Organ donations from recently deceased people to sick shouldn’t be a must, I don’t think it should be law in the country, organs should be donated by the family of the deceased at freewill, because if this was to be law it would only affect the poor and middle class people, I’m saying this because 98% of the rich would never ever allow either of their family member who deceased to undergo the knifes just to save someone else from dying, yes sick people might need donors of organs but it shouldn’t be forced on the families, if this was meant to be a law then, kidnapping people and harvesting their organs wouldn’t be hidden anymore, they’re far more better and structural things that the government need to do in the country, rather than making such critical thing a law, donating a deceased persons organ should be discussed among the families involved and not the government.

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But what if the government makes it mandatory for this organ donations to be made, firstly its no news that its quite difficult to fight the government, we are citizens has made so many opposes before and it doesn’t even end well, well really for me I don’t fight such fight because literally its not worth it as the deceased person wouldn’t even be needing the organ in the grave, although its going to he very painful seeing that a person of mine wouldn’t be going to grave completely the way he/she came to the world, but since death is really a painful thing, I might as well just allow the organ to be donated to another to live.

Sincerely the long term effect of such ruling would definitely be bad, because we would start having cases of serious issues of kidnapping and harvesting of organs, just recently I washed a video of how a lady was deceived by her friend, she was lured somewhere and was killed, they didn’t only kill her but butchered her body parts and harvested some vital body parts, now such rule hasn’t even been imposed yet and we are already issues like this, imagine when the government impose such rule on the masses, nobody in the country will be saved anymore, because people would be killed and they will all claim that the person died a natural death, well I think thats for the bad side and for the good side, people that are about to die would be saved and be given a second chance at life, probably to repent from their sinful ways and also do better.

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If this is something that could attract a very heavy punishment if I default, then maybe I could follow the rules, especially when I know that the other person who needs this organ is actually worth it, I know what it feels to cry over the dead, even if the person is your worst enemy it hurts to hear that a person is dead, so why would withhold organs that wouldn’t be needed in the grave, rather than give it out to someone who really needs it.


0.04832566 BEE

Hmm you raised great issue of concerned. I respect your opinion. Thanks for sharing with us

0.00000000 BEE

You’re welcome

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Valid point. the very definition of 'donation' is to give willingly. Someone somewhere might be willing to donate, while the next person might not be willing. Passing a law about it is just forcing people to do something that is not even yet considered normal in the wider range of things. That law will make a lot of chaos and noise.

0.00000000 BEE

Extreme chaos, so many people wouldn’t agree to the rules at all

0.00000000 BEE

Donations should indeed be done willingly and not forcefully as these shows even more love to humanity and although it would be painful to the families to sacrifice the organs of these dead people but they sure would be glad they were able to save another life.

0.00000000 BEE

It’s actually a sweet bitter experience, it’s quite painful but actually fulfilling

0.00000000 BEE

If the donation is made mandatory, the rich won't have that opportunity not to abide by the law. Only a few can escape it maybe by transporting a sick relative to a foreign for him or her to die and be buried there. The dead is gone and the body is serving no purpose again.

0.00000000 BEE

Yes it’s serving no purpose again but do you think this type of rules is meant for kings and the extreme rich people?

0.00000000 BEE

0.00000000 BEE