💳 My ID Card Finally Arrived, Kitties First Steps, & A Lot More! 😺


I finally got my ID card after like 2 months which turn out okay. I will also tell you about the kitties and that they finally took some good steps.


Today was fun and not fun at the same time. The thing is my day is almost perfect until the weather decides to just make it not a fun day. When I go to school it started raining and after I put on the rain coat and drive for like 5 minutes then it stopped raining. After it stopped raining for 10 minutes I decide to stop again to take the rain coat out then after I took the rain coat out it started raining again. Then it didn't stop there after I drove and almost read the school a bee decides to stung me for the first time in my life. I was so scared since I don't know if I'm allergic to bees stings or not but luckily I didn't.


Oh the white kitties started showing signs of strips like Ms. Meow, and one of them finally walk like a grown cat. Now that they kinda know how to walk they want to explore that include the black one. We thought about giving them away when they don't need their mom's milk to survive, but now I don't want to give them away. It will be sad when we give them away and I really hope that no one wants them but I also don't want to be responsible for them.


Well my uncle and his wife finally arrived here after staying in Pramaoy for a night. They are now staying at the cabin and my mom said that maybe tomorrow or 2 more days my uncle and my mom's uncle will come. They will start on the house again and maybe build my cabin that I've been saving money for.


Oh and the other day my ID card finally arrive in Thmor Da, I think it was Monday. Well I am the third student that have an ID card, Khanna was the second, and the top student was the first and the top student already got hers for 2 years already. Well I now can do most of the things that required an ID like a legit SIM card number. The current one that I use is not registered in my name and if I lose the number I can't get another sim card in that number.

Monkey B
0.30371012 BEE

Your ID card looks so cool! Congrats! 😊
The kitties are so cute and tiny 😁

0.00016418 BEE

Thank you so much and the kitties are indeed cute and small. Have a nice day.

0E-8 BEE

Congratulations on your card. Send me the kitties please!

0.00015650 BEE

Thank you and maybe we can sent it to you by wind since planes are expensive. :)

0.00000108 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Congrats for your new ID and, how fast the kitties grow..

0.00015378 BEE

Thank you and the kitties indeed grow every fast. Have a nice day.

0E-8 BEE

Hi hi great to see your id. I love cats a lot. So cute

0.00014093 BEE

I also love cats they are very cute. Have a great day.

0E-8 BEE

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