I am now in the process of balancing my diet, food intake for my health issue. There are so many thing to be careful and choose what food to eat everyday. It must be a balance diet given from my doctor and searched from the internet. It's not easy to have sickness and pain. Everything was going worst and I tried to get back the strength and nothing is impossible if we put a goal and and courage to overcome.
Letting go to those not necessary working for my health and let in the good energy in all aspect must be gracefully welcome in.
Eventhough the sun is already kissing the sunset, U trust the miracle that will shine and I would be able to kiss the morning sunlight. Fear of losing my life but anytime I am ready. I submit everything to Him above and feel the moment like I am on my last hour of the day but I am still surviving because of the mission I am going to fulfilled one day.
I been having a time to warm up my body under the sunlight before the classes begin. So ole stretching ,bending and moving my hand left to right, up and down has the big deal to improve my lifestyle. Mission possible to accomplish and it is because for the people that I love.
Heres my food today.
*Simplest menu made up from vegetable, fish , eggs and rice. I need to eat rice because I have a lot of different ki d of medicine taken three times a day.
I got the budget, save for the next meal as well. If we eat a lot of yummy foods, we thought it would give us life life , instead , it slowly killing us and lost of a lot of money. Be careful all the time.
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day