The needs for one of the parent to be a disciplinarian while the other to be a comforter

I never hated my mum for ruling with an iron fist, she does not waste time by bringing out a cane whenever I do something she doesn't like especially leaving the house for long hours.


As a child, I just didn't like how she kept disturbing my life and wouldn't let me have fun the way I wanted it, it was when I became an adult that I fully understood why she was like that and now that there is no one to control me anymore that I should not go out, I fall in love with solitude and love staying indoor now cos I realized on my own that there is nothing out there.

Back then, she was protecting me and also making sure I did not become useless by playing with my life at such a tender age, many of us won't understand, we will see their harshness like they hate us, not until we become a parent or adult that everything becomes clearer. It is just the same way many people dislike their uncle for not helping them until they become an uncle too and realize life is hard lol.

I was rebellious as a child and no matter the flogging, I would still go out the next day to play knowing that I would be flogged again, but I act first then think later, the thought only comes when it is time to go home in the night after playing all day.


Even though I did not succumb to her teachings of staying indoors, it helped me as an adult because somehow I later got used to that teaching and I would also want my children to live that way but won't use the same method my mama used.

I believe there should be a balance when parents are dealing with kids, both of them should not be harsh, one of them can be strict while the other one can be loving, so when the strict parent does his/her duty, the kid can run to the other for comfort... My dad was not strict at all with his kids and whenever I knew I had offended my mum and cane was waiting for me, I would run to my dad's bedroom unfortunately he is not often around because of his work, so by the time he comes back, the deed was already done.

I have the same character as my dad but I am already seeing the signs my wife is going to over-pamper our child, so I am taking up the role of the strict parent lol, being strict doesn't necessarily mean being harsh on them but when I notice she is over pampering them, I have to call all of them to order in the best way possible before things get out of hand.

When it comes to discipline, there are many ways to enforce this on the children, flogging them is not something that should happen often because, in the end, they will get used to it, so one needs to find other ways to discipline them, it could be threatening them not to buy their favorite game for them if they misbehave.

It could be promising to get them a bicycle if they do well in their academy, things like this motivate them to put their best effort into their studies without the need for you to be strict with them.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
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Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

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That is why when i child becomes a nuisance in the society the first person they blame is the mother. mothers have alot of work to do in terms of shaping the family

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yea right, the father is often out working, it is the mother that stays with the kids.

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Only time makes us realize just how much love our disciplinarians showed us by their actions. So long it wasn't too close to domestic violence, lol.

Kids love promises and would even do more if you keep those promises.

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my own pass domestic violence but it is only when i go out in the morning and return late in the night lol, back then, nothing like domestic violence between a child and his parents...

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It's very true that nothing is out there lol. I often realized that I'm more bored when I'm outside than when I'm inside, even though I may be at a high activity place. For me, it's when I grew older than I began to really develop these qualities that my mother only hinted at when I was much younger. I think Fathers are better equipped with enforcing disciplinary qualities.

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It seems most humans are wired the same way. In some homes, the father rules with an iron fist; in others, it is the mother.

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It's not necessary for parents to play opposite kind of roles in every cases but I feel playing opposite role of parents is the best combination for most of the kids. So I agree with you.

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This is just a clear example of my mom and dad, my dad is the quiet one but my mom doesn't mind using a turning stick to correct our senses.

Sorry for the child whose both parents are disciplinary masters. 😄

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lol, he or she will survive.

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My mum and dad are so strict but the good thing about it is that they don’t scold you for everything and they will give your the free will to do what you want so if you don’t do it well, you will be corrected

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yea mine dont scold me for everything too, in fact the only time i have issue with her is when i go out and don't return early.

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