From Zero to Hero... Is It Possible? .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 203

Recently, I had a chat about the "vida laboral" (I have to improve my Spanish, so I will add a few words in posts to not forget it 😃), which made me think about the jobs that I had in the past, and about the choices that I made in life regarding work... So, I will use this space to share it with you, and maybe to remind myself of how did I get here...

I have to go back to my roots and my childhood... When I was a kid, my grandfather was still working as a self-employed tailor... I remember his stories when he was living in Paris for a couple of years, working in a big tailor shop, and later, working as a boss in a big local firm in my hometown... In the end, he opened his own tailor shop! His clients were mostly wealthy people as he "specialized" himself in men's suits, jackets, tuxedos, etc. Because of him, when I ran my own company, many people would recognize my surname and ask about him...

On the other side, my father was working in a construction company, as one of the wheels in the machine... I remember that he was repeating over and over again how he would quit his job, and start his own company... Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but those continuous words were somewhere stuck in my head, subconsciously moving me into the entrepreneurship world... I would say that the combination of these 2 figures in my life sculptured my future...

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When I discovered the world of computers, I knew that I would do something around it... Maybe I recognized that they would be important in everyone's life, I don't know... But, I had a huge problem... Computers were extremely expensive (at least for me) in those days, and I couldn't afford them! There were a couple of PC magazines that I wanted to read, but even they were expensive! I remember that I was able to buy one cheap magazine, maybe every 3-4 months... As it was the cheapest, it was full of ads, classified ads, and paid promotion articles... I would check out the prices every time a new magazine was issued, creating a plan in my head for how to reach those numbers...

That reminded me of the story that I read somewhere in those days... One of the wealthy guys (I think it was Trump, or Musk, or Gates,) stated how he got 1 million from his parents and how he invested them to earn 2, and doubled to 4, etc. Well, that's great, and it's an amazing accomplishment, but how can the rest of us get to that FIRST million? 😃

There are pros and cons of working in a factory or a big corporation, and there are good and bad sides to being an entrepreneur, but... Sometimes, we have to accept the first job, to accumulate some savings so that we can start our OWN company! I suppose that was the idea of my father, but unfortunately, he never got to the second step and never got enough to start his own business...

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The moment I started my company wasn't the best one... The country was in poor condition, I had some savings to pay expenses for paperwork needed to start a company and left almost with 0 in my pocket... As the country was down, the other businesses weren't in good shape either, which was in some way a good thing... As nobody was doing extremely well, or having a monopoly in the industry, or something like that...

I remember that we were selling computers by showing catalogs with PC components to our customers... They would pick what they wanted, they would order the machine, and in the next 3-4 days, I would be running around trying to collect components, building up the machines, and checking if everything worked fine... You get the point... There were no MILLION dollars on my account and I literally began from ZERO...

Someone on reddit asked people: "How long did it take you to go from 1mil to 2mil?", and one of the answers resonated well with me...

Answers will be very year dependent. Hit $1M in 2017. $2M in 2020. So about 3 years...
$100k to $1M took 10 years.

As you can see, this guy doubled his million in 3 years, but to get to that million from 100K, he needed 10 years! Building wealth from zero isn't a linear line, it is rather a slow growth line, which could be exponential... But, to get to the "banana zone", you will have to invest something... Usually, if you don't have money, you will have to invest more time, more thinking, more creativity, etc.

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Darn, this post got too long, which wasn't the idea at the beginning... What's the point of all this? The point isn't to demotivate you to NOT go into the entrepreneur world... I'm happy with the place where it took me and if I didn't pick this journey, I wouldn't be here with you on this chain and this blog... 😃

Did I get to my million dollars? I didn't... yet... Will I get there? I have no idea and I don't put too much importance to it as I did when I was younger... Is it possible to go from zero to a million? I'm sure it is! But, you have to "SEE" where the world goes, invest yourself in the research of "disruptive" technology (or anything that COULD change our way of living), and go for it! If nobody did it, you have to LEAD... If you are certain about it, when everyone says that you are crazy, you should push even more!

What do you think? Is it possible to get from zero to hero?

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Let's see the WorkerBee Pool numbers for this week...

This week we have mined 108 BEE tokens in total!!!...

This week we didn't have new delegators, and 1 Hivian undelegated his WB tokens... On the other side, we did get more delegations from old members... Thanks guys! Appreciate your support!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!

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Screenshot from 2024-12-30 19-53-00.png

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What about the bonus tokens?

