Addiction and Its Consequences: A Call for Awareness

Well, any kind of interaction with alcohol is harmful to our life. Anything that makes us uncontrollable is dangerous for our lives, but most people get drawn towards it and its ill effects are realized later. If your friends consume alcohol, then believe me, if you have a group of five people, then maybe you will also start consuming it after a few days, but this is not necessary. I believe it all depends on your willpower and other things. Most of my friends consume alcohol and others also consume other substances, but I have never tried it to date and I am not fond of that thing either. People talk about drinking alcohol and taking drugs with great pride, but I wouldn't say I like all these things a lot. I don't have any problem with you drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Everyone has a right to live their lives, so I will not comment on this. Some people consume alcohol sometimes for enjoyment and they also know their limits they stop drinking after that but some people keep consuming things till they vomit and after that, they become a problem for others.


Many people drink too much when they get free alcohol and later they regret it a lot. Believe it or not, all these things harm your body. Anything is good only in limit. Excessive consumption of anything harms you. No matter what kind of intoxicant you consume, it is harmful to you. Anything that makes you intoxicated or does not let you stay conscious is harmful for you and you must protect yourself from consuming these things. Yes, we all have curiosity and we all want to know what happens by doing all these things. I do believe that you should try everything but you should not get addicted to anything. If you get addicted to anything then it becomes very harmful for you.

Believe me, the company that manufactures drugs and alcohol wants you to consume it as much as possible. If you don't consume it, how will they make a profit and how will they pay taxes to the government? The government is only concerned about its taxes. It doesn't matter to them how many homes are being ruined by the liquor they allow sold. Many people fight at home after drinking alcohol and this also increases the number of crimes at home. Most of the time this is known as domestic violence. Many people take alcohol and drugs and become addicted to them and commit some such crimes due to which they even have to go to jail and it takes a long time for them to realize all these things.



If I get a chance, I would like to stop both. Still, such a ban is possible because the number of people consuming it is more than the number of people who can stop it; believe me, many big businessmen are involved in this. It will not take them much time to get you out of the way or should I say it will take you a few days and you will lose your life, yes, this is a very risky matter but still it is worth trying. Many people take it as a form of enjoyment and some people also make it themselves from their traditions but believe me, if you get addicted to it then it is very harmful to your health, so I would like all this should be stopped because its ill effects are more than its benefits. I have seen here also nowadays that even young children have started consuming drugs and alcohol and that too because their friends do it, maybe some want to show themselves better than others, that is why they do all this.

I think if alcohol and drugs are completely banned then it is going to make a difference for sure. people do make things by which they can make themselves intoxicated or I should say intoxicated, man is like this and he finds some way or the other by which he can distance himself from the reality and in doing this we all are involved. Yes, the reasons may be different but the motive is the same. So if we can remove drugs and alcohol from society then it is going to make this a better place for sure, these are my thoughts what do you think?

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Thanks a lot for staying till the end πŸ˜ƒπŸ™, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.πŸ™πŸ˜€

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-----Together we will make this a better place-----

1.42658295 BEE

You really made great points in this article. Banning these substances is really important because the negative effects weigh high. Influence is another thing, the friends we keep can influence one's lifestyle.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you so much,indeed but that is not going to be possible. Yes that is true we should keep those friends away from us who are teaching us bad things, rest is up to your will power.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

!giphy thank you so much

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0E-8 BEE

@tipu curate

0E-8 BEE
0E-8 BEE

!giphy thank you so much


0E-8 BEE
0E-8 BEE

Greetings, friend, a very noble good wish. But during the Prohibition era in the United States, the moonshine market became an economic monster that even threatened to bring mayors and governors under its sway.
It was an era of chaos, since when something is prohibited people tend to seek it out more.

I am more in favor of training with values ​​and principles from a very early age, it is the surest way to create a healthier society.

It's just my point of view.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
tin.aung.soe tipped bhattg
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0E-8 BEE

I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

Credit: reddit
@bhattg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of golden.future



0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Whatever you write about alcohol, people will come and stand with you. But if you write anything against alcohol, people will be ready to kill. There is so much power in alcohol. Hahaha nice post .. @bhattg

0E-8 BEE

Thanks bhai, sarab to life ka ek part sa ho gya hai. Pata nahi kya he hoga. Thanks bhai 😁

0.00000232 BEE

sahi bola bhai aap ne... aap har bar sahi hi hote ho.... @bhattg

0E-8 BEE

People talk about drinking alcohol and taking drugs with great pride.

Hehe. What should I say now?. I don't see anything to be proud of for such a lame thing.

I think banning drugs is possible but alcohol is nearly impossible because people will be able to make it in home although the quality will be bad and more harmful to health.
The another thing is if you ban alcohol, then how we can perform laboratory base research because alcohol is widely used in laboratory.

0E-8 BEE