Good day Lovely People of this Community, I think I found pleasure in writing on the Inleo prompt sometimes I found myself pondering on most questions each day brought up by Inleo and the community, here will be my response to the Inleo Day 21 Prompt.
There were so many businesses during the old times that survived and didn’t, let be realistic, it took me a whole day to think of what business fell and the one that survived during the transition to this digital era time. So many collapses due to each day new things and ideas on how to run the business are being brought up some evolve and some have to quit cause someone else brought a more fantastic idea of the same business ok here is my Analysis on businesses which falls and Eventually got evolved.
The Old Era
People were the Source of Means or a parrot use to deliver message in the olden days
During the old Era if we wanted to send messages to beloved ones or someone closed to us we usually use people to deliver those messages and pay them no matter the distance they will get paid or sometimes we use the form of Bird To deliver message, and Also the same Era we make use of town crier to deliver the king message to the People of the community
Old camera use in olden Days to Take Photos in Black and White
Then we take photos with white and black camera and a very big light will shine that it will almost blind our eyes when taking a photoshoot
People make use of Donkey and Human to transport someone in the olden days
If we wanted to travel in the old era we do use people to be our tour guide to help us reach our point of destination and sometimes animal only the reach afford those to travel instead of stressing their leg.
Black and White Tv used in olden Days
Then in those Old Era Black Tv was the one which was popular then i believe if i check my family house i would still find that tv and i remember there is always a gold lurking inside those tv then i had to dismantle the tv and patch it up it been long then i am still laughing about it just writing about it now hope it not been make me rememberthe horrible thing I did to that tv hoping to find Gold in it.
Business which Survived in the Digital Era or Evolved
Social Media Handles to Send Messages all
Around the World
These Mordern days if we want to reach out to our loved ones we can simply use the aid of social media, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tik-tok and Via Email address just to send any message to them no matter where they are these digital Era ensures that and also it didn't die it just evolved
Camera Used Now In Mordern Days 4K Cameras
Now in Modern Era There is a new set of camera to take people picture with just a glance and come out beautiful in colored no more black and white photos and the transition is crazy, Technology in fact is crazy with the way they develop techs nowadays it is something beyond extraordinary.
Means of Transportation in Modern Days
This days if we want to travel we make use if online booking by plane, if we travelling by road we make use of GPS to guide us to our destination that how the digital Era has evolved.
Colored Tv in Modern Days
Now due to technology has evolved we don't need black and white tv anymore we can just simply get Colored tv it shows all
Display in Colored now and more fun with a lot of channel infact we can use UsB to simply Watch movie on our tv or Connect to Screen Cast to watch Movies now I don't think people still make use of DvD anymore but it just really easy now since it has Evolved, but the black and white tv died and got replace with Colored Tv.
First of all I owe it all to the old ones I wouldn't have found out what business was been running in the old era I met the Era of black tv and learnt of so many others from them so my Big Thanks to them a lot.
It actually amazing how technology advancement have upgraded in these our Era we don't even need to stress ourselves anymore either cooking, cleaning, washing, or transportation itself Oh yes I forgot to include transportation also during then we use Donkey to Transport good from one place to Another and now We make use of Cars and All that to Transport Goods from one place to another even traveling we use modern vehicle as a means of business to get people to where they going and in the olden days the rich one use their Animal such as donkey and horses but it got declined and now we have Automated Vehicle to those for us now.
Photo Credit Goest to Meta AI use to Generate images
To participate in Inleo Day 21 here is link
Hello Guys thanks for taking your time to read my blog I hope I can see you next time on @mathewdaddywah's blog
Posted Using INLEO
Without the old era, some of us may not fully understand and appreciate the new era technology.
I met some of the old era tech ND gadgets and that makes me appreciate where we are now
Same here sometimes I looked back and see how wonderful we have advance in texhnology