How did the civilizational invasion turn into an enemy of the peoples?

Talking about the existence of a kind of “civilizational vacuum” or more precisely: a kind of “civilizational invasion” that is being practiced against us must provoke us to think about the reasons for this invasion, and the factors that make a civilization invade another civilization; In my opinion, talking about the invasion as a fact will not be fruitful unless it is preceded by an analysis of the factors that lead to this invasion, and from this analysis it becomes clear the solutions that should be followed to liberate from every civilized invasion.

At the outset, I would like to ask: are we really subject to an invasion from without? Is the word invasion the most accurate description of this relationship? It seems to me that the term “invasion” applies only to the stage in which foreign colonialism was imposing its culture on us. As for other stages, as well as in countries that did not go through the stage of direct colonialism, the phenomenon cannot be described as “invasion.” Rather, it is an impression or a quote; The alien civilization did not impose its literature and art on us, but we who borrowed it and were influenced by it, and the difference is great between forcing others to accept a culture, and others accepting this culture of their own choosing.

Nevertheless, it is our right to keep asking: What makes a particular culture affect other peoples than the one that appeared among them? Is the issue more like wars, where a people invades the land of another people, and then departs from it when the defeated people have the determination that allows them to return the usurper defeated? I think that in the case of culture it is quite different; It is, in my opinion, similar to the law of “talking pots”, where the liquid inevitably moves from a high level to a low level as long as there is contact between the two, and although this is nothing more than an analogy, I think it is an extremely useful analogy, valid To shed light on the phenomenon in question.

This is because the transition in this case is “inevitable” as long as there is a rise on the one hand and a decrease on the other hand in the level; The issue is not dependent on the desire of the receiving party to get rid of what comes to him from the outside. Rather, there is one case in which he can guarantee that the external elements will not penetrate to him, and that is to rise to his level so that it becomes equivalent to the other level, and perhaps he can give this other something of his own if He was able to get over it.

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Civilization Law Prevails

On the other hand, the “Law of Interrogated Pots” applies only in the case of contact, and this is true of civilizations in turn. It is the contact between them that makes the weaker civilization absorb elements from the stronger civilization, and the easier the means of communication are; The application of this law has increased tighter.

This is because the communication between cultures is now infinitely stronger than it was in the era of the flourishing of philosophy, and I do not need to repeat what we hear every day that modern technology has eliminated distances spatially and culturally, and that the world is rapidly moving towards becoming one unit ; These are facts that cannot be doubted, if we apply in their light the law that we talked about before; It has become certain that the transition of cultures from the higher level to the lower level has become in our time inevitable; Because the connection between the exposed vessels has become tighter, and it has become one of the necessary facts of the age.

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