to into the future?
Good chat. Tim
Who's there?
I'm married.
This question comes up every AMA, but my answer is always the same. I don't believe anyone knows where a token will be in a year, much less tomorrow. So I can't really answer this outside of just a guess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You have no idea how happy this made me ;)
& I was already having a good day!
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do you oppress your wife too?
I actually do have some questions, but I don't know whether you can answer them. Here goes:
When I post a review of a book or movie, I typically do not include the real cover unless it happens to be cc0 (as was the case with "Rebecca" -- the movie). However, I notice I am in a minority here. Most people posting reviews post the actual book or movie cover and/or stills from the movie.
I don't care what other people do -- I mean, if it is a copyright violation, which it technically is, it is minor and I am a "live and let live" sort of person in general. However, I think it might add to my reviews if I included the original book or movie cover, so, if that is something hivewatchers, etc thinks is okay, I might do it. It seems a grey area.
That is a long-winded way of asking your opinion on this if you have one. (I know it's not a very interesting question, but it's one of those things that keeps coming up. On a related note, I see people sometimes posting memes, which seems a copyright violation in a few ways, but I am not asking about that because I have no meme-posting plans in the immediate future. )
(P.S. Out of curiosity, have you decided what to mine when Ether is no longer mineable? I thought it already was not mineable, but I guess they must have pushed it back.)
(P.P.S. Totally unrelated - if you were just starting out in computing today and you wanted to get one skill or credential that would be most profitable, what would it be and why?)
Yeah, I know... it's a lot of questions. Feel free to ignore in part or entirely, of course.
I would recommend posting the cover and linking below it a source of the image. This is an acceptable practice. Although I doubt anyone is going to confuse the author of the image when you use a cover image of a major movie, it is best to source it.
Here is how I do it.
That will give you something like this.
Sub will just make it a little smaller than the rest of the text, which looks good for source links.
I would highly recommend you put the cover image and any other good related images in your post, just source them.
If I was doing a movie review, I would typically put this at the bottom of the post, something like this.
All images in this post are from the movie Black Panther owned by Marvel Studios.
Don't be afraid to use images in your posts, just properly source any that are not yours. CC0 images do not need attribution for personal or commercial use, but can be confusing for onlookers. I frequently use CC0 images as my post header image without attribution.
As someone who has done antiabuse here for years, I have come up with a rule of thumb for third party content, but this is only my opinion.
Third party content should add to your post, but when it is your post there is a problem.
Meaning, it's ok to add images that compliment your original content, but posting an image from the Black Panther movie and that's it, that's a problem. Most of the post should be your own content if you expect to earn rewards for it.
Nope it is pointless, I'll mine it while it is possible, when it isn't, I will just look for the next profitable coin. No sense spinning wheels until it's actually an issue as things may change by then.
Start your own company. This question is difficult to answer as I am not really sure what field you want to be in, computer repair, AI, programming, database design, the possibilities are endless.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. That was very helpful and informative.
How do I find out how much RC does it cost for:
There used to be a site that displayed this, but it isn't maintained anymore.
You can go to hiveblocks.com and check your account to get a rough idea, for example your account:
If you really want to know, Beem Python module has some functions that can give you fairly accurate estimates.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hello Marky, how come noone buying Ned?
Good question, not sure really. Maybe the price?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
oh, ok. was starting to think it was cause he's ugly 🤣
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Greetings @themarkymark ❤️💕
Firstly I want to commend you for coming up with such an interactive content like this which helps to promote learning even though I'm actually experiencing something like this on hive for the very first time.. Keep up the good work 👍
My questions are not that much but I will want you to answer them more explicitly since I myself don't know much and I'm always open to learning.
My first question is that I noticed you are also applying for the role of Hive witness, I will love to ask what are your plans or aspirations for the development of Hive blockchain.
My second question is that what does it takes to make one's content appear on Hive trending page or how can content creators gain or generate more attention after publishing their quality content on Hive?
What's your view or opinion about Metaverse?
What other means or methods can you recommend when it comes to making more income in the cryptocurrency space apart from trading and Staking cryptocurrencies?
