Experiences Shape Our Journey Into Adulthood



Over the years, a lot of people have tried to define what adulthood is. The term adulthood eludes a specific definition. Different people have shared their perspective on it. Some see it as a daunting face of life, while others view it is a time of self discovery and responsibility. I am not of a different school of thought, and I agree with both viewpoints. However, I believe that adulthood is quite a complicated phase that goes beyond age, it has to do with experiences and responsibilities. Adulthood is a phase of life that marks the transition from adolescence to maturity. While the general concept of adulthood is similar over the world, its definitions and expectations vary from one country to another.

The concept of adulthood differs from one country to another. For example, in some countries, you become an adult once you turn 18, while other countries set the age of adulthood at 21. Legally, in my country, you become an adult once you turn 18. Which means, at 18 you are responsible for your own actions. You can do so many things like driving, drinking and even facing consequences like going to jail for crimes committed. To put it simply, you become a man once you turn 18. This topic reminds me of my childhood days. My mom is quite a religious person. Growing up, she would always tell me that at a certain age (I think 10 or so) I became responsible for my sins and I had to be careful about my actions. I remember the day I clearly remember the day turned 18, it feels like it happened yesterday.


I had just gotten back from school and surprisingly, my dad was at home. He wasn't feeling too well and he decided to take a break at home. I was surprised that my dad remembered it was my birthday. He is a very good man, but remembering his kid’s birthday is not his thing at all. As I entered, he called me over. . He sat me down and started telling me things about adulthood. His voice was weak, he spoke slowly. “You are a man now.” He said. He told me about how I must thread the right part and not mess with my life. His words were strong and solid in my ears.

Just like I mentioned earlier, the concept of adulthood varies from one country to another. The adult age differs from country to country. Here in my country, you become an adult at the age of 18. Now, the big question is; is this age too early or too late and if it were up to me, what would be the right age? In my opinion, 18 is the perfect age to transition from adolescence to maturity. Stay with me, what's the big deal if the adult age in my country is changed from 18 to 21? Some people might argue that waiting longer would allow individuals to gain more experiences, but personally, I think 18 is just right and the experiences we have by then are already sufficient.

Also, I think age does not really matter when it comes to maturity.

Here’s another important question; does she really matter when it comes to maturity? In my opinion, age doesn't necessarily determine maturity. It's the experiences we go through that shape us and help us grow. Some young people can be very mature because they have gone through a lot of challenges, while some older people might still be stupid, dumb, and immature because they have not experienced much.

Note: All Images in this post are mine.

Thanks for reading.

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Or they have seen shege that fried their brain and they refused to unfry it. I agree with your concept about experiences. Age is truly just a number but life gives you tests that define and mold you


You are right, Dee. Age is just a number. It's through these tests that we learn, grow, and become the person we are meant to be.

Enh! Tell me why you’re still online. Don’t tell me you are still thinking about me.


18 is just perfect. Pushing it up to 21 or what other age would make so little difference. Persons below the legal age are already in college, where they're responsible for themselves and their actions. So what difference does anything make?
We can't even delve into the talk of maturity with age as the footstool since it's but a personal thing.


Hello there! I hope this meets you well. I'm super glad you agree with me on this. You're totally right! What does does pushing it make?

Thanks for stopping by.


Your personal story of your 18th birthday and your dad's words of wisdom really touch me. It's true that age alone doesn't necessarily equate to maturity; it's the life experiences and responsibilities that shape us. Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences on this topic


Hello there! I was surprised when my dad started advising him. I didn't see it coming at all. Yeah, im glad he did it.

Thanks for stopping by.


I think that 21 years is too long, for adulthood, I think that 16 years would be an ideal age, but of course, this is not reflected when we talk about maturity
