Why you should vote for Proposal 206 and build a bridge to Binance

Hello everyone, we are powering into February and still Building and Growing here on HIVE, the true #web3 blockchain. Great power comes with great responsibility, and I want to take a moment to remind everyone to take a look at Proposal 206, and why you should vote for it.

I read @empoderat's recent update, where he refers to HBD as 'Hive's Killer App', and I agree. HBD is way more powerful than we probably give it credit at first. Notice that all the new defi platforms have a stable coin attached? Yeah, HIVE did it first (and better) with HBD.

Read (or read again) @edicted's breakdown of HIVE AMM about how value is determined through liquidity. We have an opportunity here to test the theory within the protocols that already have been developed and are being used here on HIVE, let's break down the issue.


Stable coins are increasingly important in the growing understanding of Decentralized Finance. This is because crypto values can be volatile, and this is primarily due to low liquidity. Swap Pools (AMM technology) are superior to order books in a number of ways, on Hive-Engine we have both, the best of both worlds.

Stable Coin Pools work a little differently than regular pools. You may have heard about 'Impermanent Loss', it might be a controversial topic, but when it comes to Stables, I am happy to report there is nothing but 'Impermanent Gains'. If the pool get's out of whack, LPs actually end up with more dollars than they started with. This is a powerful and safe pool to begin experimenting with.

Currently the SWAP.HBD:SWAP.BUSD pool has 120k worth of liquidity, which yields a 0.165% slippage when trading $100 dollars.

This post provides a critique of our efforts. It is appreciated. The first idea is that we don't need to be so deep as long as we are slow, and there is truth in this. I trade 100 dollars, wait 5 minutes, and trade 100 more. I could do this all day! But do I really want to? We need to get deeper if we want people moving in from binance and out to binance at will. No matter how deep we get, using 'chunk trades' will always be better than all at once, something we should all learn. We are not ETH - we can easily do 2-3 tx without worrying about TX fees.

Don't we want thousands of dollars to flow in and out of our platforms?

Yes we do, and for that we need deeper liquidity pools.

The second critique is that 130k is a lot of money for this. And with 130k 'we' could do something else. And this I agree, of course, and hope that other people do propose to do other things, all year long. After all, that is what the DHF is for - make your proposals!

Not all proposals deserve to be funded, that is the decision for each voter to make. But 'something else that hasn't been proposed is a better idea', to me is not a great excuse, because for sure there are infinite 'unproposed ideas' that may be better or worse than a proposed idea, but of course we can only vote on the proposed ones.


So far we have 26% of the votes required to get funded. We need quite a bit more. If you think, like I do, that this proposal could be a game changer for bridging to HIVE, I encourage you to vote, and tell all your friends to vote.

Can't get enough HBD

One of the issues with HBD is that there really isn't enough of it. This is a problem in practice only during certain moments, in times of high HBD demand.

In order for HBD to have a high demand, we need appropriate 'HBD sinks', and these uses have been growing. When there is high demand for HBD, the price can go over one dollar, allowing us incentives to print more HBD on demand, this doesn't happen until HBD goes over about $1.05.

When @empoderat sold his SEED token only for HBD, HBD pumped above $1. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that the more uses (sinks) for HBD, the better. This is our stable tool, and we need to learn to put it to good use.

@brianoflondon has created a @v4vapp - Bi-directional bridge to connect lightning network with HIVE. We have talked about how HBD might be the easiest stable coin for El Salvadorians to get their hands on. HBD:BUSD is another bridge, and bridges are important not just so people can come in, but because they generally don't come in if they feel like they can't get out again.

Proposal 206 is an experiment, yes. There are some things to test, like - Will people really come? Will HBD and BUSD find a home in this pool? Or will we just 'pay too much' for low liquidity?

But it comes with amazing precisions, since we can remove funding at any time, we are not committing more than 329 dollars per day to this venture, if we don't like it after a month or two, it can lose funding and fade into obscurity. But....