Thanks for your time and I also thank you for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️
I wish to see rewards move to 2nd layer. I would go so far to say moving all social functionality to a second layer (implemented as a smart contract) as to make the core blockchain more generic rather than specifically focused on Social media.
Trending is simply a function of rewards and time.
I believe consistency and quality are the biggest factors to getting more rewards.
Overrated, but still a unique opportunity.
Building projects.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for your lovely reply @themarkymark 💕❤️
Does this implies that there will be little or low focus on blogger/creator rewards? I don't seem to understand you here. Also about implementing a smart contract on the second layer, will users have access to staking functionality on Hive blockchain?
I also agree with your point here though and I think it's high time I started applying this concept too.
Lol.. How's metaverse overrated? You aren't interested in Metaverse?
I think there's a misconception here.. Two things can either happen when building projects, it's either the project becomes successful or unsuccessful.. Even if the project is successful, how can one make people utilise or adopt such project?
Another thing is that it's not everyone that's financially capable of building or developing projects in the crypto space.. What about people who don't have that financial capability is it also possible for them to make money in the crypto space?
Thanks for your time and I hope to read your feedback about the above questions too.. Have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla ❤️💕❤️
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Hi @themarkymark
I would like to ask if you mine cryptocurrency and if yes what are those?
Also what we can expect in terms of use case of hive punks in future?
Thanks in advance for your time.
I would like to ask if you mine cryptocurrency and if yes what are those?
I mine Ethereum.
Nothing public right now to disclose
You don't want to disclose which is right. That means community can wait for announcement soon. Thanks for reply
what can I do with my raspberry pi after I replace pihole from it?
Should be something cool and useful but i have no idea for now.
The possibilities are endless, it really depends on what you want to do. I recommand checking out MagPi Magazine, it's free if you download the PDF version, it has many ideas and good articles about the Raspberry Pi.
I do recommend checking out NextDNS over Pi Hole. It is far better and does a lot more. It will cost you $20 a year if you use it a lot but the amount of security it gives you is more than worth it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's very cool! Thank you.
NextDNS is cool and is on my list :)
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Nice, I was waiting for this to ask: When you'll play Minecraft vanilla?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Should I use LeoFinance?
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2 weeks now since the speak network dropped the Larynx miners. What are your initial thoughts so far?
I think it is pretty confusing for Average Joe and the website is very minimum effort. I did notice the website got some updates that improved it, but these should have been done before launch.
I think limiting rewards for staking to those who run nodes is going to cause most people to just sell them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Were you planning on running a node?
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What do you think of Protonmail? Is there a better secure email service?
I use protonmail a lot, I have also been looking at ctemplar.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It’s so nice stumbling on a post such as this , commendable! . If i May ask do you think the US will ever hands off from anything that has to do with El Salvador crypto wise ?
Not if they can help it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
mhmm! My thoughts exactly..
Hey Marky, I'd like to ask you if you plan to add more features to the Punks market. I'm especially interested in something like being able to view Punks listed for sale, based on details, like accessories, profession and so on. Thank you!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, there are a few more things I plan to add.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is really awesome.
Maybe you answered the question below, in earlier AMA's... when so, you may direct me to that one, orrrr in case you adapted your view, I like to read your response here :)
What do you think HIVE should become: purely a general-purpose chain, or stay a blogging chain (which it isn't already these days with eg Splinterlands consuming 60/70% of chain transactions). The answer to this question results immediately into the next question: Should blogging rewards move to a higher layer altogether, with HIVE tokens not being used as a reward token for blogging services?
In an ideal world, I'd liked to see all social aspects removed from Hive. Smart Contracts and custom tokens added. Then all current social aspects turned into one of many dApps on a smart contract.
Yes, I believe this is the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agree with you 100%. The power of HIVE chain to me is the feeless transactions. Smart contracts and maybe even the support for EVM, will put HIVE into the top 100, maybe even top 50 and 25. If not for HIVE, Koinos will do this. Am not too worried about Steem and Blurt doing something like that, for the moment :) What do you think is the consensus between the witnesses on this front?
