Some work hard at one job, others do multiple things all in the pursuit of finances.
All these takes a toll on the health of individuals because our body is not a machine. Even machines get to rest, they don't work endlessly to avoid breaking down.
I remember seeing a video that said "you may have 100 problems but once you have a health challenge, you now have only 1 problem".
This is actually true because in the pursuit of money, when one falls sick, he realises that he needs to get well before any other thing can proceed. The health problem becomes the only problem he is attending to.
This means that good health should be our priority no matter what.
We must take necessary measures to avoid unnecessary breakdown.
Although health is not very predictable and some diseases or sicknesses just happen despite the carefulness of the individual but that should not stop us from doing our part to avoid sickness.
One of the ways we can do that is by feeding well. We must ensure that we eat healthy diet with regular intake of fruits and vegetables. Drink water adequately.
Exercise is something else we should strive for especially for those whose job doesn't involve much physical activity. Like those who sit at a computer for hours or sit down and write for hours.
Even those who work from home and are always indoors.
Sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for many diseases either directly or indirectly.
We must ensure to take breaks from time to time. Even if your workplace didn't create break periods, make sure you create time for yourself to rest before continuing. This is because even if you breakdown, the work will continue so why should you breakdown before you realise this?
Try not to work overtime except the pay is worth it too.
Passion in the workplace is something that can easily fade out especially in the face of unmet expectations. These expectations could be in the salary, work environment, colleagues or even bosses.
One way to spice things up and maintain the passion will be to take annual leaves whereby you stay away from the job for about a month. It helps take your mind off it and feel new when you return.
It also creates a little sense of scarcity and you will be missed till you return.
Another way would be taking on new roles within the establishment if possible especially in works that involve rotating.
So when you stay in a department for sometime, you can move to another section, that way you don't get too comfortable in one place and loose your passion.
If the job has a ladder as most jobs do, try to climb the ladder and get to the top. By so doing, you get better and have something to look forward to everyday thereby maintaining passion.
All images are mine
That's the result of not taking breaks. The money made would be used to seek healthcare.
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