As HIVE did some crazy moves in the last few weeks, many tokens have gone wild too... BEE and WORKERBEE included, but also some well-established tokens lost value indexed in HIVE, while they kept the USD value... One of them is the LEO token that went down from 0.26 HIVE to 0.16 HIVE which is now the highest BUY order... It lost almost 35% of the previous value... Should you freak out? If you are convinced that LEO is doing a good job and the fundamentals are the same as they were before, you should ignore the noise and continue what you were doing before! As someone said, wealth is built in the bear market, when the economy is bad, when everything looks like a tunnel without an end...

There will be distributed 42 LEO tokens to the delegators of the pool as a bonus reward today!

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As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... 108 BEE tokens and 42 LEO tokens will be distributed as a bonus... The APR (without the bonus) was 8.759%, and when we added the bonus it went up to 10.652%!

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought WB and sold BEE tokens at the middle HiveEngine price...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post, and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to STAKE tokens to YOUR account and DELEGATE your staked WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102)! Every week you will get your portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!


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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here

Thank you for your time,


None of this is financial advice!!!

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on inLeo .:. Twitter

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

1.14232145 BEE

It's not everyone that's lucky to inherit one million dollars. Most millionaires we have have a solid foundation that the was laid up for them and they took advantage of it and made the most out of it. There are people who could have earned even more because they had all the backing, but they ended up squandering everything. Building wealth is truly hard and it's harder to go from 1 to 10 than from 50 to 100.

0.00010730 BEE

Building wealth is truly hard and it's harder to go from 1 to 10 than from 50 to 100.

That's for sure! Creating something from nothing can be very difficult and requires much more effort than multiplying something...

Happy New Year and I much better health in 2025!!! 💪
The rest will come!

0E-8 BEE

I like the quote! Resonates well with me too. With some exceptions (prodigies inventing something and selling for a huge amount of money), those first steps take a lot of time. Especially if you make 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, and repeat that a couple of times.

0.00010827 BEE

It's nice to see NumberGoUp, but that's not the reality of life... In the best case, it is like you said, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back... It can be painful, but it is much better than going backward...

Happy New Year!!!

0.00084128 BEE

Happy New Year, my friend! All the best to you and your family!

0.00004508 BEE

I remember my first corporate jobs and was like ooohhh fuck. This is prison.

Totally agree with you that you need to somehow sacrifice and build up that first capital. It takes money to make money. In fiat world I was thinking in slow grinding but seems with disruption you can move faster. 😅❤️

0.00010656 BEE

In fiat world I was thinking in slow grinding but seems with disruption you can move faster.

I don't know... Tbh, I lost faith in anything that has something with the fiat world... It's all rigged... lol...


0.00003370 BEE

You have made me remind of the good old days when we used to one by one choose the components of the PC we would like to have. Each components had a price of USD, and even buying an average PC was expensive.

0.00010618 BEE

Yup! Exactly like that!
I remember how my friend would buy one month a motherboard, the next one the CPU, and so on... He couldn't save money to buy a PC at once, as he would always spend it on something else... So he did it in parts... lol...

I remember I was saving money for over 2 years to buy my first PC! 😃

0E-8 BEE

What do you think? Is it possible to get from zero to hero?

I think it's possible. Will I make it? I'm sure I won't LOL
But I hear my son and his friends talking about projects, and about so many developments that are changing the world and I think maybe one of them will make it, who knows?

But for most people making money requires investing money.

Have a wonderful end of the year! Y un Feliz Año Nuevo!!

0.00010608 BEE

I like to comfort myself that it is possible, and very possible if we get hyperinflation... lol... we could be billionaires... 😂
Jokes aside, knowing how hyperinflation works, I wouldn't wish it to happen to anyone!

But for most people making money requires investing money.

That's true... But, it is possible to do it with good ideas! I hope your son will make it!!!

All the best to you and your family!!! Happy New Year!!! 💜

0.00005324 BEE

Investing inherited money is very easy, multiplying it is a little more difficult, but what is really difficult is to get from zero to that longed-for 1st million. What is clear is that those who do not try do not know if they will be able to do it or not. The best thing to do is to be prepared and try can be an enriching experience 😉. Greetings.

0.00010595 BEE

Well said! I remember that we never had any "financial" education in the school... Nobody was talking about investing, and just a few times I heard about savings... On the other side, we were taught to work hard, to spend, etc. Interesting, isn't it?

