Vander Veer Botanical Park, Davenport Iowa


To say the past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind would be an understatement. I knew things were going to be crazy making the drive out to Denver Colorado, but I really had no idea just how exhausting it all would be. I think we could have made the drive in two days, but we decided to extend it to three just to make it a little easier on ourselves.



This Ford Explorer was our trusty ride through the majority of the trip. I rented it from the local Avis location and while it was a decent car, it was quite obvious someone had smoked in it previously. That made the ride a bit uncomfortable at times, but ultimately manageable.

We ended up putting close to 3500 miles on this thing, that's something like 5300 Kilometers over thirteen days. We averaged about 25 miles per gallon, and we get to add five new states to the map @mrsbozz and I got for Christmas of states we have visited together.


States that we have simply had a layover in while flying don't count. We have to have actually made a stop somewhere in the state, or driven the full length for it to make it onto the map. After getting out of Michigan and driving across Indiana and Illinois, we had our first stop in Davenport Iowa.

I'll write a little more about Davenport tomorrow, today I want to specifically cover Vander Veer Botanical Park. As I said, we wanted to visit at least one interesting thing in each state, so this park was our choice in Iowa.

The park sits in the middle of downtown between two one way streets about a half mile or so away from the Mississippi River.


It was a pleasant afternoon when we rolled into Davenport to check out the botanical garden. We found a number of people just sitting in their cars around the parking lot watching the ducks and geese at the small pond on the property. There was also a large number of kids playing on the playground. I am guessing there was either a special party happening, or the garden runs some kind of summer camp for kids.


There is a welcome/education center on site, but we didn't go inside. Quite honestly, after riding in a car for seven hours, we were happy to just enjoy the fresh air and sunshine!


They had a couple small garden areas near the front of the park, but we seemed to have arrived at a bad time as the grounds keepers were working around the flowers and we didn't want to get in their way. They also had a pretty vast hosta garden area.


The rose garden was pretty cool, but as I said, you can see the workers in their trucks in the background waiting for us to get out of the way.


We made our way past the individual gardens and over to the tree lined path that you saw in the opening photo. We made sure to stop and take a selfie too so that we could remember our time in Davenport fondly.


In my experience, most tree lined paths lead to something quite special, and this one didn't disappoint. If you follow the path back towards the downtown area of Davenport, you end up at this fountain. We must have picked a bad day to visit because they were working on the fountain. It kept shutting off randomly, but I was able to grab a couple photos of the water running.


What actually impressed me more than the fountain were the flowers that they had planted in the area around it. They were so colorful and vibrant. I've never seen anything like them before. Lucky for you, I grabbed a few shots!






I don't know what those yellow flowers are called, but they were pretty freaking awesome. The combination of the pink, purple, and yellow went really well together.


We continued on past the fountain and looped back towards the small pond. As we started back, I noticed this old tree that was growing on one of the hillsides. I couldn't tell if it had fallen or if that was just the way it had grown, but the branches were basically touching the ground.


We continued past and came upon this small bridge in the middle of the field. It didn't really run over water or anything, it seemed to be a bit more decorative than anything else. It made me wonder how many people have had special occasion photos taken around or on this bridge. Like senior photos, weddings, engagements, etc.


While admittedly random, it was still a cool feature and we made sure to snap some shots of it.



As we were continuing on, I noticed a stump sticking out of the ground. It was pretty clear that a very large tree had once stood there. I didn't feel like the first picture gave a good impression of just how big it was, so I stood on the stump and took the second one for good measure!



As I said, we worked our way back to the duck pond before we got back into the car and headed back to our hotel. You might notice in the photo above that there is a floating island in the middle of the pond. As you can see from the other photo, that island was installed in 2017 and works to improve the water quality in the lagoon.

It's a pretty cool concept, but it looks like they need to add a few more of them to finish the job!

Given more time, there are probably other places we should have visited in Davenport besides Vander Veer Botanical Park, but I wasn't sure how easy it was to get to Rock Island Arsenal, and as I said, we mostly just wanted to stretch our legs in the outdoors.

