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My faith also teaches me to be practical too. If I’m not, then that is on me.
Well, from what I say here, I believe one thing that can help us as women is to always have something doing. Never depend on the man for everything even though that is his job. We are helpmates to our husbands and for me, that means we should have something tangible doing just in case something happens.
Going into marriage as a woman without having any means of livelihood might be a problem. Depending on the kind of partner you have, never use your money until you know that your husband really needs help.
My faith teaches me that the man should love his wife as he is the head of the woman and the woman should be submissive to her husband but when she is not or the man doesn’t love her, then that is a problem.
I believe that we all know what the right thing is, we just fail to do it or ignore it for too long that it just doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t know what my marriage life is going to be like but I know that I will have a lot of battles to fight. If having a legal agreement is something that one sees as a way to protect themselves, then they should do it but I’m very sure that won’t solve the problems they think it will solve.
Have a beautiful day too, Amber. ❤️
And I wish you a Happy new month. 🥰
Yeah, we are responsible for we don't do
While I agree with you on the point that women should be doing something for themselves and not just dependent on men, I think women have extra responsibilities to bear like bearing and rearing a child because of which their professional lives are affected, and so men are supposed to take care of the financial responsibilities.
Makes sense,but when we are into the relationship we just get manipulated at times.
About a legal document like prenup I don't think it is something to ensure a happy married life. Instead, it's a method to ensure a divorce with lesser disputes.
Wishing you good luck about your married life, sweetie
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