Some ways to avoid work place burnout


Burnout is a common thing for many people in their workplace, but what is burnout? Have you ever felt so drained physically and emotionally down at your place of work? this is a result of burnout, it happens when you have too much workload on you or you find yourself in a working place full of toxic people.


A workaholic working under someone in Nigeria will experience burnout, especially when you are working under small companies or small business owners, they will kill you with work, it reminds me of when I was teaching, a teacher left without notice, and her class was merged with mine.

I was told it was only going to be for a short time until they employed a new teacher for the class but the moment my boss realized I was doing a good job taking care of the two classes, she relaxed and didn't want to employ a new teacher yet she did not increase my salary, If it was just 2 classes, won't it have been a little better? I had to teach the whole primary sector computer science too!

As if I was born to work, after the stress in school, I will still go and take some pupils private lessons in their house, and there was no rest day for me cos I work on weekends too... The workload was too much for my small head but I persevered.


What are the things that made me look forward to going to work daily

Money: This is the most important thing in the world we live in now, without it comes a lot of problems and depression, so no matter the burnout or stress at work, it is something that gives me the motivation to always go to work.

Building good relationships with colleagues: Work will be less stressful if we are on good terms with our colleagues, the gist and little play mean a lot to keep sane... I once worked in a carton factory and I had 5 colleagues, we stopped seeing it as work and even started competing with one another to see who was the fastest in unpinning the cartons or gumming it... so a good rapport with colleagues would reduce the burnout too.

Good sleep: This is something that many people abuse, they will work tirelessly all day and when they get home, instead of sleeping, they will stay awake till midnight chatting or watching film, this is one of the easiest way to increase the burn out, you won't be productive at work the next day cos you didn't let your body have a good rest.

Having a goal: Setting a target is another way to inspire oneself, you can't serve someone forever, you must have a target you want to reach to build yourself too, so the time you spend working for others won't burden you much because you know your destination.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

0.51245010 BEE

Hello sir burlarj, hope so u know me. I think people should do only the work they love rather then doing the work for money isn't it? they should follow their passion.

0.00000000 BEE

Unfortunately, most people do not have a choice when it comes to a job, we just try to secure one that pays regardless if we like it or not but if we have that choice then you are right that people should follow their passion so every day will be fun day rather than work day...

Yea I know you in city of neoxian🙂

0.00000000 BEE

I think having a good relationship is the best thing we can do in workplace because it can give us good working experience. Enough sleep in is indeed necessary. It can't be overlooked.

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it even makes our job easier.

0.00000000 BEE

Burl can never finish telling the stories of his life as a teacher, hahaha 😂 was a whole lot..born to work.. LOLZ

Burn out is real but for our mental health, we must watch out for it

0.00000000 BEE

stories plenty o😃

i want to change that born to work to born to enjoy lol

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Lolz 😂

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Money is indeed a motivating factor even when you suffer workplace burnout, you need the money so you have to still report to work.

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that is what motivate everyone on daily basis, they have to make money

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Money is at the core level of why we look forward to working and many of us undermine the quality of health due to overworking and not taking out time to rest. We need to prioritise self care and good health by maintaining balance between work and life.

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unfortunately many do not understand this, not until they fall terribly sick and their money can't save them.

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Is there any work in this country that doesn’t burnout someone? Except for those who work for themselves, even at that some work themselves out just to make sure the are up to standard

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Once some companies see that you are capable of doing the job of two people, they will never employ another person nor increase your salary

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Teaching in a primary school is always hard on teachers. After my graduation last year, one of my lecturer recommended me for a school. When the school called me and told me that I will be teaching three classes English language and my pay at the end of the month is #15, 000. I laughed and walked away. I prefer sleeping at home than doing such work.
Thanks for sharing

0.00000000 BEE

Workplace burnout is no joke, especially when the work keeps piling up, but the pay stays the same. I like what you said about having good colleagues, it really helps. When you have people to laugh and gist with, work doesn’t feel too heavy. And sleep? It's Very important. Because some people will work all day, then stay up watching movies or chatting all night, forgetting that their body needs rest.

0.00000000 BEE

Sleep is very important, it's a big way of reducing burnout when overloaded with work. Thank you for sharing.

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