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Excluding Hive, what is your favorite project/blockchain out there?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's a question is funny!
Say good things you know about me! xD
I don’t know you, just your name a few times in Discord chat.
What's going on with Punkz? Any Updates or further projects in the Pipe?
If you mean the token Punkz, that is not my project.
Nono, the Punks themselves, I still have 20 or so.
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What's the impact of crypto on global inflation?
None, it's more global inflation has impact on crypto.
Oh, some regions have massive Crypto influx like Malta or Puerto Rico and since crypto Gen1 people are so wealthy, found that to be very interesting when I heard about it on Pops show and from Peter Schiff on Mikhaila Peterson Podcast.
But the argument that crypto might impact inflation overall makes me wonder how impactful the crypto space overall is already.
hello, thank you for the answer. I joined this platform as a new user. nice in general. I not produce content, but I opened an account to contribute to valuable accounts by renting hive. I think I did something wrong. Please explain this. thanks.
I felt your daily automated posts on what you voted for the day were overrewarded.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I want you to know that this feeling caused me, who is interested in the platform, to move away and the account to be closed. I wish you a good day.
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I want to add a little information. If you think I'm doing it for profit, you're wrong. because I think you know that only half of the price I paid for 4 weeks of rent will be returned. The account I made means more loss than profit for me. All I want to do is to support users who have come to certain places on the platform. I hope you will understand. I wish you success.
You went to the wrong platform my friend. I'm a five + year veteran of Steemit then hive. After five years, Marky and his gang turned on me and decided my supporters votes should be canceled out. Which is outrageous. All my travel/photos posts have been blanketed down to zero for months. There is a much better down-vote/abuse free platform called Blurt. It's the fork from steemit that doesn't get as much attention but it is now quickly growing in popularity.
You must know that Hive not at all decentralized and @themarkymark is a wealthy elite member of the group who run this platform. He and his associates have installed and use the down-vote button to abuse, control, and manipulate for their own personal reasons. It's a total disgrace and everyone should know there is an alternative platform free of this blatant corruption.
If you choose to buy and power up on blurt I'll match whatever you power up with a 4 week delegation equal to your power up. Over there you are free to do whatever you want...and I'll personally give you a nice introduction. Plus the price is very cheap, and has the potential to go up 10x....where hive will never go up 10x from here. In fact Marky and his rich friends will probably pull the rug on it sometime this year. Enriching themselves at everyone else's expense.
What is something illegal you would do if you knew you could get away with it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nothing. I’m not in a position I would risk my freedom.
My Question is!
What do you think would be the price of BTC in the next two weeks?
I don't believe in guessing prices, no one has a clue what the price will be. Way too many factors.
Smile... Is true, since prices can fluctuate overtime, it was nice engaging 🤗
I am very happy to hear all your aspirations to us, hopefully it will be of benefit to all of us.
Hi @themarkymark 😊
How are you?
How has the year been for you thus far?
My year has been tough.
I thought about leaving this earth at some point as I have tried out a lot of things I am both passionate and skilled in but they don't seem to be working and my life seems to be at a standstill.
Asking about you and others helps me get encouraged to keep pushing.
I hope it's not out of bounds.
Thank you so much.
Been good, been busy just hanging out with family and friends.
Unless you mean taking a trip to Mars or something, that's never the answer. At some point this part of your life will be a distance memory and you will be glad you are around.
If your life is at a standstill, try to look at it from a different perspective, you may not be on the path you should be and sometimes a simple change is all it takes to move in the right direction.
I am honestly glad to hear this. These folks keep us going.
I am hopeful.
Thank you so much.
I would.
Hello. When I saw the cat, I wanted to share my cat.
I just started writing on my Hive blog.
What I'm trying to ask is, How accurate is it to add too many pictures in a share?
There are no official rules on anything really. Just use your best judgement. I’ve seen quite a lot of pictures in port but I would make sure they all add value and unique and not 50 different angles of the same shot.
I agree with you. Thank you for answering🙏🏻
why are you gay and a nigger