That's why I am including this as a #wednesdaywalk post sponsored by @tattoodjay. Looking at the map, there are actually a couple botanical parks in the "Quad City" (Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, and Bettendorf) area of Iowa, so if you are into that sort of thing, you should check it out!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

0.61312607 BEE

Great photos!

Hmm... counting states I've actually stopped in, my list would be pretty short, maybe 7 I think. I've been to more prefectures in Japan than States in the US!

0.00038471 BEE

Haha, that is pretty funny. I've probably been to about half of them on my own. A bit less with my wife. I plan on changing that though!

0E-8 BEE

This is a great picture, what a good idea..i love it..😍😍😍

0.00038444 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Made me homesick lol. I was born in Moline and the entire Quad Cities was my stomping grounds until I was 26 years old. I've not been back since 1990, so it was really good to see!

0.00038200 BEE

Oh wow, I'm glad I could give you that. I know we only explored a small corner of it, but I have some more photos I am going to share tomorrow. Then we move on to the next stop!

0E-8 BEE

That's great, I will check it out. You two had a great trip and made a ton of memories!

0.00038413 BEE

That was a nice pit stop. I never stopped there myself when I was cruising down I-80, but it looks like I missed out! That's a beautiful botanical garden, they have a talented gardener who picked out the color combos.

Congratulations on the five states added to your travels together. I only have a couple states left that I haven't visited, I guess I should make a point to finish up the 50! Renting was a great idea, no need to put that wear and tear on your car.

Can't wait to see the pictures from the rest of the journey!

0.00038158 BEE

I counted about 1000 photos as I was doing my resolution adjustments today, so you might want to be careful what you wish for! I'll have to see if my wife already added the states to the map or if she got busy and forgot when I get home. This place was pretty cool though not quite what we expected. I put a hurting on that Ford Explorer for sure!

0.00077505 BEE

It just goes to show that you two took advantage to the fullest on the trip!

0.00038461 BEE

I counted all the states during my trip even when we were dipping in and out, cheating a little as I'm a foreigner πŸ™ƒ. All together I made it to eight states this be time, adding to four I already have under my belt. That's a 200% increase, not a bad hoard I'd say πŸ˜€

0.00038143 BEE

Not bad at all! I don't really blame you for counting those states. I think I would do the same thing if I were out of the country because really you never know when you might make it there again!

0E-8 BEE

The tree stump shows the tree was a big plant, those are a lot of ducks and geese, watching something like this can make a better day.

0.00038326 BEE

It was a nice end to our day for sure!

0E-8 BEE

Traveling through multiple states and exploring Vander Veer Botanical Park must have been refreshing after all those miles. That's a beautiful area brother

0.00038436 BEE

Thanks! Yes, it was nice to get out of the car and just enjoy the sun and fresh air!

0E-8 BEE

I like the idea of visiting one interesting place in each state sounds like so much fun and I can also see it is.
You take really great pictures, very beautiful skill.

0.00037863 BEE

Thanks! Yeah, it makes it a bit more special for us. The phone I have makes it quite easy to take really good photos.

0E-8 BEE

Beautiful garden and truly extraordinary photography❀

0.00038361 BEE

Thank you!

0E-8 BEE

What a great idea….

I will need to add up all the States I have visited. … quite a few since we used to drive down to Florida’s every winter and Cedar Point when we were kids …

I think we have been to 24 so far :

New York
New Jersey
New Hampshire
Washington DC
North Carolina
South Catalonia
North Dakota

0.00038394 BEE

That's a quite impressive list

0E-8 BEE

I stood on the stump and took the second one for good measure!

That looks like a very large plant, the travel must have been planned carefully, covering 5300 Kilometers over thirteen days and making sure, you cover a nice stop definitely needs some strategic planning.

0.00038213 BEE

I had the travel portions planned months in advance, but I made a few slight adjustments on the fly. When we reached Colorado, things were a bit more fluid!

0E-8 BEE

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