What if it works?

If it works, we will quickly trap 500k HBD and 500k BUSD. This is a serious amount for HBD, even for BUSD! Could we leverage this into a Binance listing for HBD? We sorely need that - it would be another sink! This was an idea from @empoderat - he thinks @lordbutterfly might be the right one to ask about this.


500k HBD is north of 2% of the total 23.5 million HBD supply currently (at the time of posting). If funded, this proposal will start pulling up on the HBD price through demand almost immediately, but surely over the first month funding as the APR climbs.


Who's voting so far?

So far we have a nice number of Orcas and Dolphins coming out to support the project. We also have the support of the Splinterlands project, through their main account @steemmonsters.


But we need more votes. And we probably need more posts about this. I would invite anyone who has already voted and has some knowledge to make a post, like a @forexbrokr post would be great.

Who's not voting yet?

This proposal has only existed for a week, and I think its safe to assume that most of the non-voters have just not had a chance to see it yet. I want to invite @theycallmedan to take a look at this project and provide some feedback.

I would also like @smooth and @blocktrades to provide some feedback. Let us know what you think about Proposal 206 and its effects on our beloved HBD.

Who else? Let's tag people! I am willing to give out HIVE SBI bounties to accounts that tag people who might be interested and actually get them to vote. This is how important I think this is.

As a reminder, I am not making any money on this and neither is @gerber. I benefit the same way you all benefit, by growing this ecosystem and helping it be and remain competitive across a growing crypto landscape. We need to be more interconnected, not an island in the ocean, to reap these benefits.

Please provide feedback

And of course Cast your Vote for Proposal 206!

Freedom and Friendship

13.41753023 BEE

Hey eco, thanks for continuing to put the development of HBD front and centre within the community.

The more chat we have around the general lack of liquidity in HBD, the better :)

Whether you think it's the best way to address the issue or not, this proposal is at least trying to offer something of a solution.

We need to invite the devs currently working on HBD to add to the discussion around the lack of liquidity.

@smooth and @blocktrades, you two would be a great place to start?

What are the pros and cons of what you're currently doing to improve HBD liquidity?

And in your opinion, would adding this proposal (or something else) to the mix help?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

2.23610383 BEE

yes! @ecosaint

0E-8 BEE

I don't think the DHF should fund market makers. I see it as subsidizing fees to whatever exchange the AMM is hosted on and subsidizing investment risk for the AMM funders. I feel that liquidity pools, like any other market maker, should be able to profit off of a market spread.

If there is pent up demand for HBD liquidity, then running an AMM for HBD should be one of the safer MMs to operate because a smart AMM can take advantage of HBD<->Hive conversions if HBD price goes out of whack on external exchanges.

As a side note: AMMs do involve risk for participants, as well as potential rewards, something that standard AMM literature tends to downplay, IMO, with talks of BS things like "impermanent loss". But overall market making tends to be profitable, as plenty of professional traders can tell you.

0.02247380 BEE

Out of curiosity, how you would compare subsidizing fees for exchanges to paying exchanges for listings, which seems to be something that many token developers feel adds value by enabling more liquidity, market access for more participants, as well as exposure?

I don't have a strong opinion either way, but I can recognize some value when you are small and trying to become more visible and established. It seems to be generally in the category of marketing expenses IMV.

0.10844548 BEE

Let's do that!

Can you make it?

HIVE:HBD Internal AMM (with order books still). The bots can arb between pool and orderbooks. This is the pair to start with in the internal market.

0.00129954 BEE

I don't have an opinion on this because I haven't paid much attention to the layer 2 solutions on Hive (except in that I encourage people to develop whatever they want on Hive). So I'm not sufficiently informed to have a view.

0E-8 BEE

It is a layer two solution, a layer two exchange that is block-native to HIVE - its a solid sink for HBD and getting better - in fact it could get a lot better! Its also a great way to bridge Binance and BSC users into 'Real HIVE' and 'real HBD'.

