We need freedom of speech and freedom after speech.

Hello dear friends, it's my birthday post in the hive learners community. For this week I will be given a big shout out to myself for climbing up to this new ladder in life. My birthday is 1st October and for this month it has come and gone but we are yet to celebrate. The celebration will be on Sunday because I am combining two special celebration on that day. my birthday and graduation. And I also appreciate every one in the house who is my true friend, especially my friends in need. I will be expecting you all.


Well, when we talk about Right to free speech, it us really sad because that has actually disappeared into the air especially in my very own country.

The question says if this right to free speech can be taken away from us. For me I think that it has been taken away already. Not actually that we can't say what we feel is the right thing or voice out when needed. But the issue is that even when you speak out, who will listen? Even when they pretend to listen, are they willing to do what is right by mere listening to you? Sometimes some people get into trouble for just airing out their minds.

From what I have observed around me, it is better to say what you want to say wisely. You need to be careful how you say it and when you say it. That is the reason why we all need wisdom so that after speaking we can still be allowed to live on to keep speaking.


Fela kuti: During his own time he decided to keep saying the truth no matter who is hurt or who it affects. I love what he did and his zeal for his great country, but at the end nothing changed and he still was died for talking too much. I'm not against anyone saying what he understands that is the truth. I don't have a problem with that. The only thing is that we have several ways of saying the truth and still live on to keep saying the truth.

Dele Giwa: Dele was a journalist who was ready to speak the truth to save his dear country. He died even before the truth came out. Maybe some how he was heard saying it and it cost his dear life. Yet up till today we are still suffering the same thing. The country is under siege. We want to be free to speak out what we know that is the truth. But we have gotten to the point that every one is a suspect. Just by mere discussing it with someone may land you into trouble. That is the main reason why we have to do it wisely. I am not saying that we should not use our right to freedom of speech well. But while using it, we must be very careful not to end up serving the punishment for the rest of our lives.

This is not as a result of fear. Or intimidation. And not also because we are scared of the repercussions, but because we need to be alive to keep speaking. If around you, you happen to be the only person who speaks the truth, the day you get killed because you spoke the truth, who will continue to say the truth there? Say the truth, but allow wisdom guide you so that you can win over those in the side of lies.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 133: edition 3. " Right to free Speech"

0.03515707 BEE

First of all, congratulations on your birthday!

People aren't ready to hear the truth! That's why they can often intimidate your right to freedom in order to shut you up.

0E-8 BEE

That is the truth. We need to keep what is right going.
Thanks for stopping by

0E-8 BEE

If there's freedom after speech, many people will come out to speak more, and that what we need, although people too should learn to use their words well or not spread misinformation in the name of free speech.

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Happy birthday in arrears ma. 🎂

Like the saying goes, the truth is always bitter so whenever those guys at the top are being told the truth it always hurt them and that's why they tend to retaliate if the truth wanna be exposed.

If not so the people won't be scared of voicing their minds.

0E-8 BEE

Very correct dear.
Thanks for hopping in

0E-8 BEE