0E-8 BEE

Happy new year to all 3 of you, my best wishes to you and may this new year bring for all of you only happy moments, health and good things. Financial education, investing, saving? That is out of the education system in our country. Here you learn with the blows of life and by your own initiative, but it is what it is and it cannot be a justification for not trying. Greetings

0.00004736 BEE

it's tricky with money and increasing assets... It goes very slowly from zero (Unless you put $1000 in some shitcoin and wake up tomorrow with $100000 😀). If it is stated in that post that it takes 3 years from $1 to $2 million, and 10 years from $100,000 to $1 million, I just wonder how long it takes to get to that $100,000. Probably 15 years or more (I'm writing this from the perspective of the country I live in). but the rise from zero has its charm. The one who started with $100,000 (or 20,000 Hive) will not feel the same and have the same desires, his appetites will immediately be bigger... He will immediately want a lot more and if he doesn't get it quickly, he will burn out sooner. .. Those who started from scratch, build their capital more slowly but on stronger foundations (and are probably looking for some shit coin for 100x).

0.00010558 BEE

but the rise from zero has its charm.

Oh, you are right about that... Earning money with your own hands (or brain) is always much more valuable than winning a lottery... That's why I'm always more for showing people the way how they can grow than to give them tips and direct money as a "gift"...

You appreciate more the person who helps you with advice, or in need, and you appreciate more the earned money, which usually means more responsible spending too! It's also motivational for future growth...

When you have a small kid, you want to give him a Universe! As it grows, it makes you think... Was that a good way to raise a child? Maybe we shouldn't give them everything and leave something to them, to discover, to earn themselves, as they will appreciate it more...

Darn... Sorry for rambling... lol...

Happy New Year! All the best!
I hope we will have a drink somewhere in 2025! 🍷🍻

0.00000589 BEE

I wish I was born son of some company owner and have all prepared 🤣

0.00009162 BEE

Hahahaha... I suppose that nobody would mind being a son of a millionaire... 🤣

0E-8 BEE

Holis. Good read! Making my posts bilingual is mostly a way to make myself improve my spanish...but living in a Spanish-speaking country makes that more a necessity...

0.00009170 BEE

Hehehe... Maybe I should follow your steps and do my posts bilingual too! Not sure it will be a good move as it takes me a lot of time to write it in one language! 🤣

0E-8 BEE

It's fun and it helps me... But yes, it takes a lot of time this way. Haha.

0.00004580 BEE

From zero to hero, and 1 million €. Sounds like a plan! And add 1 million HP to the list as well!
Great post! Great motivation!

0.00009163 BEE

Hehehe... Thanks for your kind words!

I suppose that 1 million HP should be "easier" to reach, but... Still do not have a detailed plan of how to do it... 😂

0E-8 BEE

I will answer this on my year end post for today. I'm very happy for you that you have a great mentor with your grand father and your dad. Happy New Year!

0.00009137 BEE

Both of them had a similar influence, but both did it oppositely... One is a good example, and the other is not so good... 😃

IN any case, those were good life lessons! If not, I wouldn't remember them at all... 😃

Happy New Year!

0E-8 BEE

Well yes, everything with money related is exponential, trading, working, even hive, if you start from 20k hp is easy to double rather than start 0 to 1k...matter of time, luck, ability...

0.00009136 BEE

It's not easy to start, but there is always a reminder that everyone has its beginnings... Maybe some had a jumpstart, but they had to grind to get where they are...

0.00000558 BEE

Yeah like you said, I think the starting "pot of gold" be it 10k, 100k or 1m is always the toughest. After that, it kinda becomes easier when we use money to grow money. :)

0.00008789 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

It's definitely easier when you have a "jump start", but if you don't know what you are doing, you can easily lose it very fast too!

0.00897040 BEE

Ah that's true! Got to keep up with the learning as well!

0.00004506 BEE

It's amazing to see how things move when you grow your wealth. That early chunk always seems to be hardest because the amount of capital matters. It helps a lot in scaling your business or assets and getting more gains.

Thanks for running the pool and for the BEE/LEO tokens.

0.00008898 BEE

That early chunk always seems to be hardest because the amount of capital matters.

It is the hardest at the beginning... It's always like that, and because of it, I like to remind newbies on HIVE that every Hivian was in the same place as them... When the ball starts rolling, it gets easier, and more fun! 😃

0E-8 BEE

Just keep showing up on Hive, I am sure you will reach it eventually.

0.00007518 BEE

What goal? 1 million HP or 1 million USD? 😃

0E-8 BEE


0.00004586 BEE

@ph1102! @fiberfrau likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @fiberfrau. (1/20)

0E-8 BEE

@ph1102! @borniet Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @borniet.

Indeed Logo

0E-8 BEE

@ph1102! @borniet Wants to spread Hope! so I just sent 1 HOP to your account on behalf of @borniet.

Since we think the world can use more Hope, you can now already start spreading Hope yourself!

Hope Logo

0E-8 BEE