Is Wealth Capping the Solution to Economic Inequality?

We live in a world and time when some people are filthy rich and others don't even have a penny, and yet you see the possibility that a rich man can go on to be spending at least a million daily and still won't have exhausted what they've after 50 years. These lead to outcry that riches should have a maximum stage for individuals to give room for others to accumulate wealth and ultimately create a fair and equal society, but is that ideal? In this article, I'll state my take on the subject matter.


While it's understandable that there is a lot of imbalance in our world today with almost half of the population of the world living from hand to mouth and not having enough to sustain themselves, we still have some other set of people who are homeless, hungry, and had to beg to make a living, and despite all of these, we've got a few percent of individuals who have so much money to the point where if they decided to share half of what they've got with the less privileged, everyone would be in good condition.

But we need to understand that although some people were lucky to be born into a rich home, others, just like everyone, grew up in the slum and had to struggle to earn a living, grabbing opportunity as it came and utilizing that to turn their lives story around, going on to be disciplined, and investing rather than spending their earnings on pleasurable things like food or clothes that fade away with time.

And in the end, such people's sacrifices and investments yielded them big returns that project them into the status of a wealthy man from once being a poor nobody, so in the advent of that, coming up with a stand that there should be a max for how much money you can accumulate won't be fair; it would, in fact, kill the spirit of commitment and willingness to do more since you know there's a barrier you can't exceed despite your hard work.


I understand there are some set of people who genuinely haven't seen good opportunities to make wealth and earn money to sustain themselves, and that's why they're probably broke till this point, but there are others in that category who did have the same opportunity as those who are now millionaires and billionaires today, but their love for pleasure and showoff is what nailed them into this position, so trying to help such people catch up with others just seems unfair and would discourage the need to even work hard in the first place since you know your efforts to change the situation of your generation can't exceed a point.

I think what is better and should be encouraged is for the wealthy people to try as much as possible to indulge in philanthropic initiatives that help to not just feed the poor but also provide them with a means of regular income via which they can go on to sustain themselves and their loved ones, so in an avenue where all the well-to-do individuals regularly do this, the situation won't be as bad as it's at the moment.

Take, for instance, the number one richest man in the world choosing a country to help all the needy in it, the second choosing another, and so on. Like that, before you know it, the world would be void of trenches and slums, as everyone will at least have something to do and something that brings them money to sustain and as well invest in their own wealth acquisition journey.


I believe that's the best way forward, but if capping of wealth were to be a thing then there will be loads of issues that'll play out due to that because when everyone is equally rich, then you'll have a world where everyone wants to be the boss, no one to be a follower, and before you know it, we'll be short of pilots, doctors, farmers, traders, and many more to mention but few because everyone is now rich and they won't want to stand so low to driving a fellow rich man, especially when you still won't earn from it because you've attained the peak of what you can earn as an individual.

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0.38247833 BEE

Not everyone will be wealthy and even though we all begin to earn the same amount, some will still be poor. We spend money on different things and I believe that anyone who is wealthy today has worked so hard for it

0E-8 BEE

Thats just it, so we can't because others are broke, limit the growth of the wealthy.

0E-8 BEE

rather than spending their earnings on pleasurable things like food or clothes that fade away with time.

this here is one way that the rich keep getting richer.

I think what is better and should be encouraged is for the wealthy people to try as much as possible to indulge in philanthropic initiatives that help to not just feed the poor but also provide them with a means of regular income via which they can go on to sustain themselves

you have a perfect point here. but, no matter what a rich man give to the poor, they will always eat up everything and go back to being poor. welp, not all the poor people are like this, but majority of them.
interview a poor person about what they will use a million naira for, and you will hear things like, clubbing, cars, clothes, marrying a wife, building a house and all that. just wasting the money on liabilities, instead of looking for ways to improve themselves first, and ultimately, strategically investing in assets.

0E-8 BEE

Yea that's why I said rather than give them food, instead create a job opportunity that helps them earn on a regular, that way they've a job and steady income .

Then it's left for them what they do with the money they earn.

0E-8 BEE

Trying to create a balance with capping people's earnings won't end well no matter how the government tries. I have always believed that some inequalities in the world can't be rectified and if we push too hard, it would only worsen the issue.

0E-8 BEE

Yea that's absolutely true, in fact I don't see anything government can do about this

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Really, some made good use of opportunities they had, some never had while others blew theirs. Capping riches would not solve the problem the measures you mentioned which I also spoke about will make a change. Well done

0E-8 BEE

That's absolutely correct, hopefully a lasting solution is found that at least take people off the lowest stage.

0E-8 BEE

It is a complex issue because the rich will always want to have more power, and when the situation is the same for everyone, there will always be a need for control. I think that humanity still has a long way to go to climb to that level of understanding in which it is not about wealth, but about having a solitude and pleasant quality of life, in which you can treat yourself to the pleasures you want regardless of whether you are rich or poor.

0E-8 BEE

Yea we indeed still have a long way to go before such can come to reality.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback.

0E-8 BEE

my pleasure, is always cool commenting on your blog!


0E-8 BEE

The whole world can be rich and free of poverty,but the question is, are those at the top of the chain ready to help those down there?

0E-8 BEE

I don't think they're ready, but even if they're, such will create more problems in the world than we currently have, that's my opinion, so it's best everyone just strive for the best on their own and grab opportunities.

0E-8 BEE

You’re right.

0E-8 BEE

Hello there, Vick. I honestly don’t think wealth cap is a feasible idea. As you mentioned, I'll lead to do many issues. I agree with you that the best thing is to persuade the rich people to engage in philanthropic projects. That way, they help the poor.

Thanks for sharing.

0E-8 BEE

Yea it's indeed not feasible at all, and the problems it'll bring about are just way to more than what we currently.

Thanks for your thoughtful response.

0E-8 BEE

You know in another sense, no matter how much a wealthy individual gives to some set of people to better their lives, some still won't make use of it wisely but to squander it uselessly, will someone be happy with such attitude? No matter what, there are some who are destined to remain poor because of their carelessness and you will see them complaining of not being helped. For people like them, making everyone's earnings equal would be unfair because it will definitely promote laziness and lack of commitment.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, that's why I said rather than gifting, instead it should be creating a job opportunity than gives steady income to at least sustain them monthly, but other than that, I don't buy the idea of capping wealth.

0E-8 BEE

I think what is better and should be encouraged is for the wealthy people to try as much as possible to indulge in philanthropic initiatives that help to not just feed the poor but also provide them with a means of regular income via which they can go on to sustain themselves and their loved ones, so in an avenue where all the well-to-do individuals regularly do this, the situation won't be as bad as it's at the moment.

You got at the same conclusion, instead of creating weird rules, I think that right now in this current system we hope that those with more money at least help those in need more.

0E-8 BEE

Even fingers are not equal, there is no way the earnings can be controlled.

0E-8 BEE