Saturday Savers Club - 42 Top Tips for Savings and Investments

As part of the last Savers of the Week post (here), a giveaway was conducted, asking club members for their top three tips for savings and investments. Each comment made on the post was awarded an EDSMM (check your wallets). This post collects all of those top tips into one handy reference !

This post is made by @hoosie, writing on behalf of the Saturday Savers Club on the @eddie-earner account.

[Free image generated from the key words of all of the tips combined using]

We had tips presented from 15 people (including myself) spanning a range of aspects. Originally I attempted to arrange them in some kind of relative order, but in the end I just went from shortest to longest ! N.B. I took the liberty to correct grammar and use of english where needed. The word cloud above presents a list of the pertinent words that came out of the tips.

From @heruvim1978 - who presented just one tip

1 - Be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be clever. This is the best approach to crypto.

From @oadissin - who presented just two tips

2 - Be patient.

3 - Take wise actions.

From @flemingfarm

4 - Make a plan to get to the goal.

5 - Stick to the plan.

6 - Be consistent.

From @sylmarill

7 - Slow and steady wins the game.

8 - Buy low sell never to build great passive income.

9 - Keep yourself up to date with what the best projects are to invest in.

[Free image generated using and the prompt golden pyramid]

**From @yeckingo1 **

10 - Set an ambitious but realistic goal.

11 - Make a plan to achieve it.

12 - Execute it and persevere until you have achieved your objective.

**From @noctury **

13 - Spend only what you can afford to loose.

14 - Half of your spend should be in savings form (for example stock forms), the other half in a more volatile form like crypto.

15 - Be patient but not greedy.

**From @bulliontools **

16 - Consider opportunity cost when choosing investments.

17 - Don't be afraid to take a loss if it means avoiding a larger loss or missing even more profit.

18 - Buy counter to market sentiment, based on fundamentals, who runs the project, past history, etc.

**From @servelle **

19 - Never buy a crypto to stack it, just stack what you have.

20 - Never buy a crypto to place it in a liquidity pair, use what you already have.

21 - Beware of APR rates that are too attractive: if the value falls, you lose in the end.

[Free image generated using and the prompt golden skyscraper]

**From @shanibeer **

22 - Check your household bills and see whether you can get a better deal anywhere else or whether you still need the things you're paying for.

23 - Have a no-buy period every now and then - a week or month is good - and build in little money-saving projects like taking packed lunches or using up food you already have.

24 - Put anything you are able to save from points one and two into a high-interest savings account.

**From @dewabrata **

25 - Be minimalist, its a bit different than stingy but you can consider it the same. Do not buy or spend more than you need.

26 - Have some plans, short term, mid, or long and include an exit plan. Align them with your goal and your resource. Don't bite what you can't chew off.

27 - Once a while, be introspective and review whether your plan is working or not, whether you have to revise your plan or not. Things always change, fortune and bad luck come and go as they like.

**From @alonicus **

28 - You will make mistakes. Honking great clangers of mistakes. Accept them. Don't beat yourself up over it, but also make sure you learn from them.

29 - Treat any fiat you invest into crypto as gone. Then, if it comes back to you, it's a bonus. This is a slightly more refined take on the "don't invest more than you can afford to lose" mantra we hear so often.

30 - Keep good records. It's useful to have an audit trail if you need to pay tax on crypto gains, but more importantly it gives you a backlog of information to help make future investment decisions - it can show you what worked, and what didn't. But never include anything in your records that might allow your accounts to be compromised (you never know when someone at Google might do a search on everyone's Google Docs looking for crypto keys).

**From @arc-echo **

31 - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - @arc-echo made the point of emphasising that this was by far the most important one

32 - First think about your Goal and then think about a way to get there. Running first may cause you to go down the wrong track and lead you away from your intended goal.

33 - Never be afraid to ask. If you know someone that has reached your goal already, ask how they got there and what mistakes they made. Learn from these and try to make it better. But beware, you are the only one going your way and every way is individual. There is no blueprint for you, but there are always equal parts.

[Free image generated using and the prompt crypto treasure chest]

My own tips (@hoosie)

34 - When using Hive. Post regularly (which is a sure way to help build HBD and HP) - but not too often (I would not recommend more than once per day). If you pick a subject you enjoy, then you are more than likely going to create great content which will help with post rewards. Also pick an appropriate community to post in, and select appropriate tags to help increase your reach and rewards,

35 - If you are into trading, pick a few tokens you want to trade with and get to know them well (as opposed to loads of tokens you know next to nothing about). Have a trading strategy/plan, with entry and exits points - and dont try and time the market,

36 - When using Hive. Delegating HP is a great way to earn more without giving away your HP ! Just pick a great project that has nice payouts aligned with your goals and sit back and let the tokens roll in ! Your delegated HP remains yours, so you cant loose really !

**From @riandeuk **

37 - Automation - even the most disciplined of us have moments of tiredness, low motivation, time restrictions and what not. If the savings are automated it takes action to not save and makes saving the norm even when you don't think about it. Setup monthly transfers just after the money comes in and you're golden.