The hive-engine team has added some tx fees to the pools and BXT has also activated a reward scheme, but we have a real opportunity here to activate this thing with a bang and create basically a marketing event.

Whether we keep funding it or not after we see the results, that is up to us all. But I really think this is a promising button to push.

3E-8 BEE


I have nominated you for 20 HIVE SBI for getting both blocktrades and smooth to comment on my proposal. Let's tag more people!

0E-8 BEE

Voted for this soon after the proposal went live. It is stupid not to vote for. I have been thinking of THORchain liquidity for HIVE and only a few days later I saw your proposal. It was a no brainer and long overdue IMO.

@khaleelkazi has already expressed the plans to bring LEO to THORchain. The rest of HIVE should take a good look at projects like @leofinance and @splinterlands and double down on the things that made them a success. There is no build it and they will come. Many of the best features of HIVE are not even known by many of the users who have bee around for years. We need to get ourselves infront of an audience.

  1. Make it easy to buy/sell HIVE (or HBD)
  2. Promote the hell out!

Brave ads will be a perfect place IMHO. I have discovered many projects through Brave ads. DHF should most definitely be utilized for some serious marketing. I would say setting aside at least 20% for marketing is a good idea. It doesn't have to promote individual DAPPs. We can at least showcase all the great features starting with having no Tx fees.

2.21258819 BEE

@vimukthi(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

0E-8 BEE
0E-8 BEE


This is amazing, I really hope we get this proposal funded!

0.09707470 BEE

Bridge for Hive and Binance would be really good, but you said there are lots to consider and this is an experiment, I really hope this works since it will definitely give Hive more exposure and will help the blockchain, good luck on your proposal!


0.09508263 BEE

You have received a 1UP from @ivarbjorn!

The following @oneup-cartel family members upvoted your post:
@leo-curator, @neoxag-curator, @pob-curator, @vyb-curator, @bee-curator
And look, they brought !PIZZA 🍕

Delegate your tribe tokens to our Cartel curation accounts and earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.

0.09186216 BEE

Voted. I think this is crucial and I do not know how I missed this. I was looking for ways to buy HBD without having to use CEXs. I used a convoluted route of getting into Hive using SPS. This would give us the ability to swap stablecoins. I fully support this idea.

0.08943767 BEE

Anything related to HBD, I think @smooth would be the right guy to talk to.

0.09009005 BEE

a thousand apologies for throwing balls at your roof btw 👀...

0.09881467 BEE

lol. :)

0E-8 BEE

Totally support this. I've voted already and I've just tweeted about it.
Hopefully this gets funded soon!

0.04515085 BEE

You sold me on this idea, you have my vote

It's not much, but every one counts.

0.04326639 BEE

Already supported. Will be great if it passes.

0.02978973 BEE

resteem it bro! 😅

0E-8 BEE

thank you for the information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.02358505 BEE

I voted.

But, it's not enough anyhow.

0E-8 BEE

I think we can get there! From that perspective, every vote counts! But of course Orca votes count more 😅

0.00087056 BEE

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

0E-8 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 91 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE

Voted :)


0E-8 BEE

Lotrimin should make NFTs
They are good at making things non-fungible.

Credit: theabsolute
@ecoinstant, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)

0.10110340 BEE


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ivarbjorn tipped ecoinstant (x1)
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trippymane tipped ecoinstant (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

0E-8 BEE

Sounds good, i totally support this. 👂

0E-8 BEE

This is awesome in the blockchain

0E-8 BEE

Great initiative, bridging to BSC would bring many benefits for the entire Hive ecosystem.

0E-8 BEE

I think this is a good experiment and if it works, it will benefit the community. However it is true we don't know if this will solve the issue but the liquidity issue is definitely something we need to solve.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Voted! I hope you reach the goal man!

0E-8 BEE