Hello @friendlymoose, I am here to participate in this initiative at the invitation of my friend @numa26, a girl with an incredible spirit, who always encourages friendship and loves making new friends.
She won my heart in a very short time and when I saw the proposal, I remembered all those bottles that decorated my house a year ago.
They are attractive, especially when the sun shines on them, they were part of our family business, which included the preparation of Rum with Ponsigue and sometimes wine and apple vinegar.
Many of these cider bottles that lost gas over time, at home, with patience and the natural process, became vinegar.
I include this other one and the same scenario, where I appear in the same posture as in the following banner, which I frequently include in my publications. Even if they have nothing to do with soaps, my passion and main undertaking.
My native language is Spanish and I put all the text through Google Translate, a tool that allows me to communicate with people who speak other languages.
By the way, I make soap, bath bars, nothing to do with soap operas, which apparently in English are called soap operas.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Qué bien, amigo @felixmarranz. Sabes qué mamá preparaba ese ponsigué anualmente. Es decir, de Navidad, para Navidad. Te puedes imaginar el sabor de dicha bebida. Guau. Gracias por pasar y mostrar tu foto de botellas de vidrio. Un saludo y cariños, amigo.😍❤️.
Ah, y gracias por esta flor, una chica con un espíritu increíble
Faltaría más,
Chica de 26
Aunque la historia empezó unos años antes, hace 10 en tal día como hoy.

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Hello and thanks for joining the #pobphotocontest
You misspelled the tag by the way. You're missing a C in front of the O.
I'm using the tag to list all the submitted photos on Sunday when the round ends.
Thanks, I've already edited the post, I hope it's enough to correct the error.
Perfect! Thanks!