38 - 24hr cooldown on new buys - whenever you think of buying something don't immediately do so but wait for 24 hours, many people buy stupid useless sh*t they don't need or later regret because they act on impulses instantly (in part because of marketing tactics). By forcing yourself to have a 24hr cooldown the likelihood of a bad buy decreases which saves you money and space in your home.

39 - Increased income=increased savings - whenever your income increases make sure to decide on a portion of this extra income to add to your savings. Depending on your cost and standard of living this can be a large chunk of the increase or a more modest part if getting by was hard to begin with. For many at some point it's just adding luxury on luxury and hardly makes life more enjoyable in which case increasing savings is a no-brainer. Vice versa if getting by is rough the more important to keep building the savings and create more freedom that way!

From @justclickindiva

40 - Earning Hive Rewards. Be Active. Publish quality content on Hive. Research and understand various ways to earn, including delegating, leasing Hive Power (HP); Resource Credits (RC); and other tokens to individuals, projects, and communities. Doing so will earn you either daily, weekly, or monthly passive income in the form of liquid or tokens. Then, engage, curate, and support other Hive members to help them and yourself earn rewards for this activity. Finally, stay abreast of your activities to make timely decisions on adding, decreasing, or divesting yourself in a timely manner of any project that you feel doesn't meet your standard of care or is failing.

41 - Diversify your wallet. Just like offline life, never keep all your savings and investments in one place. Remember the failed banking institutions in the U.S. where clients held all their funds in one place. The same goes for online sites and wallets. If an online site such as Ionomy goes out of business, they hold the keys to your crypto account. Make sure you have alternate storage locations for your investments, whether soft or hard wallets where only you have access to your investments. And as a backup, ensure that a trusted individual can immediately access your funds, such as a spouse or family member, if appropriate for long term planning if you are unable to access your funds.

42 - Grocery and staple items. Purchase in small quantities non-perishable goods and other pantry items. If you have a buyer's club such as (Sam's / Costco / other wholesale outlet), you can stack these items if you have a place to do so safely. Buying in large quantities alleviate the fluctuations in price. Pantries and freezers are best for storing meat and freezable produce. All monies saved can be used to indulge in your crypto or other savings and investments without additional out of pocket expenses.

[Free image generated using and the prompt golden galleon]

In Summary

I have been really impressed with the tips presented, and I will certainly book mark this post and come back to it as a handy reminder, and heres hoping its useful to everyone else here on Hive too !

Keep on stacking everyone !!!!

Interested in joining the Saturday Savers Club ? Check out their latest posts here:

  1. Pick some savings goals,
  2. Leave a comment in the weekly Saturday Savers Club post made by @susie-saver writing on the @eddie-earner account (usually posted each saturday),
  3. Enjoy !

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.13068365 BEE

This is lovely to compile all advice into one place. Just my opinion, but I feel it's a bit jumbled. A chart would look nice. An example.

PresenterTIP No.TIP
@heruvim1978#1Be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be clever. This is the best approach to crypto.
@oadissin#2Be patient.
#3Take wise actions.

Thanks Savers for all the excellent tips. Take care everyone and have a good rest of your week.

0.00056993 BEE

These are great tips! Thanks for the EDSMM! I am definitely bookmarking this post! 😁


0.00000463 BEE

@eddie-earner! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bulliontools. (9/20)

0E-8 BEE

Great tips, little by little we're building an incredible income, hive is the home of opportunities!

0E-8 BEE

That’s a great list with plenty of super good tips!!!
Thanks for compiling and sharing, and thanks to all who sent them in!!!

0E-8 BEE

You can never trust an artist
Theyre super sketchy

Credit: reddit
@eddie-earner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of borniet

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0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@servelle(5/5) tipped @eddie-earner
borniet tipped eddie-earner

0E-8 BEE

Thanks a lot for the initiative and for the reward,
post bookmarked, there are many good tips here, it's good to share them,
It opens up new perspectives to avoid closing ourselves off to a system of thinking about savings.

0E-8 BEE

If asbestos is really as bad as it is claimed...
...then I don't want to know how bad asworstos is.

Credit: reddit
@eddie-earner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

0E-8 BEE

cool, now we can read all the tips there


0E-8 BEE

great tips there! <3

0E-8 BEE

@eddie-earner! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @sylmarill. (7/50)

0E-8 BEE

@eddie-earner! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ sylmarill. (6/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

0E-8 BEE

What does a CIA agent do when it's time for bed?
He goes under cover.

Credit: marshmellowman
@eddie-earner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of sylmarill



0E-8 BEE

Fabulous to see them all together!

0E-8 BEE

Great collection. !BBH !ALIVE

0E-8 BEE

@eddie-earner! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @heruvim1978. (7/50)

0E-8 BEE

@eddie-earner! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ heruvim1978. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for the EDSMM !
There are some awesome tips here 😀

0E-8 BEE

Thanks all for the Tips!
I think all of them are way important!
And thats the SSC-Spirit 😄


0E-8 BEE

eddie-earner, arc-echo sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

0E-8 BEE

Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?
He wanted something *meteor*.

Credit: reddit
@eddie-earner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc-echo



0E-8 BEE

Many wise words! Thanks for compiling all of them

0E-8 BEE